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Deep Dives

  • Billy Carson Challenges Our World-View


    Billy Carson does seem to have made a considerable study of a world history that defies the normal narrative. Author of the "Compendium of the Emerald Tablets - A Beginner's Guide", here he describes some "newer" discoveries to tax our credulity. Being American he speaks fast enough to defeat the subtitling algorithm rather too frequently, but the video is already an hour long, and he does cram in a lot of information...

    (60 minutes)


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  • View From Behind the Donbass Front


    The war in the Ukraine has been a long time coming - so what has been going on? What will be going on?

    And where does all the kit that the West sends to the Ukraine end up?

    This is the view from an American(!) on the far side - you won't find it on the BBC, and I have no way to verify what is said. But at least it's in English. It's your judgement.

    "Russell "Texas" Bentley is an American who has served in the DNR militia and has seen the entire conflict in the Donbass from 2014 on"

    (32 minutes)




  • Grappling the Big Ugly


    We are at the peak of collectivism, and we are grappling with it in order to preserve / regenerate our right to do our own thinking, come to our conclusions, and live our lives accordingly.

    As a one-time fencer, the concept of grappling with one's opponent is a bit foreign, but close-quarter fencing (as may ensue following a failed attack) is probably the closest it gets. It's messy!

    Clif is a great raconteur, and his ruminations on grappling and karma are captivating (depending on your inclination!):

    (44 minutes)


    Clif isn't one to talk too directly of matters spiritual, although his discussion on karmans (or I should say karma) comes very close. 

    By comparison, Martin Geddes is rethinking his world on

  • Faster, Ever Faster, the World Hurtles Onward ... toward What Exactly?


    This may be an article primarily for politiheads, but we do well to heed the admonishment that the fact that we take no interest in politics does not mean that politics takes no interest in us.

    Once again UK Column host an article that points up the discordant fact that a seemingly innocuous word used by the WEF-UN putative global dictatorship is now cropping up relatively meaninglessly in many governmental announcements around the world.


    No, me neither.

    So what could it really mean, decoded into the King's English of the common man?

    "Representative democracy, which both Right and the Left wrongly imagine 'democracy' to be, is a system designed to centralise political control and authority, thereby limiting sovereignty to the select few who claim the power to wield it"


  • It's the NHS Jim, But Not as We Know It


    This is a must-read update from Debi Evans, courtesy of UK Column, that brings us up to date with the maulings/reorganisations that our "much loved" NHS offerings are shortly to suffer/introduce.

    As seemingly always nowadays, the emphasis is on removing the need for anybody to actually see anybody in the physical world, replacing the familiar Doctor's waiting room with a plethora of unfamiliar digital access mechanisms that ensure that you will probably never again see the same person twice. Indeed you yourself will no longer be a person, just an avatar in a metaverse watching an advice video, speaking with an AI, or (if lucky) another avatar.

    Do read on (deep dive!), you won't want to miss this historic update.


  • Another Perspective on Our Fractured World


    Who were the "Khazarian Mafia", who are they, and where are they now?

    I have not seen this thesis linked in this way previously, but it draws together a great many threads that previously seemed very like loose ends, and casts world history in a new light, even if in 15 minutes it necessarily leaves out a large amount.

    Useful but not comprehensive, and in the realms of joining the dots rather than presenting firm fact. Much of it is also proposed by Clif High (recommended), who seems to know all about everything.

    The inimitable Max Igan narrates...

    (15 minutes)



  • We Are All Doomed!


    Matterhorn Asset Management has been looking after its clients physical gold and precious metals for years. 

    So they know a thing or two about these markets and financial markets in general.

    Their latest article reviews current markets in accordance with the broad sweep of historical precedent, and finds them wanting.

    "The above scenario is the inevitable consequence of a world that has lived above its means for a century and especially since 1971"

    The purpose here is not to cry doom and gloom but to warn their customers (and us!) of what they believe is likely to happen in the coming months and years. And of course they exist to persuade you to buy gold and have them store it for you - but few of our readership will be in that category, given their minimum holdings rules

  • 500 New Vaccines by 2030?


    "Dr. Rima Laibow joins us to discuss the WHO Pandemic Treaty, and her extensive research over the years into this corrupt, genocidal organisation"

    I think that adequately sets the scene...

    (68 minutes)


     See more from Zeee Media.


  • Are You Denying my Humanity?


    There but for the grace of God go we all.

    Sometimes we need a reminder of times we would prefer to forget, lest similar circumstances should arise again.

    (95 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Mind Your Ps and Qs


    This video is not for everyone - for a start it's over three hours long and most of us don't have that sort of spare time unless we really are wanting to know more about the topic.

    But it is a presentation by somebody who does claim to have made a considerable study of the subject matter, and I've only really found one other who has done the same.

    So which Ps and Qs are we talking about here? 

    Popcorn and Quavers?

    Perceptions and Quandaries?

    Presidents and Q(ANONs)?

    This is a deep dive indeed - and it's about all of these things (but I don't think it covers the snack versions).

    " ... the most sophisticated, widespread, psychological

  • Not Safe - Unprecedented Harms


    Oracle Films' documentary on the Covid "vaccine". 

