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The Unelected

  • Lines to the Max


    "Babies being born and having their arms amputated, this is what it we've come to folks... "

    Make of this what you will:

    (57 minutes)



  • The Culling will Accelerate ...


    "The bigger they are, the harder they fall!"

    This maxim applies to lies too.

    A small lie can be readily discredited, but when your whole world view (and possibly your job, marriage, and social status too) turn out to depend on the lie, it's a different matter. Knowingly or not, we have investment in the lie, and if the lie falls, so does our current lifestyle.

    But it's still a lie, and lies have a habit of being discredited eventually. They have never become the truth, even if many perceive them to be true.

    When the lie is big enough, even readily available information in the public domain will be ignored by those who prefer to remain ignorant of it. So the awful statistics revealed by the various adverse events reporting systems sit gathering internet dust whilst those who don't want to look pass by on the other side.

  • Clif High Double Update - Sri Lanka - 4th Gen Warfare


    Direct from his eyrie overlooking Puget Sound (and in all natural lighting!) Clif updates us on his thoughts on the recent happenings around the world, in particular, in Sri Lanka.

    4th Generation Warfare:

    Here he almost introduces a new word: "narradigm" but sadly he corrects himself - I quite like the idea of a "narradigm", as it so neatly encapsulates a paradigm that is constructed solely from a narrative rather than being founded upon any factual basis.

    (24 minutes)


    A True Green Future - We R Sri Lanka:

    (18 minutes)


  • ICAN Demands the FDA Rescind its Covax Authorisations for Kids


    If ICAN succeeds in its petition, the MHRA will have to back down also if there is any justice remaining in the UK.


  • The Fulford Report Monday 25 July 2022


    If this is WW3 then truth is the first casualty and nothing that we see in the usual media can be expected to be true.

    So we must take our truth where we can find it, and for my money (yes, modest subscription required if you want to read the latest articles!) Benjamin Fulford weaves a compelling narrative. Is he right? 

    Right or wrong, his reports are always (well almost always) fascinating and paint a picture we must all hope and pray is correct in principle if not in all details.

    Recommended reading, perhaps especially if you happen to be in Switzerland.

    Don't miss.


  • UK Implosion Imminent?


    It's a July heatwave and they want to shut us down for a respiratory disease that in reality killed almost nobody (before the vaccination programmes started) and is killing precious few now?

    To save the NHS?

    The NHS is already destroyed as a viable working and trustworthy institution by management and regulatory action (despite honourable pockets of resistance), only the remnants remain to be mopped up.

    Read the glad tidings here!

    Then read GK Chesterton ...

    "... They have given us into the hand of new unhappy lords,
    Lords without anger or honour, who dare

  • BBC on the Skids?


    Mahyar "We Are the Media" Tousi demolishes the myth of the "national treasure" BBC in 5 minutes flat.

    (5 minutes)


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  • Vaccinees Die, but the Jabs Sail on Serene under the MHRA


    We have to live with "the virus", and now we have to live with the jabs.

    Vaccine injuries and deaths are not misinformation (unless you count the pathetic under-reporting built into the MHRA yellow card and US VAERS systems and the apparent total lack of concern and investigation thereof by the regulators).

    It seems that no volume of "adverse events" including death by vaccine and "unexplained" excess deaths of the otherwise healthy from a range of other mysterious causes never before encountered, is now sufficient to derail the WHO-Big-Pharma-Government-Regulator deaf blind and uncaring juggernaut.

    We have already reported not dissimilar views from the BMJ.

    The Conservative Woman has been on

  • Everything About the Georgia Guidestones that You Didn't Want to Know


    And the good news is that there is no background muzak!

    Just a monologue delivered straight to camera, at a pace that most normal people will find comfortable. All done with the brash confidence and enthusiasm of youth with barely any hesitation deviation or repetition. In fact, a superb lesson in minimalism that many other channels would do well to follow.

    Actually I could agree with a great deal of what the guidestones 'say' - but I doubt very much that I would agree the interpretation or implementation that the authors had in mind. In particular, who would step forward to say what 'society' / 'the people' want, or should want? I'm sure there would be no shortage of self-appointees. 

    Personally, I also agree with 99.9% of the content - but he's another James/Jim/Jimmy, so what's not to like?!

    (13 minutes)



  • Use DisCERNment


    After the "moon landings", do we now have the "Higgs boson"?

    This interesting article from the Millenium Report asks a lot of obvious questions that perhaps won't make them any friends in high places.

    What do we know about the large hadron collider?

    It's vastly expensive

    It's a tax-payer's money-pit

    It's far too horribly complex for mere mortals to understand

    It "found" the Higgs boson (for which it had been looking for years... )

    Nobody can see what it actually does (as it's buried underground)

    Not that different from the moon landings project then? Or even the internal workings of big government?


