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  • Covid Enquiry - Will it be a One-sided Whitewash?


    Jon Dobinson writing for Recovery reviews the Inquiry structure as published by the chairperson, Baroness Hallett.

    The first three modules reportedly ignore the fact that the government seemed to completely ignore the need for any kind of assessment of the downside risks associated with the proposed pandemic control measures, noting:

    "the focus appears entirely at odds with the priorities that Baroness Hallett herself sets out in her opening statement"

    “The Chair has pledged to deliver reports with analysis, findings and recommendations whilst the Inquiry’s investigations are ongoing, so that key lessons from the pandemic are learned quickly”

    "While there is a suggestion that these issues will be the subject of a later module, the importance of their ordering cannot be overstated"

  • The Age of Convergence


    For those that have the time (!) this is another Clif High interview where the way in which technologies, AI, control freakery, neuroscience and aliens are coming together in ways that we may not fully appreciate.

    "... there are huge assumptions that are made about technology that are not valid... "

    "People have a misunderstanding about artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is really dumb... "

    "... we are just replicating what has already been on this planet in the past... "

    (98 minutes)



  • Global Control Grid in Gestation


    John Rappaport has been wrestling the nature of the incoming fully automated matrix for years. Here he illustrates the growing nature of the beast in terms that we can understand, neither blinding us with tech nor pulling any punches.

    He does make a lot of assumptions about the effectiveness of the tech + AI monolith, but technical problems are made to be resolved and its only a matter of time, development, testing, and fine-tuning.

    Of course the scope for technical error is enormous - but if you are arguing with a machine, the outcome isn't normally success for the human. One can only imagine being suddenly confined to one's cubicle because the system has mistaken someone else for you and punished you for that someone else's misdemeanours. And the elite who have constructed the control grid to serve their purposes are unlikely to be interested in resolving your difficulties with it. 

    Even were it technically possible to investigate and make corrections,

  • UK Implosion Imminent?


    It's a July heatwave and they want to shut us down for a respiratory disease that in reality killed almost nobody (before the vaccination programmes started) and is killing precious few now?

    To save the NHS?

    The NHS is already destroyed as a viable working and trustworthy institution by management and regulatory action (despite honourable pockets of resistance), only the remnants remain to be mopped up.

    Read the glad tidings here!

    Then read GK Chesterton ...

    "... They have given us into the hand of new unhappy lords,
    Lords without anger or honour, who dare

  • Fulford Charts the Developing "Implosion"


    For those who have been following Ben's weekly reports, today's report will probably come as a welcome confirmation that the slide of the "ancien regime" into oblivion gathers pace.

    To quote Dickens:

    "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only" ~ A Tale of Two Cities


  • Dutch Farmers or the Dutch Government - Who's "Right"?


    As always, when governments "panic" they induce catastrophe, when they conduct a proper balanced investigation of all the options they stand a chance of convincing a reasoning public of the necessity, of agreeing a proposed way forward, and indeed of setting in motion a process that has wide support and should succeed.

    For really major issues which affect the population's way of life, a referendum to permit the public to be informed of the options, and to choose between them, might well be considered essential where the future impact would outlast the tenure of the current government.

    Such was surely the fundamental case for the Brexit referendum, even if it was never stated as such. After all, that would be an alarming precedent for any politician who likes to think that they are there to boss us around...

    Going down the referendum route requires a level of humility that eludes many, perhaps most, politicians in a

  • BBC on the Skids?


    Mahyar "We Are the Media" Tousi demolishes the myth of the "national treasure" BBC in 5 minutes flat.

    (5 minutes)


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  • Where to Turn for the News that Other Newscasters Can't Reach?


    Which news outlets will make it through the Covid-WHO global insurgency and which will fall by the wayside?

    Amid the plethora of minor sites that have mushroomed to report on the world as they see it, the MSM in general have resolutely refused to take cognisance of world reality, preferring to stick to the approved narrative of the day - except for one stand-out from Down Under (or Downtrodden Under as we might these days rechristen our antipodean cousins under their terminally woke "leaders").

    Step forward (once again!) Sky News Australia - here they bring us up to date with the global protests that our own inglorious British Brainwashing Corporation cannot touch (did they fire all their European correspondents "because of Brexit"?).

    "Prof Schoellhammer said the media and political campaign across the west against "disinformation" is part of a broader attempt to "undermine" organised protests against the agenda of the

  • Let's Do It, Let's Fall in Love ... Update?


    This is a song that has been updated over the years, by various artists, and might well have been updated by Gilbert and Sullivan ("arcadian shepherds do it"?) had they created their masterpieces a century or so later (incidentally, where are G&S when we need them?!).

    Perhaps in the light of latest research we should now include "Staphylococci and Bacilli subtilis do it" - "let's fall in love"!

    But how would we know? Might we see them canoodling down the pub of a Friday evening? Should we be searching social media for their soppy postings

  • Is Life Merely a Soap Opera Immersion for You?


    The Tory Party launches it's competition to entertain us with its unspeakables in pursuit of the highest impotent and untenable office.

    Will the contest make any difference?

    There are thousands of civil servants in the Cabinet Office - more than enough to run rings around the whole palace of Westminster, let alone around a couple of dozen Cabinet Ministers. A Prime Minister presiding over a cabinet of wannabees stands no chance.

    Neil Oliver dissects with his customary logic and clarity.

