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The struggle to set ones enemies against each other in order to gain significant advantage to oneself regardless of the cost to others, is as old as the hills. It maybe regarded as the primary methodology of those who would rule the world, since it gives them exactly what they want - preeminence and supremacy.

In keeping with this principle, here is a viewpoint that promotes the idea that through NATO, Germany (and Europe) have been manoeuvred into self-destructive sanctions against Russia to keep them at odds, even though this is clearly in neither party's interests.

Why on earth would that be in anybody's interests?

We should note that the think tank allegedly behind the plan has denied involvement, and in the absence of supporting evidence this must be considered a conspiracy theory. However, should it eventually turn out to be true, I doubt that this would cause any great surprise to those familiar with great power politics.

And we should note that by "the US" we mean the international media-military-industrial complex that some believe has ruled the western roost ever since WW2.