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Brought to us by Martin Geddes, this seminar by William Keyte is described, Magna Carta is referenced, and the jury system is cited.

"Knowledge of natural law has been occulted, to the detriment of the many, and benefit of a few"

"there is massive gaslighting and miseducation, such as the constant repetition that our constitution is unwritten, when it is not"

"Most people in the legal profession sincerely believe they are functioning under the constitution"

"To play them at their illegitimate game is to volunteer to lose"

"We pay too much attention to what 'they' are doing to us, and not enough to what we should be doing"

"There is no real education here of juries as to their power and rights"

"Alternating manifestos and parties create division, strife, and instability. The elected should only be public servants, not bundled up with a policy package"

" ... centralisation of control is seen as efficient, and results in an open door to those who like to control others"

" ... the military and police are indoctrinated to obey orders, but not to test their lawfulness"

"A constitution is only suitable for a conscious society that is willing to take responsibility for itself. An unconstitutional society is for the unconscious, who clamour for rules to compensate for their own lack of self-control and unwillingness to confront risk"

" ... a common law constitution does allow for legislation"

"However, legislation has no power to punish, which is reserved to the people"

Martin has provided a very readable and very necessary article that touches on all the major factors that must be confronted by "we the people", if we are to recover our sovereignty over those who purport to be our rulers.

Lots of ideas here to mull over, understand, and try to fit into one's world-view. Take your time.

A substantial read but worthwhile.

Additional reading - Democracy Defined