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Bob Lyddon writing for Brexit Watch lifts the lid on some of the EU's financial aspects that many would prefer to keep under wraps. The problem is that such aspects have a tendency to burst through their wraps at times of stress, and it's clear that current times do indeed involve more stress than usual - indeed, so much stress that most people prefer not to notice it any more, because there is little that they can individually do about it.

Still, the stresses are not yet abating, and we would be wise to think about these issues - the UK is still on the hook for some not insignificant liabilities, courtesy of Theresa's Withdrawal Agreement, even as subsequently amended by Boris, so yes, this involves us.

Mind you, I'm not sure that supervision by any "global financial regulator" is the answer - would they not be just as likely to try to bury the offending issues under yet more layers of impenetrable financial-speak whilst kicking the can yet further down the ever-dwindling remains of the road?

Read all about it.