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One really does have to wonder what it is that some people have that others have not.

Take for example, Professor Neil Ferguson, whose infamous modellings have been shown to be reliably wrong over the course of time, yet whose tenure on SAGE seems to be guaranteed regardless, despite at one point reportedly resigning in disgrace - not in shame for his awful modelling but for the far more heinous crime of consorting with his girlfriend during lockdown.

The same thoughts about Ferguson's Imperial College modelling are explored by the Independent Institute, who lay out the whole sorry trail to remind us that our government advisers have - for whatever reason - a consistent track record of unacceptable performance and a supreme indifference to their failure.

"the truth is they all amounted to wild exaggerations from a fundamentally flawed model. At the 1-year mark, no country on earth approached anywhere near ICL’s 'unmitigated' projections, and certainly not any of the countries that avoided heavy-handed lockdowns"

"And why is the ICL team still advising governments around the world on how to deal with Covid-19 through its flawed modeling approach?"

It would be laughable were it not the cause of so much completely unnecessary suffering and damage to our nation, and to the world.

The fact of matter appears to be that this "pandemic" is running on rails and no amount of truth logic and/or reason is going to be permitted by the powers-that-be to affect its course.