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Mahyar Tousi reports.

(15 minutes)


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Whilst the coming together of the (very) fragmented opposition parties may be applauded, it's worth bearing in mind that defeating the main parties in a bye-election, whilst a positive move, will have little impact upon our controlled political system.

It's plain now for all to see that whatever party gets into "power", true power lies behind the scenes with the party funders and controllers, and politics is just the show that they hope will convince the voters that we have some sort of influence. It's "bread and circuses" ad infinitum.

UKIP demonstrated that when an opposition party gets too big for its boots, it gets subverted from within, discredited, fragmented, and destroyed (I had a ring-side seat).

Ultimately the way forward will be to promote bottom-up government over top-down government. Only then can we have government "of the people by the people and for the people", which necessarily involves we the people taking control - it will require a complete paradigm-shift: 

(a) Neuter the political parties - MPs' allegiance must be to their constituents only and their funding should be from their constituents, likewise for local councillors

(b) "Arms-length" QUANGOs (and political parties!) should all be independent of government and funded voluntarily by individuals

(c) Extra-government regulators should be abolished as they are effectively unaccountable

(c) Devolve all powers that can be devolved to the lowest possible level

(d) Remove coercion in all its forms - replace taxation by crowd-funding (we will abolish waste and have money left over!), crown courts by common law courts, central responsibility by local responsibility

(e) Corporate (limited liability) status should be abolished - every corporate should be liable as partnerships and individuals are liable

(f) I'm not a fan of book-burning, except for the Statute Book that nobody has a hope of understanding and is good for nothing other than lining lawyers' pockets. "Respect the truth always" and "Treat others as we would like them to treat us" should be sufficient - "on these two commandments hang all the laws and the prophets".

You could summarise all this as "back to basics". We need to cut out all the complication and keep in mind the real need.

These are just my thoughts - we are all free to disagree - but I put them forward as ideas for consideration - none of this may happen overnight but we need a vision of where we would like our government to be headed, or we will just muddle along for ever.

The time for fresh thinking is coming, and we should be ready with exactly that.

If we the people are not ready, there are many who are only too ready to continue the existing farce with a shiny new coat of distractions to keep us occupied, whilst they pose as our rescuers.