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  • Burning Forests Is Not Green and Never Will Be


    It always struck me as a daft idea that felling and burning  "renewable" forests whilst promising to plant more and more trees wherever there is a "spare" patch of land and paying farmers to grow trees i.p.o. food is good, whilst just burning coal and gas is bad.

    Even assuming that you grow as much wood as you burn (highly doubtful - trees take years longer to grow than to burn) you would still get the same amount of CO2 (or less!) into the atmosphere by not bothering and continuing to burn the coal and gas. Even the pollutant content would be worse from burning wood than from coal and gas. 

    Why not just burn the coal or gas and keep the existing forests to take up the CO2? And think of the fuel (and CO2) that would be saved by not transporting the wood pellets half-way across the world.

    OK I simplify, but I'm in the right ball-park. The BBC admits it all:


  • "Surrender or Die"


    The crisis is now, the final moves are taking place and cannot be stopped.

    The Monday Fulford Report is not for the faint-hearted and may not be for you if you haven't been following the global battle for Freedom against Slavery and Death. 

    Just a reminder - I can't verify any of this, although I suspect that Mr Fulford is better informed than most.

    Modest subscription required.


  • Covenants - Prerequisite for the New World?


    Martin Geddes is in effect sharing his journey of awakening with us, and I am grateful to him for opening his heart and mind to us, for that makes it easier for us to understand our own progress and the progress of those near and dear to us.

    It's not always simple. Here he is talking of the difference between contracts (so beloved of our legal beagles that they seek to entangle us in acres of notorious fine print hidden behind a tick-box before we can so much as order a bar of soap on-line) and covenants.

    Various dictionaries seem to consider that a covenant is a contract, but nuances are important here.

    The original Covenant (as far back as written records reveal) is probably the Biblical covenant between God and his biblical families and peoples,

  • Ivor's Covid Review - For Those that Still Fear the Virus More than They Fear the Government


    Ivor Cummins has been a Covid Hero - since the very beginning he has relentlessly  analysed the statistics and scientific papers and presented the truth to the world without fear or favour. Not being a medical man he had no axe to grind, and it's absolutely true to say that he was a pillar of calm and reason in a storm of propaganda. 

    Here he is once more, reminding us of how it was, what he saw from the stats, and how he (and others!) reported at the time.

    Draw your own conclusions.

    (15 minutes)


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  • Navy Secures the UK


    Operation Joint Warrior!

    "The biggest military exercise in the UK... [has begun] as more than 11,000 sailors, soldiers and aircrew wage a 12-day ‘war’ around the British Isles"

    Will they have enough assets to intercept and deter the fleets of migrant inflatables currently invading our south coast?

    Did they recommission HMS Warrior from her duty as tourist attraction in Portsmouth harbour to lead this massive exercise? 

    "They are joined by vessels from the US, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, Canada, France and Latvia"

    Perhaps HMS Warrior was considered too outdated after all.

    Shame really - one can only imagine the looks on those migrant faces as that umpteen-cannon steam and sail leviathon chuffs down on their insolent inflatable... and the order wafts across the placid

  • 500 New Vaccines by 2030?


    "Dr. Rima Laibow joins us to discuss the WHO Pandemic Treaty, and her extensive research over the years into this corrupt, genocidal organisation"

    I think that adequately sets the scene...

    (68 minutes)


     See more from Zeee Media.


  • Rick Munn - the View from Northern Ireland


    This is a wide-ranging general discussion and of course the differences with the South feature, but it's really about the general disillusion with the way that governments of all stripes are betraying their populace. The problems seem to be universal. The view from the bottom is illuminating.

    (45 minutes)



  • Viewpoint from Russia's Mobilisation


    A very concerning aspect of the Russian mobilisation is the prospect of mandatory vaccination for...  you guessed it, the dread Covid.

    Either Russians have a blind spot, or they are the 'controlled opposition', or their 'Covid vaccine' differs from ours, or maybe it's not a Covid vaccine at all. None of these options reassure.

  • Viewpoint from Lexington - Russia's Next Moves


    Ken Walker is a bit of a walking encyclopedia, except that his knowledge isn't of the conventional type. He isn't inclined to hold back.

    I find his viewpoints a useful counterweight to the general level of ignorance prevalent in 'official' circles...

    Make of it what you will.

    (22 minutes)


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  • Viewpoint from Germany


    Ralph Schoenhammer talks to Redacted about the situation in Germany:

    (18 minutes)


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  • Purge of "Scientific" Papers


    Alas, the actual papers are not yet identified, but Wiley is one of the biggest publishers of science in the world.

    And we are not talking about the odd paper - we are talking an initial tranch of over 500 papers published in only the last two years. "Tip of the iceberg" comes to mind.

    "Further retractions are expected as the investigation proceeds"

    All credit to the publishers for (perhaps belatedly) grasping the nettle.