    So is it perhaps yet another means to launder tax-payers' money through to

  • What? Did Trump Do Something Right?


    The Brownstone Institute (did they get that name from a government office for imaginative titles?) treats us to a useful dissertation on the problem of "the administrative state".

    UK viewers know how this works - we only have to revisit the 'Ministry of Administrative Affairs' so helpfully documented in the TV SitComs "Yes Minister" / "Yes Prime Minister" to know exactly what they are talking about.

    Trump apparently also knew and issued an executive order to bring those federal employees "who are beyond legislative reach but they still make policy and determine the structure of the regime under which we live" (in UK parlance, the civil service, QUANGOs, regulators, maybe even private contractors... ) under his ultimate control.

    After all, it would be his administration that would carry the can for their

  • Miriam Cates MP on the State of Sex Education in Schools


    It's a long time since I was at school, but it probably is true that this presentation by Conservative MP Miriam Cates on the state of sex education in our schools should be required viewing for all parents.

    "Pre-pubescent 11 yr olds are not straight / gay / or bisexual, they are children"

    "... gender ideology is highly contested, it doesn't have a basis in science, and no-one had heard of it in this country just 10 years ago... "

    "... it's therefore the duty... to tell children the truth - those that teach the child that there are 64 different genders, that they may actually be a different gender to their birth sex, and they may have been born in the wrong body, are not telling the truth... "

    "... it's not compassionate wise or legal to teach children that contested ideologies are

  • Medical Regulators for Hire?


    Given the greased ease with which completely novel and largely untested (and it now turns out largely ineffective and quite possibly very dangerous) "vaccines" have slid past the regulatory authorities worldwide in record time (with a little help from the WHO who kindly redefined the term "vaccine"), it seems a fair question to ask.

    Of course for now this remains a conspiracy theory, in as much as no official party has deigned to give the notion any credence - but are the cracks beginning to spread?

    The British Medical Journal is, one might suppose, as close to an establishment organ as it is possible to get without boasting full membership, yet here they are openly asking the question, albeit rather late in the day.

    "Over the past decades, regulatory agencies have seen large proportions of their budgets funded by the industry they are sworn to regulate"

    We could stop right here.


  • The "One Health" Initiative


    Not content with human health, the UN is also co-opting food and agriculture, animal health, and the environment into a coordinated approach to the world's welfare.

    As so often with politicians, nothing that they say can be disputed in its own terms, for who can say that health, food, and farming are unrelated?

    Yet their track record says that the notions underpinning the specific implementations will be designed, not to benefit mankind in general, but to deliver more control into the hands of the UN and its agencies backers and partners.

    (3 minutes)


    Dr David Martin Explains the "Bioweapon"


    The overturning of "Row v Wade" threw the "liberals" into convulsions, but is that the end of the story?

    What else may be lining up to rattle their cage?

    How about some court judgements on the bio-weapon of terror and genocide, coming up 6 July in Federal Court Utah?

    "... a key driver is the media, and the economics will follow the hype... investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process"

    "... a campaign of domestic terror to get the public to accept the universal vaccine platform using a known biological weapon, and that is their own words, not my interpretation"

    "... and then in 2016... at the same time ... had the patent for what's called Remdesivir, which was the

  • Fulford - "Fourth Reich Mourned"


    Readers may know the "Fourth Reich" better as the G7.

    "... we are dealing with the end of an era"

    With the war in the Ukraine hopefully in its last stages, it will be interesting to see whether Zelenskyy sues for peace or whether he is replaced by somebody who will.

    All in all a recommended edition of the Fulford Monday review, whether you are a subscriber to his service (when you get to read the whole thing) or not.

    (And if the latter - don't worry about nuclear armageddon - just know that its off the table)

    Small (recommended) subscription applies for full access.


  • Is the Fed Still on Firm Ground?


    The Federal Reserve of the USA is traditionally regarded as the most influential national central bank in the world.

    Due to its latest decision to raise interest rates, and to the huge volumes of financial securities it purchased under QE in earlier times of lower interest rates, the book value of those securities has taken a significant hit. They don't pay as much, so they would sell for less, giving the Fed a loss should it either decide or need to sell them. Technically it could decide not to sell them until interest rates drop again, thus avoiding realisation of any loss, but a forced sale before then would realise the loss.

    So will the Fed now run at a loss? Would it matter?

    Might it even become insolvent? What would that mean?

    These are a few of the most important questions of our time, and the AIER thoughtfully publishes an exploration of the implications. 

    Mark Steyn Interviews for Post at the BBC?


    Well, I'll let you come to your own decision about that suggestion .

    (55 minutes)

    Mark follows on from the news report.


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