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"Word Salad" in general means a collection of imposing-sounding words which communicate no sensible message.

Certainly no precise coherent message.

The art of the word salad has been refined over many years by that putative global fascist dictatorship known as the New World Order.

It's a long and carefully executed attempt to bamboozle the world population into accepting their pronouncements without argument, because ... well, how do you argue with an interminable pile of nonsense?

The people pushing it always have more labyrinths of nonsense to send you around!

The pile simply has to be rejected in toto.

Happily I am spared the need to dive in and demonstrate the meaninglessness of the pile of garbage because the inimitable Ivor Cummins has done the demolition job already.


(68 minutes - even though he does skip through it apace!)


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