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This is an article about the "Technate" as it might be applied in the continental United States.

This is of course a theoretical discussion, even if some might think that the technocrats such as the Dr Faucis of this world have been running the US for the last several years.

I suppose that this is the difference between "technocracy" or rule by technocrats (which might compete in a multicratic political system with other "crats" such as autocrats and democrats) and the Technate: the ultimate triumph of the technocrats over all other crats.

Of course, in the end there is either freedom or serfdom, and the Technate ends up as simply yet another means of establishing an all-stifling form of autocratic top-down rule, this time by technocratic dictatorship.

Throughout human history, people at the bottom of the power pyramid have enjoyed limited freedom of behaviour, and the autocrat has enjoyed limited powers of control, resulting in a balance of power. There simply wasn't the technology to permit the autocrat to micro-manage the serf, hence the autocrat's need to resort to fear deceit and coercion, whereas now, with the invention of the internet of everything, the technologists believe that they might even (through their clever algorithms, data-monitoring, and brain interfaces) control the serf's decision as to whether or not and if so exactly when to scratch his or her head.

OK, maybe I exaggerate a little but not by very much. The point is that the common people are to be progressively reduced to as near to being a robot as can be managed by the technology - which begs the question: at what point does real robotics catch up with the (relatively limited and ever-shrinking) behaviour-set that the common person is permitted to exercise?

At that point humanity (or a specific behaviour-segment of it) can be done away with. 

"Despite its allusions to spontaneous order, technocracy overturns the economic and social mechanisms that could potentially allow spontaneous order to flourish. It replaces them with the ultimate system of centralised power and control of resources"

No we are not there yet, but I wouldn't want to get any closer.