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  • Highwire Review December 2022 - 298 Bringing the Heat


    Highwire Episode 298 - Bringing the Heat

    A sitrep on where we have been,where we are now, what may be coming...  

    Yes it's long (but visit the highwire.comnext Tuesday/Wednesday when they will have loaded your preferred clip).

    (2 hrs 50 mins)



  • The Federation of State Medical Boards


    AKA "The International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities".

    Maajid Nawaz explains the power pyramid that controls the global medical profession.

    "Both the international one and the American one are registered to the same office in Texas

    "The body that regulates all the medical boards and councils around the world...  it's... a private company... "

    "... the entire thing is a stitch-up... "

    (The first twelve minutes suffice to make the point if you're short of time)

    (96 minutes)



  • Andrew Bridgen MP Spells it Out


    More or less net zero MPs in attendance.

    They are what pass for "our representatives" in Parliament.

    (22 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • How to Detox after the Quax (and prior to the 5G)


    Words of good advice from La Quinta Columna (subtitled in English).

    Strangely I was already doing much of this prior to the onset of the Covidemic - maybe someone somewhere has my best interests in hand?! Anyway, I can confirm hardly ever having had so much as a sniffle...  (or a quax - but I doubt that's the only distribution technology).

    (12 minutes)



  • Ivor Update on the Next Pandemic


    Ivor Cummins had a good Covid pandemic, achieving prominence through outstanding excellence of both logical, evidence-based analysis and calm, reassuring reportage. 

    Here he addresses the next pandemic, as already showcased by all the usual suspects. Did you miss it? Strange how the main media are always keen to report on the activities of their approved experts when they are telling us all what to do and what not to do, but not so keen when they are rolling the simulations for the next time around...

    Well, we have been warned.

    Please at least try to keep a straight face - Ivor does manage it (though only just).

    (16 minutes)



  • Net Zero Concern for Humanity


    Once again Neil Oliver provides a welcome breath of fresh good sense to those who have ears to hear.

    It's my pleasure to bring it to you.

    (17 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Senate Discussion - Withdraw Them All Now!


    Senator Ron Johnson  led a round table discussion on vaccine efficacy and safety at which

    "Sen Johnson listed some of the officials who had been invited to come to this event to give balance and present their perspective on the story ... All of them declined to appear or to send a representative"

    "Dr. Peter McCullough concluded that in order to prevent future harm, all COVID-19 vaccines need to be immediately withdrawn from the market"

    Whilst I don't suppose that this tiny chip into the megalith of the official Covid narrative will be sufficient to bring it down, the reports on this meeting are informative and readable (although fully based upon the preconceptions that virology is a valid science and that the spike protein is the cause of the adverse

  • ICAN Legal Update on Merck's Vaccine Production Plant


    "The inspection uncovered a number of highly disturbing findings, including unsanitary practices, mislabeled vaccine products, unqualified workers, mold contamination, bacteria contamination, and failure to report or investigate production issues"

    "Merck’s West Point facility still remains in operation today"

    A damning report.


  • BMJ Weighs in on mRNA Jab - Risk/Benefit Analysis


    Risk / Benefit analyses have been remarkable throughout the Covid experience by their total absence (please correct me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if I am wrong).

    Finally, now that the regulators in both US and UK are all set to begin rolling out Covid jabs to babes of 6 months and above, the BMJ (why not the MHRA, in the interests of transparency?) has published a paper on the risk / benefit of jabbing healthy university students (aged 18 - 29) against the "omicron variant".

    Obviously the devil is in the detail and the

  • Debi Evans Discusses the NHS with Roy Lilley


    Between them they probably have as much experience of the NHS as any two people you could hope to find, one from the front line and the other from what we might loosely term the management end.

    We can probably all agree that the NHS does appear to lurch between crises and panicked monetary infusions by government.

    So is the NHS model of "free at the point of use" as directed by the government still a viable (let alone desirable) model?

    "... the sky is dark with chickens coming home to roost ...

    "... it's not just because they are exhausted over Covid, it's because they can't sleep at night because they are being asked to do things that they're not feeling safe or confident in doing"

    "... it's just hopelessly clunky and horrible... "

    "... but they don't do that now, it's all done

  • What is the WHO?


    The Corbett Report does a good job in a half-hour or so of checking out how the WHO was founded, what it stands for, and how it goes about its business.

    We are sure to be reminded of something salient to today's world status - concepts such as the "bio-security paradigm" are unpacked for inspection. 

    Such matters have been long in the gestation (aided as required by the apparently inevitable mutation of pandemic definition).

    "... people still I don't think have their full mind around it... "

    Published August 21 2020.

    Not to be missed even then!

    (35 minutes)




  • Blogs that Make You Go Hmmmm...


    Jon Rappoport is not a conventional person. 

    He doesn't hold authority in high esteem (or any esteem at all!) - unless he can find truth and integrity in that authority's pronouncements. And he's his own judge on that.

    If you were to ask me, I would say that in these troubled times, this is an attitude to which we should all aspire, even if we cannot yet see our way to full achievement of such aspiration.

    I'm not sure that Jon has approved of any authority in recent years, other than perhaps some independent self-made authorities that also follow the evidence wherever it leads them.

    After what seems like an eternity of Covid authorities rampant, he reposts a blog from February 2020 wherein he reviews what he thinks of the Covid scenario (just at the time that the vaccines were beginning to be rolled out).

    "This article is a kind of summary of where I stand, at

  • ICIC - Nanotech in the Vaccines? Dr Fuellmich Investigates


    There has been a great deal of speculation about both the content / effects and the motivation behind the vaccines, much of which has led many previously level-headed and eminently well-qualified people to come up with some quite extraordinary findings and theories.

