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Deep Dives

  • Michael Tellinger Reviews the Sweep of Human History


    "... science and astronomy is forcing us to reconsider everything we know about our human origins and how we suddenly appeared on this planet some 250,000 years ago as a new species called Homo sapiens"

    There's nothing like a history lesson to place current events into context...

    "... we know nothing about ancient civilisations, nothing about our real history, who we are, where we come from, why we're here, we need to start again and ... there's a new body of evidence that we need to start dealing with"

    "Somehow, along the way, somebody changed the meaning of that word"

    (105 minutes)


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  • Scott Ritter Explains the Latest Ukraine Developments


    Billions of dollars of NATO equipment and a diversionary manoeuvre...

    Scott Ritter explains what has been going in the Ukraine, and how he sees the options developing.

    "The Russians are designed to defeat a NATO army"

    "... this is one of the greatest intelligence failures of modern times... " 

    "... you basically lost everything... "

    (96 minutes)


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  • Something to Remember When The Future Looks Grim


    This has got to be the greatest conspiracy theory of our times, and probably since the great flood in the time of Noah.

    Many people will be shocked and outraged by this content because it challenges everything we believe about the world we have lived in all our lives. If you are not yet prepared to consider wholesale revisions to your worldview...  best leave this page now.

    "Everything ... and I mean everything, is a lie"

    It's a story of dreadful crimes against children that have been endemic for centuries, even millennia.

    It's also the story of the Cabal's plan to depopulate the earth and enslave what remains of humanity as their "servants" under the technocratic control of AI.

    It's also a story of remarkable courage, decades of planning, and astonishingly bold action to bring all that to an abrupt (on the historical scale) and final end -

  • The Monetary and Financial War for World Domination


    A short history of the continuing economic war for world domination over the last 200 years. Or thereabouts.

    Whilst I'm not sure that this presentation is correct in all respects, it is certainly a revealing summary of how the financiers managed to corner the profits of industry world-wide, and why that has come to an end.

    One can readily see that the Great Game is financial economic and military.

    And we must not forget the plentiful use of deceit and propaganda.

    One can quibble with the definitions of words such as "neo-liberals" "socialism" and "progressive", but the gist of what has been going on is reasonably clear.

    (55 minutes)


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  • 9/11 - 21 Year Anniversary Review


    The destruction of the twin towers in Manhattan resulted in the deaths of around 3000 people, ushering in the "war on terror". 

    It was followed up by an official report that many in the civil engineering fraternity flat-out rejected as totally implausible.

    The official blanking of all the professional criticism that ensued raised the alarming thought that this was an inside job that had to be kept covered up come what may.

    This sober film has been made to show the world why that narrative is still unbelievable and still contended, 21 years later.

    "... there is no obligation for the government to issue a truthful report"

    (2hrs 43mins)


    Also from UK Column we have David Scott and Alex Thomson talking to John Cullen about UK Column, the treatment of the population by the World Government's subversion programme, and the treatment of statistics by the official sources:

    (1 hr

  • The Covid Story from an Insider


    Paul E Alexander worked for the WHO and then the Trump Administration in April 2020, trying to make sense of the best response to the virus.

    The Brownstone Institute presents this interview for those who would like more information about the "office politics" of the pandemic.

    Don't miss.

    (86 minutes).

    Watch here.


  • SELECTION CODE - The Movie


    This video is all about the US Election Fraud issue - an issue which isn't apparently guided by the evidence, but by political allegiance.

    If there was nothing to hide, why bother to hide it?

    Let's have the evidence (if any) out in the open where everyone can see it for what it is.

    Until then, the accusations and insults will continue. This is surely the biggest and most dishonestly handled issue in the USA today, and I can't see how they can allow this to fester indefinitely.

    This video gives us a potted history of US voting, the politics of voting, and the evidence for (and humour around) corruptible voting.

    "[S]ELECTION CODE is a political thriller uncovering a secret so critical to the survival of America it transcends political parties. It is not about correcting the past. It’s about correcting the future"

    Are We Staring at 2008 All Over Again?


    Bob Lyddon writing for Brexit Watch takes us through his assessment of the strength or weakness of the UK banking system, and doesn't like what he sees...

    He suggests that the same risks are playing out now in our domestic banking industry as in 2008 - it's just that we call them by different names.

    And yes, it's all about the mortgage market and property valuations. Whilst property valuations exceed mortgage balances, all is well, but when mortgage balances exceed property valuations and people can no longer afford mortgage repayments...

    Worth reading.

  • Brian Rose Gives David Icke Free Rein - Nbr 7


    Brian Rose of London Real may not be everybody's cup of tea, and David Icke certainly has been widely regarded as somewhat "out there" - but maybe current times are also now sufficiently "out there" for David to seem relevant to a great many more of us than hitherto.

    At the best part of three hours this is a long interview. Whilst I say "interview", Brian has the good sense to let David do the talking, and he doesn't disappoint.

    When I considered this for a slot on my site, I certainly didn't plan to watch the whole three hours (life is much too short), but...  it became inevitable, I was hooked.

    You may or may not agree with what is said (and I haven't decided yet either) but he certainly brings a new perspective to life on this earth, and - lo and behold! - like all the best things in life,  it's all actually quite simple in principle.

