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The UK is in dire need of an initiative to break the stranglehold of the political parties.

Vote Labour get Tory, vote Tory get New Labour, vote Green get New Labour ... call it what you will, you get the policy agenda that emanates from "the Left", or these days from the WEF-UN partnership of global corporate interests (ie: fascism) that dance to the tune of those who fund them. Andrew Bridgen MP has demonstrated how the system actually works by defying it, and has been excommunicated for his pains.

If things carry on as they are, we really will be eating insects to survive, drinking fluoridated (ie: poisoned) water, living in 15-minute ghettos and spending our hard-earned CBDCs exactly as permitted by the bankers. Oh, and you will read only the news permitted by the Ministry of Truth, which will tell us exactly how well our benign and generous government is governing.

Step forward Not Our Future, or Independent Alliance as we must now call them.

The only way short of outright revolution (not a very British way) to regain control of our Parliament will be to elect independent MPs who actually work for their constituents.

Now there's a revolutionary thought!

The Independent Alliance have (correctly in my view) put their finger on the precise problem with our current Parliamentary system -  the MPs all work for the political parties, who are both the gate-keepers to Parliament and the whips who instruct them how to vote. 

Who knows who controls the political parties? Certainly the major donors have a say, and money talks. Quite possibly there are other less obvious channels of control at work, such a blackmail, extortion, and all matters criminal that are obviously not made public knowledge. With so much money flowing from pharmaceutical interests into "our" regulatory authorities, who would bet against it all being neither entirely proper nor above-board?

If we want our MPs to work for us then we must elect independent MPs, in quantity,  who have no link to any major (or minor) political party, and who are pledged to work only for their constituents.

It isn't something that will happen overnight, but it is something to promote and strive for.

Maybe this is a step in the right direction. Sign up now.