    Money talks as they say, and big money rests upon the publication of such papers. And competition is fierce to get one's work published in reputable journals, so admitting that your reputation may not reflect the reality is a huge move.

    Let's hope this signals the breaking of the dam.

  • Viewpoint from Austria


    I have no particular insight into the Austrian situation, so I'll just let this young lady speak for herself.

    (NB: I suspect she has mistranslated the German word for 'refinery' so keep that in mind when she talks of problems with 'distilleries'!):

    (12 minutes)


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  • LaRouchePAC - Trump Should End the War Now


    "if you can’t figure out how to not blow up the world, how can you possibly be deemed competent to hold public office?"

    That's a sentiment that is admirably concisely expressed, and it's amazing just how few of our western politicians pass the test.

    We who think so are apparently not alone.

    "We are currently witnessing widespread and escalating opposition to NATO’s war taking place throughout Europe.  Demonstrations against the war and its accompanying green genocide policy for Europe’s coming winter have broken out throughout the continent, numbering in the hundreds of thousands of participants"

    "Ukraine, despite massive propaganda to the contrary, is losing this war, and it could never win based on the actual correlation of

  • Call for a Referendum!


    The Covid screws may have been loosened but the same censorship is evident on the Ukraine issue - no viewpoint other than the mainstream Russia Bad / Ukraine Heroic is permitted to be shared around.

    Our government has no mandate from the people to sideline negotiations and to continue their proxy war against the Russians.

    A referendum to decide the frontier issue was good enough for Scotland and there is no reason that the same is not good enough for the Eastern regions of the Ukraine. We had the chance to cooperate with Russia to negotiate a peace deal on that basis and to act as peacemakers, but Boris chose not to - Putin has now held his own referenda with predictable results.

    "... the dictatorship of the Western elites targets all societies, including the citizens of Western countries themselves. This is a challenge to all. This

  • A Relaxed Ramble Around our Covid Policing


    James Harvey has been making a name for himself (Students Against Tyranny, Voice of Wales, UNN) by taking the weapon of publicity to the authorities, and if you have a mind to spend a half hour listening to this interview you will learn how some of those who were arrested at the 2020 Covid demonstrations experienced our police and judicial systems.

    It's an interview that makes a pleasant change from the polemics of the commentators, and brings out the human aspects of these experiences in a manner that I found quite engaging.

    Our future is safe with young people like these.

    And it's not all bad news!

    (32 minutes)



  • Stop the World, I Want to Get Off!


    This article from UK Column correspondent Mark Anderson reviews how the ultimate fund manager Black Rock, (and no doubt fund managers State Street and Vanguard), are channelling funding through their ESG goals (Environmental and Social Governance - the acceptable newspeak for Climate Change and other unacceptable WEF-UN partnership proposals) to primarily invest in those corporations which are said to comply with their requirements rather than those that simply make a profit.

    In other words they are effectively molding and regulating the corporate economy according to their own preferences and bypassing the "democratically elected" national governments who are supposed to be doing this job in the interests of their electorates.

    Attorneys-General of nineteen American states have taken up the cudgels on behalf of the their states' citizens whose pensions are invested by Black Rock.

    Since this trio of fund managers effectively control the majority of the

  • The "Greatest Miscarriage of Medical Science ... in Our Lifetime"?


    We have published so much about the Covid issue on this site that I hesitate to keep doing it, but this interview on GB News with Dr Malhotra is significant as it marks a turning-point - a significant authority in matters medical who previously wholeheartedly supported the vaccination campaign is now openly calling for it to be stopped.

    Indeed there is "more joy ... in Heaven over one sinner that repenteth than over ninety and nine just persons who need no repentance" (Luke 15:7).

    (9 minutes)


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  • Are You Denying my Humanity?


    There but for the grace of God go we all.

    Sometimes we need a reminder of times we would prefer to forget, lest similar circumstances should arise again.

    (95 minutes)


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  • Fulford on Friday 30 Sep 2022


    As always, good value for a modest subscription.

    In a world seemingly hell-bent on escalating warfare, good information is hard to come by.

    A hard winter beckons, stay informed.


  • If You Are in a Hole - Stop Digging!


    Unless of course you are a politician - as we all know, the normal rules of life on Earth never apply to them.

    At the start of the "military intervention" in Ukraine, peace talks were held and seemed to offer reasonable hope of a negotiated solution - until western politicians (reportedly not least Boris Johnson) leaned on Zelenskyy to scupper the process. 

    Boris could have joined forces with Putin to support a referendum along the lines of the Scottish referendum on self-determination (if it was good enough for the UK then why not for the Ukraine?) but chose not to for reasons that seemed to amount to little more than "Putin Bad - Zelenskyy Good".

    The Ukraine-Russia spat is on the face of it nothing to do with the UK. Ukraine is not a member of NATO. The UK is not a neighbouring territory with "interests". For the UK to intervene to facilitate a negotiated and peaceful resolution would be reasonable ("blessed are the peacemakers"), but to intervene to
