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The people who exhibit a high degree of sensitivity to EMFs (radio waves) present a problem to which governments, and the regulatory authorities around the world that work for them, have studiously closed their eyes and ears for far to long.

This site has documented this myopia for years, and there are now many more sites and voluntary organisations that have been mounting lawsuits and calling for some real investigations leading to sensible practicable and balanced guidelines, but there are none so deaf as those who will not listen.

So reluctantly we must highlight the same message again and again, this time delivered by Gillian Jamieson writing for the Daily Sceptic. This time it is our government ministers firmly in the spotlight, displaying abysmal levels of ignorance on this topic. After all these years, "ignorance" seems to be a polite metaphor for what we are witnessing.

EHS - electromagnetic hypersensitivity - might be a bit unusual, but for those affected living in our increasingly saturated world it is inescapable. Now it might be that it is caused by simple dietary deficiency, or some other factor that if identified could be corrected, but with the medical boffins deflecting the responsibility onto the wireless boffins and vice versa, we aren't going to find out any time soon. Is it time for heads to be banged together? Or are all these agencies and watchdogs so far "influenced" by vested interests that a clean sweep is going to be the only way forward?