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Our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series deals with matters that many would dismiss as fanciful speculation of unproven (and even unevidenced) nature - wishful thinking on steroids if you like.

Yet there is a great deal of it "out there".

I personally am not so arrogant as to dismiss it all out of hand - there are many things we don't understand about this life, and grounds to believe that much has perhaps intentionally been hidden from us.

There are also many things going on right now that we don't fully understand, and for myself I have learned of so many matters unsuspected since I started this site, that I can no longer dismiss the outlandish as ... well, merely outlandish. My outlandish may be somebody else's lived experience.

From ancient artefacts and scriptures of all kinds, ancient monuments both on land and beneath the sea, even crop circles indicate a purpose and a hidden history still to be unravelled.

So I'm not going to apologise for delving occasionally beyond the completely rational into other realms of possibility that some say may be about to change our existence for ever. There may be truth to it!

So buckle up, and suspend your disbelief, if only until you have read to the end!