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  • SOS Australia 4th Dec


  • British Police Have Transformed Into a Tool for Enforcing the State's Will


    For those of us who have watched the slow transformation of police forces over recent years, this discussion with Peter Hitchens is an interesting commentary.

    "Parliament had seen European police forces become tools of oppression. They were armed & uniformed state police whose job was to enforce the will of the state -- and it was not felt that such a body should exist in Britain"

    Many of us still feel the same way but are disturbed by the approach taken by modern policing, which can sometimes seem to be more about enforcing government "mandates" than impartially enforcing the law.

    See what you think:

    (52 mins)


    Fixing Your Health - Perhaps Easier Than You Imagine!


    I went through my own health crisis around the turn of the century, and in the process learned that

    1. my doctor knew nothing much about health 
    2. he was adept at prescribing more drugs
    3. one of the primary functions of the NHS is to act as the sales arm of big pharma (at tax-payers' expense)

    Ivor Cummins is not a doctor, but he can read scientific papers. The result is that whilst I undertook my healing through an ad hoc trial and error process, he approached his research via a methodical search of the scientific literature. The good news for science is that that approach worked - the bad news is that we need specialists (such as Ivor) who are prepared to put in the vast numbers of hours necessary to search for and decipher the real truth, and then put it together in an accessible format for us normies to understand.

    Happily Ivor is one of those who

  • 106 Research Studies Affirming Natural Covid Immunity


    "We should not force COVID vaccines on anyone when the evidence shows that naturally acquired immunity is equal to or more robust and superior to existing vaccines. Instead, we should respect the right of the bodily integrity of individuals to decide for themselves"

    "This follow-up chart is the most updated and comprehensive library list of 106 of the highest-quality, complete, most robust scientific studies and evidence reports/position statements on natural immunity as compared to the COVID-19 vaccine-induced immunity and allow you to draw your own conclusion"


  • MITRE - the Crown atop the VCI ?


    The VCI (Vaccine Credential Initiative) is yet another public-private partnership that nobody has ever heard of.

    "The stated goal of the VCI is to implement a single 'SMART Health Card” that could be recognized “across organizational and jurisdictional boundaries' "

    "MITRE, the organization is a non-profit corporation led almost entirely by military-intelligence professionals and sustained by sizable contracts with the Department of Defense, FBI, and national security sector"

    In other words, like many similar NGOs it is yet another taxpayer-funded merging of corporate interests that some believe use commercial confidentiality to obscure activities of which the tax-payers may disapprove.

    Technocracy News and Trends

  • Dr Peter McCullough Explains Myocarditis as a VAE


    The difference between "normal" myocarditis and the vaccine adverse effect:

    "Now preclinical studies are suggesting the lipid nanoparticles actually go right into the heart. The heart expresses the spike protein. The body attacks the heart...  the blood test for heart injury with the vaccine myocarditis, is 10 to 100 fold higher than ... we see with the natural infection"


  • Problems with Banking Regulation - Could we Learn from History?


    The notion of learning from history is much supported in the word, but far less in the deed (especially if Climate Change predictions are anything to go by).

    How many times following some government-inspired "learning opportunity" do we hear the mantra that "lessons will be learned" and how much confidence does this incantation instil within us?

    The AIER (American Institute for Economic Research) publishes a note with regard to learning from the history of banking regulation in the states of America, which may be pertinent given the presumed likelihood that we will soon be on the receiving end of another global monetary reset and probably a much-revamped banking system.

    The EU and its much-touted Basel II (or is it Basel III now? I've lost count) has promised that under these (ever more

  • Year 2000 US National Climate Assessment - Assessed 2021


    The year 2000 US climate assessment predictions for the two decades to 2020 have been themselves assessed for accuracy of prediction.

    The result?

    (22 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    "In all the time it's been in business... it has never gone back and asked how its past model simulations turned out..."


    "World's top climate scientists told to 'cover up' the fact

  • Netzero Wind as COP26 Wraps Up


    "yesterday, 3 November, saw a new record for the total daily cost of balancing the GB electricity grid. The previous record of £38 million, twenty times the current daily average, was smashed by a margin of £6 million, with the new record standing at £44.7m"

    Actually, yesterday was 2nd November, so I assume a spot of finger-trouble at the key-board face, but no matter. The costs of net zero are coming home to roost, both in terms of money and unwanted CO2 emissions from that dirtiest and most demonised of fuels, coal.

    The cause? Low wind. Yes, yet another confirmation that on many occasions, the wind doesn't actually blow. Tranquillity reigns. Should the nations activities also come to a stop? A few more similar days in the middle of winter will no doubt concentrate the mind in due course.

