The WEF (World Economic Forum) - who else?! - "proclaims a scientific human reset is near because 'Synthetic biology lies at the intersection of an ageing population, climate change and environmental degradation' ".
Ooh-Er ...
"Lessons learned from COVID-19 vaccines could advance synthetic biology"
So these vaccines are a test-bed for "synthetic biology"?
Was that mentioned anywhere on the "informed consent" package insert?
No matter, perhaps by the time the legal niceties have been sorted out it will all be over.
Technocracy News and Trends has the story.
Funnily enough I also came across this little number from NotOnTheBeeb concerning the findings of those who have nothing better to do ("Spanish teams under Dr Campra of Almeria University") than examine samples of vaccines under a microscope and to speculate about what they see.
So have the jabbed had their chips, so to speak? I've no idea, but I'm happy to report that none of my jabbed acquaintances have fallen over yet. As of time of writing.
Don't panic, as Dad's Army use to say.
It will all come out in the wash.