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  • The Eurozone's Ever Expanding Financial Black Holes


    Bob Lyddon writing for Brexit Watch lifts the lid on some of the EU's financial aspects that many would prefer to keep under wraps. The problem is that such aspects have a tendency to burst through their wraps at times of stress, and it's clear that current times do indeed involve more stress than usual - indeed, so much stress that most people prefer not to notice it any more, because there is little that they can individually do about it.

    Still, the stresses are not yet abating, and we would be wise to think about these issues - the UK is still on the hook for some not insignificant liabilities, courtesy of Theresa's Withdrawal Agreement, even as subsequently amended by Boris, so yes, this involves us.

    Mind you, I'm not sure that supervision by any "global financial regulator" is the answer - would they not be just as likely to try to bury the offending issues under yet more layers of impenetrable financial-speak

  • Call to Arms from The Freedom Cycle


    This call to arms from the Freedom Cycle reports on the latest intention of the Bernician to launch a legal prosecution of the alleged British criminals behind the Covid crimes against the British people.

    This has been a long time in gestation - understandably so since the prosecution envisaged will if successful up-end our Parliament, Civil Service, NHS, UKHSA, MHRA, and likely much more.

    It is probably no exaggeration to suggest that it will ultimately lead to a new constitution reconfirming Common Law as the primary legal

  • Remember, Remember the ... World as it Used to Be?


    This little number is a deliberately provocative piece of... well, I'm not sure... whimsy? imagination? deception? conditioning of expectation? or just plain broadening of the mind?

    I don't know the answer to that, but I think it's a question that all thinking people should take note of, in case the answer turns out to surprise us.

    I'm beginning to think that nothing could surprise me any more, but given that all knowledge is now deemed resident on the internet, which is no more than a baby repository at a mere 20 years of age (most of it much less), it does fit very neatly into the challenging notion being presented.

    After all, to hide knowledge away for ever it would now only be necessary to avoid it's transfer into electronic form. Only the the most dedicated researchers now resort to hunting down and poring through paper records - it's far too inconvenient.

    So how absurd is absurd? I'm quite prepared to

  • Is Europe being Set Ablaze?


    The Mail On-Line reports from Europe. Are the MSM finally beginning to report some truth, or are these protests all part of the narrative?

    Belgian protests are clearly getting out of hand, if these pictures are to be believed.

    But why is a protester in Belgium waving the Union flag of the United Kingdom?

    Austria isn't taking its Covid medicine lying down either:

    "more than 40,000 people marched through Vienna to protest against a lockdown and plans to make vaccinations compulsory"

    Nor are the Dutch:

    "the first major demonstration in the Netherlands against last week's measures, which include a night-time closure of bars, restaurants and most stores

  • Circling the Wagons around the Growing Abyss


    Once more Benjamin Fulford publishes his Monday report on the slow financial strangulation of the mafia that we can now believe has been and is still just about ruling the world. Or the western parts anyway.

    As always, worth reading. (Although you will need a modest subscription - recommended - to read the full article, the free section is still informative).

    With the Omicron scariant being remorselessly puffed right across the western world (despite seemingly having no discernible effect on real sickness levels), European leaders are apparently queuing up to hint that the Nuremberg Code is now obsolete and should be scrapped. What are they afraid of?

    "In other words, she admits she’s a war criminal who wants to carry out medical treatment based on lies and against people’s will"

    Of course they still

  • Remember Remember 21st December


    This is the latest (as of today) offering from The Bernician.

    I have no more information than you, so make of it what you will.


    See also: The Bernician:- "The Midazolam Murders" and "Wayne Smith ... Whistleblower"

    At time of writing, the papers in the MM case do not seem to have yet been laid in court.  


  • "Over 1200 Pfizer Vaccine Deaths within the First 90 Days"


    "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the first batch of documents related to Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine after a federal judge ordered that they must comply with a massive Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that was filed by a government accountability group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency"

    Gateway Pundit reports, 2nd December.

