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  • GDPR RIP - Long Live the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill


    The UK government has a woeful track record of introducing and passing Bills which disrespect the freedom of the people and the integrity of the sovereignty of the people.

    But the train of new Bills has more carriages than we thought.

    Next up - an attack on the (already cumbersome) Data Protection rules (GDPR) - now to be replaced by the UK Data Reform Bill.

    "Under these proposals Government will grant itself regulatory powers to rewrite the law, and compel private businesses to share personal data they hold about you with the State and law enforcement authorities"

    ORG Open Rights Group have had a

  • How would you Like Your Bugs - Fried, Boiled, Steamed?


    This government consultation closes on 10th August!

    "This consultation period is relatively short in comparison to the optimal length of twelve weeks. This shorter consultation is due to the need for the FSA to conclude the process with sufficient time to allow for the use of European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (‘EUWA’) powers, which expire at the end of 2022. These powers would be used to implement the legislation in the event the consultation responses are supportive"

    (my emphasis)

    Consultation on transitional arrangements for edible insects in Great Britain

    Download the

  • What's Effective and What's Not


    A thought-provoking contribution from the Dutch Duo, part 24 of the Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal.

    A timely contribution to our tactical thinking, so we may be better prepared for the autumnal resumption of spiritual conflict.

    (32 minutes)



  • Is the World Our Coal Mine and are the Birds Our Canaries?


    Birds dying? Must be Bird Flu!

    So is the absence of bees down to Bee Flu? 

    Is the fact that one can drive from one end of the country to the other without incurring insect-splat all over the windscreen just a minor aberration in the state of nature, when in my youth insect-splat was a confounded and inevitable nuisance which required special cleaning methods? Perhaps there is some marvel of modern science that unremarked scientists have devised to obliterate the erstwhile i-splat?

    Or perhaps we have now through our ill-considered motoring habit splatted all the insects into submission and there are too few left to notice? Are electric cars the answer?

    Whilst Big Pharma may have been unaccountably slow to offer vaccines for the birds and the bees (come on Marketing, pull your socks up!), it seems there might be some other explanation for the mostly unreported deaths that are afflicting colonies of migratory

  • Reflections of One Who Has Come to Terms with Betrayal and Human Failure


    Betrayal and failure.

    We of the older generations have (almost) all been there now.

    We live with the scars, we count our blessings, we become more centred in the moment, and we move on.

    We may not even know how much of our story is actually true, we only know what we have read or been told about such matters, by "experts" and "journalists", some of whom were (we now realise) most certainly propagandists.

    This is a reflection on life from Martin Geddes, who knows that to defeat the ungodly we must embrace and be honest about our humanity, warts and all. No less is demanded of us, although no more either, other than to endure in honesty and good-natured generosity to the end, whatever or whenever that may be.

    I salute him for showing us the

  • Can The Human Biohazard Survive in a World in Upheaval?


    Dr Bruce Scott writing for UK Column reviews the nature of our "modern" world, and in particular the relationship between our rulers and the people.

    Is our formerly loving and supportive nanny state now so discontent with this relationship that it is trying to bully us into a new one? Or was it never truly so loving and supportive, but perhaps rather more condescending and uncaring, if we consider its actions rather than its fine words?

    In fact, are the words and actions now reaching a parting of the ways, clear for all to see?

    "These “nudges” towards a restructuring of how we live are straight out of the totalitarian playbook"

    Dr Zach Bush Explains the Basis of Good Health


    We have featured the ideas of Dr Zach Bush previously but his ideas bear repetition.

    As an IT man myself I have no particular insight into matters medical, but even in IT, as in all things, having an insight into the broader environment within which a particular system exists is pretty much essential for success.

    Just as an aircraft designer won't produce a workable design without knowledge of the characteristics of the atmosphere, or a ship designer won't be successful without an understanding of how waves and weather work, so an IT systems designer won't produce a good system without an understanding of the information needs and personnel groupings and characteristics within which his specific IT system will have to operate.

    So it comes as no surprise to me if the human body is intimately adapted with the

  • The People's Vaxxed II Truth


    "This Follow-Up Documentary Covers Scenes From The More Than 50,000 Miles That Polly And The Vaxxed Team Traveled In The U.S. And Around The World"

    (96 minutes)


    See also the original movie Vaxxed: https://vaxxedthemovie.com/


  • Clif High Double Update - Sri Lanka - 4th Gen Warfare


    Direct from his eyrie overlooking Puget Sound (and in all natural lighting!) Clif updates us on his thoughts on the recent happenings around the world, in particular, in Sri Lanka.

    4th Generation Warfare:

    Here he almost introduces a new word: "narradigm" but sadly he corrects himself - I quite like the idea of a "narradigm", as it so neatly encapsulates a paradigm that is constructed solely from a narrative rather than being founded upon any factual basis.

    (24 minutes)


    A True Green Future - We R Sri Lanka:

    (18 minutes)


  • Matt Hancock in the Hot Seat!


    At last - Matt Hancock answers for his Covid performance (source The Highwire). Two years too late, but better late than never.