    Netzero Watch

  • More Inconvenient Reports about the Jabs and their Effects


    We have featured articles from the Daily Exposé previously. It has to be said that they are a bit like the "new kid on the block" and have not yet had a good run to establish the veracity of their reporting, but in my assessment they are not out pf line with reports elsewhere. How much credence you choose to give them is up to you, but I think that these two articles are worth consideration.

    The first is all about the waning efficacy of the jabs. This is no longer particularly controversial per se, although some might choose to challenge the detail, which is claimed to be sourced from publications of PHE, or the UK Health Security Agency as we must apparently now call them (is that because we have to be encouraged to always obey the "security agencies" that are charged to look after us?).

    This article is by "a concerned reader" (and we must remember that in these contentious times a great many such may prefer anonymity in order to retain their livelihoods). 


  • Will "fraudulent modelling" be Used to Justify Jabs for the 5 - 11s?


    HART (The Health Advisory & Recovery Team) reviews the FDA's recent decision to issue an EUA (emergency use authorisation) for the Pfizer Covid19 vaccine in 5 to 11 yr olds.

    They compare the hypothetical expected rates of ICU admissions and deaths from Covid against the expected risks of Myocarditis as a result of vaccination.

    The trial investigation was of course run by the vaccine manufacturer Pfizer. There is no indication that it was independently supervised or audited. Indeed, the published reasoning includes these caveats:

    "A descriptive efficacy analysis was also based on this cohort; at the time of this Briefing Document was prepared, FDA has not fully verified the underlying data or Pfizer-BioNTech’s conclusions from this analysis"

    "Data verification is in process, but not yet finished at the time this briefing book was completed"


  • 9/11 - The Unspeakable - 20 Years on


    To mark the 20 year anniversary of the destruction of the twin towers, this is the story of some families that were affected by that event.

    (90 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • The Great Reset wants ‘billions of chronically ill people’


    "The silence of so many cardinals and bishops, along with the inconceivable promotion of the vaccination campaign by the Holy See, represents a form of unprecedented complicity that cannot continue any longer"

    So says Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, in a letter addressed to all the Catholic Bishops of the United States.


    That such a senior cleric is openly criticising the Holy See in such terms tells us all we need to know about his view of the Covid vaccination programmes. 

    He addresses two separate issues in detail:

    1. the moral aspects of the use of the vaccines against Covid-19 that have been developed from cell lines derived from tissues obtained from two fetuses that were not spontaneously
  • Collapse of the Old World Order Proceeds Apace


    The G-20 becomes the showpiece for a dysfunctional global order

    Not to mention the COP26 meeting this week in Glasgow.

    Journalist Benjamin Fulford brings us up to date with the current state of play, which reportedly hinges on the bankruptcy, or impending bankruptcy, of the key players.

    It is inevitable that bankruptcy intertwined with power politics at the highest global level will make for some turbulent times to come - even if as everybody hopes any actual war can be avoided. We should prepare as best we can.


  • Not Convicted of Any Crime, held in Pre-trial Detention with no Court Date in Sight


    Yes, this is the plight of detainees arrested over charges related to the 6 Jan incident at the US Capitol building. Only it's much worse than this bald statement implies, if reports are to be believed.

    "Dear Fellow Americans –

    I never thought I’d write a letter like this, but we’re living in very different times. This is my cry for help... "

    Read the letter.

    Read the comments from independent attorney Sidney Powell.

  • GOP Rep. Donalds Shocks Room Into SILENCE When He Exposes Truth About Climate


    Pertinent comment on COP26 (6 minutes):

    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • 9/11 Trillions - Follow the Money


    The Corbett Report, starting at 9/11. 

    Follow the Money:

    (1 hour)


  • View from the Street - GBNews Speaks for Millions


    Neil Oliver on GB News skewers the Great and the Good - done to a turn.


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • History According to Fulford - 31-Oct-21


    A quick skip through history to set the scene for COP26 in Glasgow (without Russia, China, Japan).

    Wuhan "had 10000 5G transmitters"

    Extreme lock-down, imposition of "vaccines", global green plan.

    So the Big Corporate '99.9%' are doing all they can to stave off their bankruptcy.

    More countries are becoming independent of the globalists - this is huge.

    Will the COP26 fall apart?

    Watch the video here.


  • The Fight for the Soul of Humanity - and We Each get to Choose


    Dr Zelenko, interviewed here by X22 Report, lays out the logic of the Covid situation by asking the hard questions, challenging each of us to refute his conclusions, step by step.

    Those of us not prepared to face up to hard choices should think carefully before watching, but when all is said and done, the concepts involved are not complicated, and are well within the grasp of most. As always, it's up to us to decide on the truth.

    (55 minutes)