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The NHS is lauded by many as our "national treasure" - much like the BBC really - and set up for ostensibly laudable reasons. Who would not want competent but expensive medical treatment free at the point of use?

But did the NHS deliver?

Well, here we are in 2023 and those on waiting lists may feel that promise rapidly receding over the future horizon.

How far has the rot set in?

" ... it saddled the NHS with a toxic burden of debt ... "

Ah, debt ... the cause of all modern ills it would seem. Who created that debt?

" ... the Health and Social Care Act ... in effect in law abolished the NHS ... removed the duty of the Secretary of State to provide health care" (see also the Health and Care Act 2022)

If you still trust the system, or believe that it just needs a few tweaks, you really need to watch this - you may feel that the problem goes a lot wider and deeper than just the NHS ...

(57 minutes)


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Selling the NHS? If you ask me, they sold it / gave it away long ago.