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"A new University of Michigan-led international study finds that fruits and vegetables grown in urban farms and gardens have a carbon footprint that is, on average, six times greater than conventionally grown produce"

They're coming for our cabbage patch!

Patrick Wood (Technocracy News and Trends) reports ...

The totally irrational war on carbon is already destroying farmers all over the world because, they say, “the food system generates about 35 percent of total global man-made greenhouse gas emissions.” Now they are claiming that your urban garden is SIX TIMES WORSE! Brace for an all-out effort to ban or limit urban gardens for personal food production. I can already hear the climate crazies chanting, “Eat ze bugs!”

Univ. of Michigan spun this study out of taxpayer money. Yet, there is no understanding of the carbon/oxygen cycle of life. Green plants need CO2 to produce foliage, which gives off oxygen for us to breathe. When large greenhouses are constructed to grow things like tomatoes and lettuce, the first equipment to be installed is a CO2 generator/concentrator to enrich the air to maximize growth. I have never heard of a worker dying as a result of working in such an environment.

Here is one company that makes CO2 generators; their website says:

As a greenhouse owner, you know that carbon dioxide is one of the essential ingredients in green plant growth. Controlling the impact the outside environment has on the inside of your greenhouse helps balance the limiting factors for optimal plant growth.

A Johnson CO2 Generator automatically provides ideal carbon dioxide level when plants need it most, year round to maximize plant growth – efficiently & economically.

Another blog article explains:

Carbon dioxide enrichment is a powerful tool for enhancing crop yield, health and boosting the number of annual harvesting opportunities. By lessening the time to maturity, growers can also save money on heat and fertilization costs and reduce the amount of water used during crop production. Whether it comes from a compressed CO2 tank or a propane tank, a little bit of CO2 enrichment goes a long way in enhancing the profitability of a greenhouse.

Now the carbon loons ignore all this and say CO2 is bad and should be removed from atmosphere.

This crazy type of thinking needs to stop before it destroys the entire food systems of the world. ⁃ TN Editor

So here, ladies and gentlemen, is the latest cutting-edge international study led by the University of Michigan which will doubtless inform our new gardening styles well into the future.

We must plan ahead now, it's never too soon.

Sadly it appears that they may inexplicably have neglected to estimate the contribution to global warming from the exhalations of the urban gardeners themselves, but I don't doubt that this omission will be corrected in due course.

And who knows, perhaps they will soon be publishing topical hints and tips on the raising of crickets mealworms and other approved substitutes for our Sunday roast, that we can tend right on our own urban plots?

I can't wait.