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The assertions presented here will probably come as no surprise to many, but it's good to see the financial trail behind those who would judge truth from narrative (or should that be narrative from truth?) that leads back to all the usual suspects.

OK. it's from Australia, but one can bet one's bottom pound/dollar/shekel/yuan/zloty etc that it's the same globalists up to the same shenanigans the world over.

Rebel News reports.

(17 minutes)


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Whilst on the subject of fact-checking, here's a fact-check (on the assertions of one Canadian Institute for Research on Public Policy) from someone who definitely isn't on the IFCN's payroll - yet may have a shed-load more credibility for all that.

Even the illustrious Wall Street Journal is now reporting some of truth that previously dared not appear in public:

"What's really stunning is that the automakers ... are still losing a lot of money on these EVs, despite the subsidies ... "

(5 minutes)

A Net-Zero Car Crash in London

I wonder if someone will fact-check them?

Meanwhile the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air reports that

"After the permitting spree of the past year, China now has 243 GW of coal-fired capacity currently permitted and under construction.
If the permitting rush is not stopped until projects that are currently announced or in pre-permit stages have gained permits as well, there will be a total of 392 GW of new coal-fired power capacity in the pipeline"

Maybe all the Net Zero zealots should pause, and ask themselves if they should not rather be demonstrating in Beijing and Shanghai rather than London Edinburgh and Cardiff.

(Report Courtesy of Net Zero Watch)