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"Fourth Turnings  NEVER de-intensify. There will be blood, death, and war on an enormous scale before this Crisis is resolved"

"I believe the next six months will determine the course of humanity for the next century and beyond"

"Most people are unwilling or unable to confront the brutal facts of our current reality"

"Last week they quietly reported that 818,000 jobs they reported as existing were entirely fake. They knew they were fake when they reported them, but you gotta do what you gotta do to maintain your wealth, control and power"

"Events have been happening at a breakneck pace and it is difficult to determine which incidents are being engineered and which are occurring naturally"

Sadly he's not just remarking on the state of play in the USA (although his remarks are centred on that country). This is global.

Jim Quinn lays it out for ZeroHedge.