    And the consequences.

    (55 minutes)


    Show your appreciation here.

  • Making Sense of History


    It has been said that history is rewritten by the victors, but this exposition suggests that it is written by those who never - ever - give up.

    Whilst this covers a good few centuries, its unifying theme is clear and almost certainly controversial (although the idea that the Vatican has been involved in historical power struggles is not at all controversial to the English).

    This is a veritable tour de force, first posted on Bitchute 15 months ago, and recently reposted. Whatever your religious beliefs or none, this is primarily a historical video that I suggest is required viewing - after all, it might just be substantially accurate...

    (2 hrs 54)



  • MHRA - 20 Sep 2022 Board Meeting


    If you ever wondered what the MHRA gets up to, here, courtesy of UK Column, is their September board meeting.

    If you find this interesting, that's great, but remember that you may not have enough lifetimes available to translate their newspeak, navigate their diversions, and penetrate their obfuscations, in order to pin any misdemeanour upon them.

    So either nail the key point (horrendous vaccine injury rates on their watch) or find something more productive to do with your time .

    (2 hrs 22 mins)



  • Everything About the New World Agenda


    If you have been following this site you may know much of this already, but Stop World Control has pulled together much of the history of the quest for world domination, together with the means now being deployed to achieve it, in a nicely presented (albeit with a few typos) but humungous page covering all the main bases.

    The "what", the "how", the "who", the "where", the "whither" and the "insanity" are all covered, together with some suggestions on how to get it all stopped.

    Steel yourself.

    Worth reviewing.


  • UK & EU Energy Costs Explained by Yanis Varoufakis et al


    Yanis Varoufakis is always good value for sound logical analysis and excellent clarity of exposition.

    Here he examines the UK's simulation of a competitive power market. Want to know why you're paying more for power? 

    Pay attention...   and be prepared to be amazed.

    "... if you do that... we would have had back in March a reduction... in the average price of electricity, of more than 50%... without any subsidisation... without the state borrowing money... without anything"

    "This is a clear-cut case of destroying the capacity of the majority of Europeans to make ends meet... "

    "The only people who benefit from the sanctions on Russian gas and oil, are the Russian oligarchs and the European oligarchs"

    (56 minutes - 24 minutes of Yanis Varoufakis, 5 minutes of Johannes Fehr re Germany,

  • Ukraine - the Smothering of Bodies, Hearts, Minds, and Souls


    Celia Farber of the Truth Barrier is someone that expresses those feelings of unease and concern that many of us feel but rarely articulate - and then goes and does something about them.

    Her recent contribution on Substack reflects much that many think about the situation in the Ukraine, and then goes on to address the points raised.

    "... the hawks are literally in every inch of mind and air-space, making sure you can’t even think about wanting to understand “both sides” of the conflict, never mind the shocking, twisted history of Ukraine and the US"

    Unmissable reading.


  • War by Misinformation


    The Chris Hedges Report delves into the whys and wherefores of media reporting purposes in the Ukraine war.

    War will inevitably be affected by public opinion, as was demonstrated by the Vietnam war when a great protest movement helped to bring it to an end.

    Chris Hedges interviews Patrick Lawrence, both of them veteran reporters of previous conflicts who can compare current press methods and practices with those of yesteryear.

    Some of us remember the BBC's intrepid war correspondent Kate Adie - the absence of front-line reporters such as Kate from the Ukraine is remarkable for any leading news organisation, but unforgivable for our "national treasure". I'm not necessarily saying that Kate was an unbiased war correspondent (my memory isn't that good and I was less critical in those days), but she was at least nominally reporting from the front.

    This is perhaps a bit laboured, but if you stick with it I think

  • Peace Through State Care?


    I don't think there is anything new in this video that has not been said elsewhere, but sometimes its useful to recap on past events that would otherwise be swallowed up in the maelstrom of past history.

    "... it all makes sense only when you force yourself to think the impossible" - Dr Mike Yeadon

    (85 minutes)


  • Peace Through GITMO?


    Janet Ossebaard (of Fall of the Cabal fame) is not your average conspiracy theorist, but a dedicated researcher of the truth who has done far more to spread the said truth than any mainstream media.

    I don't suppose she gets everything right, but I accord her huge respect. If this video came from anybody else, I would hesitate to feature it, but maybe it's time to face facts.

    Yes, truth is stranger than fiction.

    And it's your view that counts...

    (2 hrs 38 mins)



  • The New World Religion Gets the Go Ahead


    I suppose it's entirely logical that after the NWO we now meet the NWR - the New World Religion.

    What is a "religion"?

    Maybe we should start by asking what a religion is not...

    A religion is not based on logic and irrefutable scientific evidence. It may be based upon ancient scriptures, but humans are notoriously fallible and so cannot be trusted to transcribe the "word of God" without deliberately or inadvertently corrupting it. So we must make the best of what we have and create dogmas that reflect our intentions. 

    Organised Religion is based primarily upon dogma. Doctrines that may or may not be true, but are held to be true as an act of faith. You accept them or you don't.

    Organised religions (Catholic Church etc) lay great store by their dogma, and control their adherents by priests who have been carefully trained to indoctrinate their flock in their dogma.
