Dr Steven Greer has been around for so long that he almost seems like part of the standard conspiracy theorist's wallpaper.
As a consistent advocate of the unmasking of the "unacknowledged black projects" of the military industrial complex, and the harnessing of the associated zero-point energy technologies for the global good of the planet, others have fallen aside over time but he has stayed the course.
We may not necessarily agree on everything that he says (I don't), but today it's hard to deny his central thrust ...
... that much of the technology (currently hidden within the so-called unacknowledged black projects) that would transform our planet and put humanity on a new path to a truly sustainable future of freedom of choice and abundance (as opposed to "sustainable" as used by the self-appointed luminaries of the WEF to lead us toward sustainable slavery to the elites) must be declared revealed and unpacked to full transparency and global adoption.
His preferred way to do this is to publish it all as open-source.
Open-source has a good track record of revolutionising the software industry with many, probably most data centres world-wide now running primarily on open-source software (including all the primary machines that bring you this site!). Open-source releases the power of the individual to build anew and improve upon the work of others without restraint according to the free choice and unrestrained imagination of the individual or group, and to make those improvements available to all, at least cost to the world.
Open-source = open choice! (choose wisely!)
Imagine what could be achieved by letting loose the imagination of all humanity, instead of restricting development to the controlled imagination of the tiny global elite?
Of course there are well-funded self-interests still in play that would at all costs thwart such revelation, but clearly these self-interests are now in declining influence - how else to explain this video being hosted on YouTube?
I commend this (albeit longish) presentation to your attention.
(1 hr 47 minutes)
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