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  • CDN Reviews the History of Climate Catastrophe & Colonialism


    A useful review of the Climate narrative (as currently pushed by the UN IPCC World Bank etc) in the context of colonialism - and the new eco-colonialism...

    Those who would turn off the "fossil fuel emissions" and free the impoverished colonies should take note - freeing them from the dread fossil fuels also frees them from the burden of reliable power supplies, without which prosperity will always remain elusive.

    (21 minutes)


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  • Life is an Urban Network?


    Some might say that life these days is whatever you can get away with.

    Mark Anderson writing for UK Column gives us a quick tour of the U7 - the urban seven network of cities that some think have ideas above their station, harping back to the times of independent city states that existed before the formal concept of the nation was forged by agreement, by war, or by any other means of extending the reach of one's power.

    We sometimes forget that the nations of Europe were originally far more fragmented than they now are.

    But whilst the U7 does seem to hark back to those times, we do have to ask ourselves how much legitimacy they have in the eyes of their citizens? After all, they do seem to espouse the top down dogma of the globalists rather than the bottom-up aspirations of their people (ULEZ anybody?).

    And is that not the primary battleground of our modern world? The Globalists want top-down one-size-fits-all

  • Life is a Pyramid


    This is a stunning exposition, let down it must be said by poor sound and vision at critical points - but stick with it, the bits that can't be seen are drawn out in added diagrammatic superimposition in due course.

    You may need to watch this more than once...  but if unexplained synchronicities fascinate, then this is for you!

    But why do I have the uneasy feeling that he has merely scratched the surface of knowledge still to be uncovered?

    (53 minutes)


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  • Primary Legislation Could be Useful


    Another Richard Vobes interview, this time with Canadian Stan McDonald.

    This is not legal advice!

    But it does identify some avenues for investigation to determine the validity of the various legislative measures that are being rolled out globally in the name of "saving the planet".

    Onward and upward!

    (66 minutes)


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  • Fulford Report Monday 15 May 2023


    The latest update from Benjamin is a useful sitrep rather than a game-changing revelation, but still an interesting article with an informative video on how the KM rules the world through the Central Banks, global NGOs, UN etc.

    The UK following the coronation is reportedly not a scene of unbroken peace and tranquillity...

    Modest subscription required.


  • The WHO - A Threat or a Promise?


    Is the WHO a blessing or a curse?

    Is it even consistent?

    Is the organisation that changed its pandemic management policies in an instant when Covid appeared fit to be trusted with our long-term health care, when that very term "health care" is now expanded to include all factors that may affect our health in any way?

    Can any factor be identified that does not affect our health?

    Would there be any practical limits placed on the powers of the WHO?

    The Brownstone Institute examines their claim for global health management.


  • Down the Rabbit Hole - in Search of the Annunaki


    If you are not familiar with our "Down the Rabbit Hole" articles, you may want to peruse a few of them before you undertake this one.

    I feature them not because I think them correct, but because I'm not prepared to dismiss them out of hand merely because they seem outlandish. It is clear that "science" does not understand the origins of humanity, and in the face of obvious evidence that somebody built many megalithic structures for purposes unknown all over the globe at some time in pre-history, we have to assume that there is much that currently we do not understand.

    If by some chance some of these theses should turn up and hit us in the face, it might be best to have some prior awareness...

    Billy Carson, American researcher of pre-history, author of the Compendium of the Emerald Tablets a

  • World Population Now on the Brink?


    It has been known for some time that as populations become more wealthy, their birth rates fall.

    Pile on the damage allegedly done by the jabs, and what do we get? 

    Do the "Greens" at the WEF have this alleged imminent world overpopulation thesis completely upside down?

    (7 minutes)


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  • New Protest Measures - Public Order Act 2023


    This exposition is produced by Liberty and summarises what they see as the implications of the new Public Order Act 2023

    I'm sure that here will be many people on both sides of this issue - those that feel that traditional protest is being shut down, and those that feel that some protests have gone much too far in terms of the disruption to public life.

    I guess that as always, the devil will be in the detail. Nevertheless, with public protests on a number of very serious matters a fact of life these days, it is necessary to inform ourselves on the issues.


  • "Do your job!"