    "FDA challenged the FOIA request in court. After the agency was told that it must turn over the documents, Justice Department lawyers representing the FDA asked a federal judge to allow them an unthinkable 55 years to process the request"

    "in just the first 90 days

  • "Synthetic Biology" Key to (Great?) Reset of Living Systems


    The WEF (World Economic Forum) - who else?! -  "proclaims a scientific human reset is near because 'Synthetic biology lies at the intersection of an ageing population, climate change and environmental degradation' ".


    "Lessons learned from COVID-19 vaccines could advance synthetic biology"


    So these vaccines are a test-bed for "synthetic biology"? 

    Was that mentioned anywhere on the "informed consent" package insert?

    No matter, perhaps by the time the legal niceties have been sorted out it will all be over.

    Technocracy News and Trends has the story.

    Did Little Fiji Just Kick Off the Greater Reset?


    If you didn't yet read UN / WHO R.I.P. - Long Live the GPRC / GHWC !  then perhaps it would be as well to do so before going any further.

    Indeed, at time of writing, the subject matter is the lead article on the GPRC home page.

    Fiji has had a troubled history as part of the British Empire, then the Commonwealth, and now as an independent republic.

    Their indigenous people had little use for money and recent governments have not managed the monetary situation very well (join the club!).

    I'm no expert on Fijian politics, so it's best if I leave the task of further explanation in better hands.

    "The GIA has ratified intelligence agencies in every country in the world and stands as the only legally recognized

  • Fear Fuels the World


    This is only superficially about the vaccines. It is clearly primarily about control.

    It is still about control even if we accept that governments are acting out of concern for our health (although setting about demonstrators with batons and water-cannon may be thought an unsuitable way to demonstrate such concern).

    "I see that in Germany, politicians are also considering interning the 'vaccine hesitant', and are also discussing enforcing vaccination upon every citizen"

    "Recently they put up fences in the streets in Hamburg, to separate the Bad Unvaxxed from the Good

  • Down the Rabbit Hole 2 - Vaccines Clones and the Cabal


    Those of us struggling to make sense of the current world goings-on realise that many of these don't make sense when considered against a traditional world view-point.

    Why did more or less the whole world in concert abandon all their prepared pandemic response plans in favour of previously deprecated measures like lockdowns and masks as soon as Covid-19 appeared?

    Why did the world's panic continue when the government's own skewed statistics showed that Covid is more or less as survivable as influenza (and much better than that for children)?

    Why did all medical regulatory bodies ignore and

  • Down the Rabbit Hole - 1


    As humans, we like simplicity - hot or cold, true or false, ill or well, love or hate, simple or complex, fast or slow, drunk or sober, solvent or broke, etc.

    We know that the world is not like that. The world can recognise many shades of in-between - warm or cold, glass half-empty/half-full, like or dislike, etc. But sometimes it helps us to express ourselves if we exaggerate a little toward that extreme to which we are inclined.

    When we consider what we should believe, this creates some problems - we subconsciously gravitate towards the extremes of belief or denial, because it's easier than trying to calibrate likelihoods of truth or falsehood. Indeed, any specific proposition before us may well contain elements of both extremes. We may tend to make the binary choice instead of taking the less decisive label of "I don't know - file under 'undecided' ".

    Given the current state of the world, I have come to terms with the fact that there are a great many

  • American Heart Association: mRNA COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk


    American Heart Association Journal 'Circulation' publishes Abstract 10712 concerning the effect of mRNA jabs on the heart:

    "Our group has been using the PLUS Cardiac Test (GD Biosciences, Inc, Irvine, CA) a clinically validated measurement of multiple protein biomarkers which generates a score predicting the 5 yr risk (percentage chance) of a new Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)"

    "Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines (vac) by Moderna and Pfizer, dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients"

    "We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination"


  • Brownstone Institute - Covid America Today


    The latest newsletter from the Brownstone Institute ("Giving Tuesday" - no prizes for guessing one aspect of this communication!) is featured today not because I want you give them money (that's for you to decide) but because they bring us quite nicely up to date with a summary of how things are across the pond.

