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Readers unfamiliar with our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series may like to view some of the earlier articles here, starting with nbr 1. Many may consider these propositions extreme, but the question is, can they be disproved?

Could they be possible, and if so, what would be the implications? 

If the implications would be trivial, then who cares? But if they would be earth-shaking, perhaps we should take note.

That said, the ancient writings such as the Bible certainly do exist, and some have been translated.

"Today we are living in a ... time of awakening. It is called the morning of Swaroga and it has been happening since 2012"

Yes, they bear on the state of our current world ...

... but also bear in mind that interpreting such ancient scriptures is guided by inspiration as much as by the dictionary ...

The above is Great Tartary Part 4 - read also Parts 1 to 3 below:

Great Tartary

Great Tartary 2

Great Tartary 3

See also our predecessor article about Tartary here.