My worst subjects at school were history and geography. So I'm not a historian and cannot claim any historical insight for myself.
Nevertheless I received a Christian upbringing for which I am grateful - I find the teachings of Christ as recorded in the Bible to be relevant practical and sensible. As for the rest of it, I retain my right to suspect that over the long course of history, translation, and "interpretation", "mistakes" will have been incorporated.
When we review the long history of European Christianity we can see that it has been an unending power struggle, complete with religious wars and the persecution and burning of heretics who displeased the various religious authorities, and foremost amongst the latter we must rank the Vatican. These persecutions were not the fruits of Christ's teachings, they were what we now call terrorism, so we must conclude that the Catholic Church has been run by imposters for much, possibly all, of that time.
The Vatican was the anti-Christ, and whether or not that is still so is up for discussion. This is no more than simple logic.
This is not to condemn Roman Catholics. After centuries of practice, the arts of deceit are clearly finely honed and many of the faithful are no doubt faithful to the teachings of Christ and blind to the dubious activities of the Vatican leadership - just as many of us (myself included) have been blind to the machinations of our governing classes for much of our lives. The deceit has run wide and it has run deep.
(This is not to comment on other denominations and religious hierarchies, Christian or otherwise - they are simply out of scope of this article. Whatever your religious affiliation, work with me here.)
There has been much speculation about the identity of those who behind the scenes have been pulling the strings of power throughout the centuries, especially recently, and this apparently well-researched presentation of an alleged campaign to destroy for ever the notion of "government of the people by the people and for the people" may go some way toward filling in some of the blanks.
America it seems has indeed always been "Ground Zero".
It's your view that counts.
(2 hrs 54 minutes)