    Biden's v*x mandate is in trouble in the courts:

    "The decision proves that good sense is not entirely gone. There are still judges and citizens out there who care about freedom"

    They also remark on the current mood of the US nation as they see it, and the difference that they have set out to make:

    "this speaks to a main message that arrives in our inboxes daily: thank you for helping me realize that I’m not insane but rather that science, reason, and humane values still matter"

    Not so different from the UK then.


  • Toxic Covid Vax Batches Carefully Deployed in the USA?


    Was there method in the deployment of the 5% of batches that were found to cause the vast majority of adverse events?

    This video takes us through the results of tabulation and graphing of adverse events from the US VAERS system, by vaccine manufacturer and date. The results are striking.

    (28 minutes) (If you see a "502 Bad gateway" (or similar) below, try again shortly...)


    The conclusion that "they" were deliberately calibrating levels of toxic dosage against numbers affected seems very pertinent. Although one can't rule out some benign technical reason for this observed pattern of results, given the suspicion of coordination between the different manufacturers

  • Useful Perspective on the New Scariant - and Covid Chronicles Announcement


    As so often we turn to Ivor Cummins for a cool look at the topic of virus variants.

    Those with not very long memories will still remember the fuss surrounding the Alpha and Delta variants - the fact that this new one is the Omicron (greek for letter 'o') variant tells us how many letters-variants we have skipped-ignored since those days. Why were we not told?!


    Like / Dislike this video here. Or not - perhaps he upset someone?

    Also here Ivor and Donal discuss the facts on the ground in South Africa - how does the real impact of the new variant on South Africa contrast with the reaction of the rest of the world, and likely knock-on effect of the new travel restrictions on South

  • Is there a Link between Covid vaccines and Heart Attacks? What Risk for Children?


    Given the number of athletes and others who are collapsing with heart problems in recent weeks,  this is a serious question, yet as ever our authorities are loath to admit any possibility of linkage, whilst they remain determined to vaccinate the entire population against a disease that the stats show is little more deadly than the seasonal flu - and primarily carries away the elderly with comorbidities.

    "Irrational" doesn't begin to describe it.

    The primary difference between 2020 (no athletes collapsing) and 2021 (athletes and others collapsing) is the vaccine roll-out - the possibility of a

  • Excess Lockdown Deaths in the UK - 10,000 Due to Cancer?


    In an age when it sometimes seems that nobody is allowed to do anything as simple as climbing a ladder without first commissioning a risk assessment, it does seem extraordinary that our UK government did not even attempt a cost-benefit-analysis-cum-risk-assessment before implementing its various lockdowns. After all, the dangers to the nation could hardly have been greater, so surely some serious justification was required before we overthrew decades of pandemic planning?

    Even if there was no time in February/March, there was opportunity to review that first lockdown in retrospect to assess whether it was successful in mitigating the pandemic impact whilst minimising the side-effects. After all, at the very least we should have used it as a learning opportunity to inform future pandemic planning.

    So must we conclude that the government didn't and still doesn't want to know whether the benefits outweighed the costs?

    The Epoch Times reports on the latest

  • Meanwhile in the EU, PESCO Marches On


    Brexit Watch brings us up to date with the latest "defence" news from the EU.

    Since the UK left the EU we are not formally part of PESCO, but the door is left ajar for states that wish to participate - on the EU's terms or course.

    "The latest projects... include aerial drones, naval surface drones, space assets, space asset protection and a platform for EU Member States to rebuild the military institutions of non-EU states"

    "2025 is also the year targeted as the date by which the EU achieves what it calls a ‘Fully Fledged Defence Union"

    Since "the Donald" told the NATO nations to contribute their fair share to the NATO costs, the EU has been busy building its own military capability. After all, if you have to pay for it, you should retain control of it - and the EU has built dual-purpose forces that can be deployed either under the NATO

  • The "Bioweapon" isn't Going Away - Here's Why


    What "bioweapon"?

    Karen Kingston, reportedly a former Pfizer employee, tells what she knows to Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com.