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That the world is in a terrible state is more or less unarguable.

The precise extent of that terrible state is indeed arguable, and Iurie Roșca (published in Technocracy News and Trends) makes a good fist of putting it in the worst possible light - together with plenty of good supporting evidence, just in case we were doubtful.

In fact, it's very hard to argue the opposite case in conventional terms, since the Deep State, after many years of preparation, does seem to have all the angles covered.

Therefore, only a huge upset in conventional thinking can bring the Deep State house down, and usher in a different future.

But before that can be achieved, it's necessary to understand the full extent of our peril.

As always, the devil is in the unwritten and largely unconscious assumptions that we habitually make.

We have been trained all our lives to look up to and acquiesce to authority, on the assumption that "authority" has our best interests at heart, and even if it doesn't, it's necessary in order to maintain an orderly society.

But do these assumptions necessarily hold?

All the evidence currently stacking up shows that "no they don't - quite the reverse in fact", and this revelation is growing every day. At some point, it will reach critical mass, and then what?

I don't know, we've never been in such a global situation before.

But what if we individually, and then collectively, decide that, you know what: this is an authority that we didn't ask for, never voted for, isn't ours, is devious and untruthful, and we can do better by making our own future; thank you for your invitation, but we decline ...  (the French might put it in more direct terms!)

I wonder how that could work out?

We may be about to find out.