    Findings and theories which many find so absurd and unexpected that they write them off as "nobody could / would do that".

    So would I, but - I have a method for assessing such apparently absurd theories and it goes like this:

    a) What is the likely upside (ie: benefit) if the theories being questioned are true?

    b) What is the corresponding downside (ie: catastrophe) if the theories are true?

    If neither upside nor downside are very significant then even if the theories are true we don't really need to worry so we can dismiss them in safety, but if the upside would be awesome or the downside catastrophic

  • "A Utopian Charade Based on Unrealistic Assumptions"


    Well, I suppose it had to happen soon enough, although I'm shocked it managed to happen before the final implosion, rather than afterwards when the desperate project to smear the innocent traditionally get's into its stride.

    That's all to the good, because "getting your retribution in first" before that final inescapable implosion, means that we might actually get to glimpse the truth. It's also good to know that there may actually be real humans still at the NAO that our deluded powers-that-be haven't yet managed to turn into AI-controlled cyborgs programmed to endlessly repeat the party line.

    Sadly I doubt it will make any discernible difference to the fate of "our" NHS as the NAO's report on their backlogs and waiting times makes clear (if we didn't already know) that that establishment might as well have been run by such cyborgs for many years.

    "... in other words,  the Select Committee thinks all NHS

  • Covid - The Infinite Onion?


    The indefatigable journalists at UK Column bring us yet another blockbuster presentation revealing unsuspected layers of what may amount to government corruption in the administration of the Covid "vaccines at warp speed" phenomenon.

    You thought you knew who was responsible for administering and regulating the roll-out and ensuring safety?

    If it turns out that you didn't, would that amount to fraud?

    Yes, all this took place in America, but (a) who's to say that something similar didn't take place here in the UK and (b) even if it didn't, our regulatory authorities in practice depend (excessively in my view) on sound regulation in America.

    As the months go by and more layers of the Covid onion are unpeeled, more shocking revelations appear that make us question everything that we have been taught about the medical and regulatory industries.

    I won't put up the video here because

  • Lest We Forget


    (31 minutes)

    We may as individuals forgive those who have wronged us as we feel appropriate to our circumstances. That is our freedom and our right.

    We should however never forget the extraordinary level of brainwashing, nudging, opprobrium, name-calling, and indeed threats and actual violence that were directed to those who merely pointed out that there was no evidence to support the effectiveness of the measures being imposed, to support the attempts to cajole us into taking an experimental medical intervention (in blatant contravention of the Nuremberg Codes), to support the alleged safety and efficacy of the alleged vaccines, to support the elimination of all alternative medical therapies other than vaccines, or even to support the alleged danger that the virus was supposed to pose to us all.

    Nor must we forget the extraordinary attempts to completely censor all opinion contrary to the official line, even when cogently argued by exceptionally

  • Not Me Gov - It's Climate Change


    Of all the preposterous ideas for explaining the rising levels of excess deaths from all causes, "Climate Change" must rank amongst the most implausible - implausible that is unless you take your opinions from "experts" and "authorities" of official kinds rather than from evidence or from genuine practitioners of the art of medicine.

    UKHSA's chief doom-monger and blame-dodger Jenny Harries may of course have some sort of undisclosed special interest involved in her unstinting determination to absolutely ignore any possible national side-effect (such as excess deaths) arising from the UKHSA's unshakeable purpose to inject as many unsuspecting people (and their children who by all available statistics are at no discernible risk from the demonised virus) with an experimental gene therapy of no known long-term safety profile - although it does now have a very known inability to prevent both infection and transmission.

    A therapy which incidentally comes from a company whose proven 

  • The Covid Graphene Vaccines according to La Quinta Columna


    La Quinta Columna (The Fifth Column) is a Spanish site (but you can select English language at the top right when the page opens) that has been quietly at the forefront of the scientific / technical evaluation of "the jabs" with particular reference to graphene and its derivatives. 

    If anyone is in any doubt about these mRNA shots, this is the site to put those doubts to bed. 

    If you can't find what you are looking for here, then you may well not find it anywhere.

    For example, you can download their Technical Report GRAPHENE DETECTION IN COVID19 VACCINES BY MICRO-RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY (in Google English), or download a list of articles

  • Thoughts on the General Medical Council


    The General Medical Council is the regulatory body  

    "... responsible for setting the standards for medical students and doctors... "

    You might think that this is the doctors' professional association with members elected by the doctors themselves...  but it appears that you would be wrong.

    A quick investigation of their web-site reveals that it is rather coy about how the Council chair and members get their councillorships, so being intrigued by this rather basic omission I did an internet search and came up with a 2019 advertisement in the Sunday Times for a Council Member (£18K annually for 'up to' 3 days per month, since you ask):

    "We are seeking to appoint a medical member for our governing Council"

    Equally strangely, the said "We" are not unidentified. Is it

  • Trust me - I'm an Obstetrician/Midwife/Gynaecologist?


    There are many now who believe that the Covid jabs have led to increasing numbers of stillbirths and other issues around maternity care, but DR EMMA JONES writing for Unherd catalogues a history of problems in NHS maternity units going back well before the start of the "pandemic", from the point of view of one who has personally lived the experience.

    "I thought I had seen everything. But nothing prepares you for O&G"

    "This internal politics put lives at risk"

    "Once held up as a beacon of good practice, it is now seen as enabling the 'worst scandal in NHS history' "

    "Following publication of the report, ... Police were said have identified 823