    "... the questions I'd really like to answer are the things where you think that what I said was rubbish... "

    Let's see how he gets on....

    (6 minutes)


  • EU on the Skids?


    In 2016 the UK voted to leave the EU. Many may argue that we never really left in practice, despite Boris' posturings, and some argue that with a new PM in the hot seat we may be set fair to rejoin, but it seems that other countries have had enough of the EU as currently constituted.

    Hungary has taken a dramatic step which amounts to a declaration of determined intent:

    Orban’s Hungary votes to abolish current EU Parliament and end “ever closer union”

    With Draghi already busted and Macron on the slide, can other countries be far behind?

    Or will the EU be fatally compromised by Russia's stranglehold on the gas pedal? Or by their revolting national citizenry? Or by the stresses and strains imposed by the military

  • ICAN Demands the FDA Rescind its Covax Authorisations for Kids


    If ICAN succeeds in its petition, the MHRA will have to back down also if there is any justice remaining in the UK.


  • The Fulford Report Monday 25 July 2022


    If this is WW3 then truth is the first casualty and nothing that we see in the usual media can be expected to be true.

    So we must take our truth where we can find it, and for my money (yes, modest subscription required if you want to read the latest articles!) Benjamin Fulford weaves a compelling narrative. Is he right? 

    Right or wrong, his reports are always (well almost always) fascinating and paint a picture we must all hope and pray is correct in principle if not in all details.

    Recommended reading, perhaps especially if you happen to be in Switzerland.

    Don't miss.


  • Covid Enquiry - Will it be a One-sided Whitewash?


    Jon Dobinson writing for Recovery reviews the Inquiry structure as published by the chairperson, Baroness Hallett.

    The first three modules reportedly ignore the fact that the government seemed to completely ignore the need for any kind of assessment of the downside risks associated with the proposed pandemic control measures, noting:

    "the focus appears entirely at odds with the priorities that Baroness Hallett herself sets out in her opening statement"

    “The Chair has pledged to deliver reports with analysis, findings and recommendations whilst the Inquiry’s investigations are ongoing, so that key lessons from the pandemic are learned quickly”

    "While there is a suggestion that these issues will be the subject of a later module, the importance of their ordering cannot be overstated"

  • The Age of Convergence


    For those that have the time (!) this is another Clif High interview where the way in which technologies, AI, control freakery, neuroscience and aliens are coming together in ways that we may not fully appreciate.

    "... there are huge assumptions that are made about technology that are not valid... "

    "People have a misunderstanding about artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is really dumb... "

    "... we are just replicating what has already been on this planet in the past... "

    (98 minutes)



  • Global Control Grid in Gestation


    John Rappaport has been wrestling the nature of the incoming fully automated matrix for years. Here he illustrates the growing nature of the beast in terms that we can understand, neither blinding us with tech nor pulling any punches.

    He does make a lot of assumptions about the effectiveness of the tech + AI monolith, but technical problems are made to be resolved and its only a matter of time, development, testing, and fine-tuning.

    Of course the scope for technical error is enormous - but if you are arguing with a machine, the outcome isn't normally success for the human. One can only imagine being suddenly confined to one's cubicle because the system has mistaken someone else for you and punished you for that someone else's misdemeanours. And the elite who have constructed the control grid to serve their purposes are unlikely to be interested in resolving your difficulties with it. 

    Even were it technically possible to investigate and make corrections,

  • UK Implosion Imminent?


    It's a July heatwave and they want to shut us down for a respiratory disease that in reality killed almost nobody (before the vaccination programmes started) and is killing precious few now?

    To save the NHS?

    The NHS is already destroyed as a viable working and trustworthy institution by management and regulatory action (despite honourable pockets of resistance), only the remnants remain to be mopped up.

    Read the glad tidings here!

    Then read GK Chesterton ...

    "... They have given us into the hand of new unhappy lords,
    Lords without anger or honour, who dare

  • Fulford Charts the Developing "Implosion"


    For those who have been following Ben's weekly reports, today's report will probably come as a welcome confirmation that the slide of the "ancien regime" into oblivion gathers pace.

    To quote Dickens:

    "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only" ~ A Tale of Two Cities


  • Dutch Farmers or the Dutch Government - Who's "Right"?


    As always, when governments "panic" they induce catastrophe, when they conduct a proper balanced investigation of all the options they stand a chance of convincing a reasoning public of the necessity, of agreeing a proposed way forward, and indeed of setting in motion a process that has wide support and should succeed.

    For really major issues which affect the population's way of life, a referendum to permit the public to be informed of the options, and to choose between them, might well be considered essential where the future impact would outlast the tenure of the current government.

    Such was surely the fundamental case for the Brexit referendum, even if it was never stated as such. After all, that would be an alarming precedent for any politician who likes to think that they are there to boss us around...

    Going down the referendum route requires a level of humility that eludes many, perhaps most, politicians in a

  • BBC on the Skids?


    Mahyar "We Are the Media" Tousi demolishes the myth of the "national treasure" BBC in 5 minutes flat.

    (5 minutes)


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