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Matterhorn Asset Management has been looking after its clients physical gold and precious metals for years. 

So they know a thing or two about these markets and financial markets in general.

Their latest article reviews current markets in accordance with the broad sweep of historical precedent, and finds them wanting.

"The above scenario is the inevitable consequence of a world that has lived above its means for a century and especially since 1971"

The purpose here is not to cry doom and gloom but to warn their customers (and us!) of what they believe is likely to happen in the coming months and years. And of course they exist to persuade you to buy gold and have them store it for you - but few of our readership will be in that category, given their minimum holdings rules ...

Bear in mind that cycles never repeat exactly, and some suggest that central bankers may be in for a rude surprise which may change the rules of the game ...  but hey - cycles are cycles for all that.