  • Boris' Pandemic - Jennifer Arcuri


    Jennifer Arcuri (one-time pre-Carrie friend of Boris) talks to Hearts of Oak about how she regards the prime minister, the man and the role and the pandemic.

    "Whatever happened to the guy at the top, that's not him... some kind of parasite that has infested inside parliament... we're going to see these guys follow like robots... "

    It's not exactly a calmly-presented thesis, but we must all make our own judgement as to the interpretation we should best put upon it.

    My guess is that this should be obligatory viewing for Tory party members, closely followed by anybody who still believes that their vote counts.

    (53 minutes)



  • Dietary Advice - Is It All It's Cracked Up to Be?


    "The focus on our immune systems, which has inevitably followed on from the "Covid Experience", brings us to the topic of how we should support our immune system if we wish to stay healthy in our modern age of novel risk factors.

    Leaving aside Big Pharma's implied narrative that all we need is another vaccine, I think it reasonably self-evident that primarily, "we are what we eat".

    It's a reasonable assumption that stuff that we eat (and drink!) every day probably has a pretty big effect on our health. We know that if we ingest poisonous substances such as cyanide then our health can immediately suffer, so it stands to reason that stuff that we ingest affects our health either for good or for ill.

    We know a fair bit about the out-and-out poisons because their effects tend to be both immediate and drastic, but we know a great deal less about which foods are best for our health because (a) we eat a personal mixture of foods prepared in a huge variety of

  • Another Documentary to Tell Us What is Going On


    No, it's not merely about the pandemic. It's about why the pandemic was created.

    "No-one is ever going to educate you on how to overthrow them"

    "... to turn self-contained healthy humans into poisoned, ignorant consumers completely dependent on the institutions for their survival"

    "... they steal openly through fees, licences, and taxes, and covertly through inflation, fractional reserve lending, bail-outs... "  

    "... you never buy anything with money, you buy it with the hours of your life you used to get that money... "

    "... the livestock population is getting too large and too wise to control effectively... "

    "... the media simply changed the topic of the global conversation... "

    "... you are more likely

  • Political Show Trial - the Jan 6 Committee


    Diana West explains the situation in America to Peter Mcilvenna.

    What is the Jan 6 Committee, what is it up to and why is it so controversial?

    "I couldn't believe that there were 900 that are languishing in gaol, without any rights... "

    "America has unravelled ... we are actually occupied by a revolutionary force... the historical parallels to the Great Terror of the French Revolution... are quite strong"

    "... we are looking at the consolidation of a revolutionary commune, very much like what we saw in the French Revolution... "

    (49 minutes)



  • Digital World Brain? Bring it On!


    I hesitate to bring you more of the same ilk, because there can't be too many who haven't yet read about the UN's obsession with linking us all up to a world government internet that will "enhance" our thinking heating and eating choices to be more in line with their Agenda 2030.

    To this end we will all be offered (or maybe jabbed with) a human interface and control chip that will do away with the need for bank cards, mobile phones and such-like - just wave your hand at the check-out and you will be told if your purchase is acceptable, and your account will be posted accordingly.

    Did the system make a mistake? Of course not, so no need for tiresome help lines manned by human operators, just accept the decision and move on. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is too important to become snared in human foibles and frailties.

    Indeed, you can see why enhanced controls are needed because the

  • Down the Rabbit Hole with Ben


    Benjamin Fulford is a serious journalist, and someone who quite possibly has the best grasp of global geopolitical dynamics anywhere to be found.

    He is currently (it being summer) enjoying a traditional summer holiday, but meanwhile he has pre-written and pre-recorded his usual weekly articles and videos.

    His Monday article this week (you can skip the initial videos) will be found challenging by many, possibly to the point of outright rejection, but the trouble is that his logic does as always seem impeccable.

    In this article he doesn't update us with the latest goings-on, rather with the ancient goings-on of old. His conclusion will up-end the world-view of not a few, and will shock many to their very marrow.

    But my old friend Mr Logic is not to be overcome - if Ben is wrong then he is wrong because of information unknown or assumptions unwarranted, not because of faulty reasoning.


  • Reversing Autism / Vaccine-Induced Autism?


    We haven't featured Dr Fuellmich recently but he is still working, and this session 116 is potentially very important.

    Autism is an undoubted and growing curse, and anything that makes a dent in this tendency is to be welcomed.

    Dr Wodarg correctly gives the witness a hard time, but that doesn't invalidate the process of collecting the evidence that is available, nor does it invalidate that evidence even if it may not be strictly conclusive in a court of law.

    "... the human body has the capability of repairing itself from absolutely anything... "

    "... they can't transfect all of them - this is why they want repeated injections, because this is a cloning process, and they have to keep the body poisoned in order for this technology to work... "

    "... when the body is put back into a state of homeostasis (or balanced pH) then the

  • May You Live in Interesting Times!


    As the summer heatwave drags on and we contemplate the fate of the nation and of the world, a little diversion down the memory lane of English History serves to put our current travails into perspective.

    If like me you never achieved more than 25% in History classes, this short summary serves the triple purposes of reminding us of the far more trying circumstances of our ancestors, the insignificance of the incidental historical dates with which we were force-fed at school, and the enduring use of convenient narratives, pushed by the various protagonists for their own profit and convenience rather than for the good of the population.

    Yes, we live in interesting times today, but perhaps not half as directly interesting as those of our forebears (although perhaps slightly more global in reach).