    Saturday 13th saw people converge on Trafalgar Square to draw attention to the many who suffered and died from the jabs, and to hear from the speakers who came to share their expert testimony with the crowd.

    Martin speaks for many of us in setting out his feelings, his experiences, and his reactions. Not to mention his photographs!

    The message to the Met: "Do your job!"



  • Politicians Lying? So What Did We Expect?


    Neil Oliver again...

    But who cares?

    " If we don't demand that this behaviour stops, it will keep happening ... "

    (10 minutes)




  • What is Covid?


    After three years and innumerable deaths, seemingly hundreds of conferences and who knows how many video reports....

    Dr Brian Ardis talks to Stew Peters to explain his snake venom theory further.

    Snake venom? Really?

    What one can say without fear of contradiction is that the layers of disinformaton and misdirection over all things Covid have been legion - was it a virus? Was it 5G? Was it developed in a lab? Was it developed in China, Ukraine, Sudan, the USA itself? Was it readily treatable with existing prophylactics? Did the jabs work? Were they safe and effective? Did they stop transmission? Did they cause untold suffering and death? If so, how?

    The deep state is nothing if not determined to own all sides of the argument - if the opposition is controlled, then who can stand in their way? 

    Now I'm not asserting that the opposition is in any way knowingly "deep

  • Green Dunderheads?


    And so say all of us!

    The truth will out - but we have to out it.

    (19 minutes)


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  • A King for Our Time?


    What of our Kings, and their relationships with the England of times past?

    For Charles I it ended in civil war and execution, for the nation of England it was turmoil, death, and a period of military rule. Followed by the restoration of Charles II and Royal Rule... 

    So what next under Charles III? The acclamation of the populace at his coronation was perhaps less than overwhelming, and his support for the dubious agendas of the WEF is clearly divisive.

    Maybe we should remember that God is not mocked

    (1 hr 50 mins)


    UK Column News - 12th May 2023


    Ben Wallace escalates the war in the Ukraine by provision of Storm Shadow cruise missiles... Russia unsurprisingly promises an appropriate response.

    Plus the Donald vs CNN.

    Plus the Turkish elections, and more... including more inflation.

    (62 minutes)



  • A Reminder of How We Got Here


    This film is four years old.

    We have featured it before, but given current developments I consider it appropriate to feature it again.

    It recounts the transition of the British Empire from a territorial empire into a financial empire.

    It is a financial empire that forms a major part (perhaps the major part) of the nexus of financial institutions that has morphed into the web of central banks, global financial institutions, charitable foundations, NGOs, think tanks, etc which all tend to be based within and around previous British colonies.

    (78 minutes)



  • The Highland Clearances - Neil Oliver


    In this "Love Letter to the British Isles" Neil Oliver tells the story of Bettyhill.

    We are familiar with the story of the Irish famines which cause a great migration away from the land of Ireland, but are we so familiar with the clearances that took place in Scotland?

    Join Neil for a poignant story of previous times, a story of clearance that may have relevance to our current times, times that our would-be controllers at the WEF may have effectively not dissimilar plans for the destruction of our way of life.

    "It just didn't work".

    (36 minutes) 


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  • Migration Explosion


    Mahyar Tousi spills the beans on the immigration situation - both legal and illegal.

    Mahyar isn't one to get overexcited about nothing, but here he quotes chapter and verse.

    This isn't a new situation - it's frankly been obvious for a while that this whole situation is deliberate.

    (9 minutes)


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  • Calais Migrant Camps - Rebel News


    It is well known that the UK pays France significant sums to prevent migrants from crossing the Channel.

    It is also well known that this expenditure doesn't appear to be value for money.

    This report goes some way to explaining what is going on.

    A significant report.

    (23 minutes)


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  • Is the Pretendency Going Down?


    This is a bit rambling over the introductions for my taste, but Mike Gill explaining the Pandora Papers is the substance and it doesn't disappoint. Not only that, he takes it slowly enough to make it comprehensible to those unfamiliar with the integration between the government agencies and financial corruption.

    It starts with the routine mortgage scams that seem to endemic in the western world, but it moves on to how the corruption works at the highest level.

    Not suitable for children. Make what you will of it.

    (58 minutes)