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"What happens over the next two weeks is key"

"This war is an information war ... all other wars took place within this one"  

"The self-organising collective ... has been battling the globalists ... if one had within that collective military intelligence ... at some point it would be necessary ... to provide a pathway for information to go to the populace ... to start seeding the populace for the expected counter-insurgency operations ..." 

"... and on Oct 31 2017, it [the self-organising collective, now known as "Q"] announced itself"

"... in order to support the information war,  we have pre-positioned our actual physical assets so that it will hopefully remain an information war, and that's where we are right now"

"... this has been planned since the 1900s ..."

"... this war is so damned goofy you have to be initiated into a secret society to see it going on!" 

Clif High presents his analysis of what has been going on recently in global politics - and indeed, not so recently. 

This is an unmissable deep dive into the current global politics.

But is he right?

This video is not for the faint-hearted - just keep calm and carry on.

[video removed]

Well, it seems that video has been taken down.

The video below is approximately contemporary, so contains much of the same material, although it doesn't have some of the overtly political analysis. Spot the similarities to happenings in the UK:


If you like the above, you can find another Clif High interview with Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com. Whilst there is inevitably some repetition of the above videos, Clif gives us a very wide-ranging analysis which covers a multitude of facets of the unfolding situation.