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CHD TV interviews Christof Plothe D.O. who explains where Apeel came from, how a tiny start-up became an instant hit, the links to the WHO (how did you guess?) and other notable "usual suspects".

It is applied (in separate forms) both before harvest and after harvest ...

Can be used on organic produce, (despite its pesti-/fungi-cide content?).

Won't wash off.

Oh, and it's "carbon friendly" ...

There's no full list of ingredients to bother our pretty little heads with, but all the regulators think it's absolutely fine so there's no cause to worry, right?

" ... you don't see any of these substances on the website of Apeel, but the patent itself ... in order to produce these substances even several heavy metals are being used ... "

" ... we are left to a very very thin margin of information ... " 

" ... new International Fresh Produce Association 2021 ... "

There are still plenty of questions whose answers seem to be a matter of commercial confidentiality:

"Which glycolipids are actually used and how are they modified? " 

"What is the solidification process?"

"Why are trans-fats allowed?"

There is, as they say, "much more" to this.

(92 minutes)

Watch on CHD TV here.