    (up to 1hr 58)


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  • Covid - Where Did it Really Come From?


    There have been so many theories (conspiracy or otherwise!) that it's perhaps fanciful to think that there might be a novel and different idea to explain the Covid phenomenon - but here, direct from Down Under, is "the real deal" (well, until the next idea comes along... ).

    There's a lot of plausible science here (which I suspect few including me are qualified to judge), and slightly less plausible politics (bearing in mind that there have been not a few Covid-related patents uncovered from earlier years, and a lot of political water has passed under the bridge, since this interview was filmed); nevertheless the patents and politics are not necessarily totally irreconcilable.

    Is this why comets are said to be harbingers of doom?

    And why don't the vaccines work?

    "I never get the flu

  • The Pandemic of Criminal Dishonesty and Genocide Will Implode


    The walls are closing in.

    John O'Looney tells it how he sees it.

    This is one of the most difficult interviews that I have attempted to illustrate. It demands all our attention.

    "I would like to see... a public autopsy - on a jab recipient that's passed, and lets have it open in the public... let's have someone... analyse these samples... "

    "... the truth is fast coming out ... what side of history do you want to be on... the truth's coming out whether you like it or not... don't be responsible for hiding it... "

    "... I couldn't understand as a funeral director why my phone wasn't ringing... I haven't had any calls from any parent who's lost a baby... and the baby names had 'Milton Keynes University Hospital'... as the funeral director... I've never known that happen before... a member of staff at the crematorium

  • The New World Order Chameleon


    The NWO has many faces, almost too many to remember - Bilderberg group, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, United Nations, World Economic Forum, World Health Organisation, Club of Rome...   to name but a few, and that's before we start on any linked secret societies (such as? I don't know, they're secret; although not all of the above like to publish their full proceedings).

    You may well think of more.

    To my mind, a secret society is the polar opposite of a creative force. It hides its supposed treasure under the proverbial bushel where none but the favoured few may know it. But if it were transparent (ie: not secret!) and this treasure were to be shared with the world, then it might fire the creative forces of all humanity rather than merely the chosen few, with massive benefits for all. So why don't they?

    Perhaps they are criminals or fraudsters or both, or perhaps harmless cranks. But I digress.


  • Update from the Middle East, 12th July


    Amir is with us again with an update from Galilee on the world as he sees it, and indeed as Ezekiel saw it before him.

    Followers of Q will note that Israel is slated be dealt with last...  so perhaps the Ukraine is just the warm-up for the Middle East?

    I'm thinking that the Bible has never seemed more immediately relevant.

    (27 minutes)


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  • Bayer Loses in Court - Again


    Yes, this is yet another court case against Bayer, which bought Monsanto and its glyphosate herbicide in 2018.

    Glyphosate has been the subject of a number of court cases in which it was alleged that it was the cause of cancer.

    Bayer it seems was appealing on a legal nicety that would have allowed it to escape responsibility for the damage caused by its product, but the court rejected that nicety.

    The Defender (CHD) has the story.

    For my part, any company that doesn't have the health of its customers at the heart of its business is not a company whose products I would want to use, and I'm at a loss to understand the mindset of a board of directors that continues to flog a

  • Happy Holiday Heatwave!


    As we contemplate the approaching heatwave (don't panic! It's summertime and it's perfectly natural), a little light entertainment in my inbox is welcome, especially if it doesn't involve the contortions of our body politic with which, for reasons which elude me totally, many do still seem to like to torture themselves by following, endlessly discussing, and hopelessly grouching about, without any notion of actually putting an end to it.

    So it may seem unlikely that I am amused by a newsletter about climate change which does indeed touch briefly upon the machinations of our political leadership (UK and elsewhere), whilst pointing up some inconvenient facts from the historical record which the climate fact-checkers seem to have unaccountably overlooked - and all done with lighthearted good humour!

    If I had to choose between Greta Thunberg and Dr John Robson, I know where I would put my

  • Mark Steyn Presents - The Covid Jab Victims


    Mark is joined by the vaxvictims for this extraordinary episode - extraordinary because no news media so far has dared touch this story.

    High time somebody did.

    (58 minutes)


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  • Clif High - Pivot Point Incoming?


    Another monologue from the sage of all matters "big ugly".

    Pay attention - the SOC is getting its act together, possibly imminently, depending on how actions and reactions play out.

    "The war has broken out... "

    (28 minutes)



  • Benjamin Fulford Spills the Beans on Japan, the Far East, Hitler, CERN ...


    Lots of historical stuff here that seems certain to raise more than a few eyebrows...

    And no paywall!

    Thanks to Mel K for this revelatory interview.

    Pay attention or you'll likely miss a nugget or three...

    (33 minutes)



  • Dutch Farmers in the Firing Line


    Those of us who follow social media will be aware that farmers in Holland are resisting government demands that will seriously reduce the numbers of their livestock. 

    Is this to reduce the dreaded CO2

    No, it's to reduce "nitrogen pollution".

    You know, nitrogen, the major component in our atmosphere. The reason why farmers down the ages have rotated crops so that nitrogen can be resupplied ("fixed") into the soil to enable new growth.

    No farmer will survive a thirty percent reduction in his output, given the cut-throat prices doled out by the supermarkets. 

    Bear in mind also how much of their output is destined for the UK, that same UK that imports much of its food and that is already paying farmers to produce less. Just saying.
