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Greater Reset!

  • Fulford on Friday 22 April


    Benjamin Fulford paints an overall encouraging picture of world affairs.

    "... the only reason they're leaving that clown Johnson in place... "

    Modest subscription required. I know of no better value elsewhere.

  • Fulford on Monday 18 April 2022


    Much in this report follows up on what we already know, but some items are new.

    Support world-wide is seemingly not going to the globalists.

    The Ukrainian globalists do not seem to be winning the war in Ukraine.

    Plus some interesting news concerning our planetary poles, which may tie in with this somewhat alarming story from Dane Wigington of GeoEngineering Watch.

    Worth reading, but as always a modest subscription is required.


  • Fulford on Friday - 15/04/2022


    Benjamin's Friday round-up explores a number of aspects of the current geopolitical scene, both regarding the immediate situation, and how he sees the world morphing into a number of separate power blocks which will cooperate within whatever body is set up to succeed the current United Nations.

    Followed by the usual Q&A session, which should be of interest to many.

    As always, a modest subscription is required (25 minutes).


  • Fulford - Khazarian Mafia in Death Spiral


    The international boycott of the fiat money system is paying off:

    "A new reality is taking shape: the unipolar world is irretrievably receding into the past and a multipolar world is being born. This is an objective process that cannot be stopped, there won’t be one single ruler in this new reality….Nobody on Earth will be considered a second-rate player. All nations are equal and sovereign”   -  Sergey Lavrov

    Discovery of the Ukraine-US bio-weapons labs in contravention of international agreements has awoken many across the world.

    Russia tightening the screws on European gas supplies is (so to speak) turning up the gas under the European political pressure-cooker.

    "Now even the international drug mafia has announced action against the KM"

    ... and that's just the start.


  • The Great/Greater Reset Explained?


    Sanctions on Russia - not for the first time.

    But is the West suffering more than Russia?

    Kit Knightly writing for Off-Guardian (via Technocracy News and Trends) points up the contradictions.

    Cui bono? Who benefits?

    If the NWO wants depopulation (and all things Covid failed to deliver) then perhaps food shortages will do the trick? And an open war would help too.

    If the NWO wants to stop "climate change" (but we don't want to disfigure our environment with solar farms that take out our farmland, and wind-mills that take out our bird life, and we still need carbon fuels for power when the

  • WW3 According to Benjamin Fulford


    Fulford on Friday - WW3 is coming to a head, the golden rouble will end the central baking system.

    Worth watching (modest subscription required)

    The façade is cracking up - hold the line.

    You can't terminate a millenium-old cult without unleashing a certain amount of mayhem, but the end is nigh.

    According to Fulford cool.


  • Fulford on Monday - The End is Nigh?


    Fake News at its finest?

    Who's to know?

    If Benjamin Fulford is correct then the war in the Ukraine is fake (at least fake wars are better than real ones) and our mainstream media are just propaganda outlets that don't tell the truth about anything.

    Of course the Edmonton Fire Department personnel may well have been volunteered to Lviv to sort any fires, but surely the newspapers would have been full of our Canadian brave boys doing their bit to support the Ukraine? Or maybe they just sent some out-of-service clothing to relieve shortages?

    Still, it makes you wonder.

    Depending on which tale you choose to believe, it's hard to (a) keep a straight face or (b) think of the awful suffering in the

  • Newer World Order - Red in Tooth and Claw?


    Russia and China square up to Klaus Schwab and NATO - will NATO blink?

    With Biden at the helm, all bets are off.

    Restricted Republic bring together the salient developments.

    (23 minutes)



    The Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the PRC:

    "Today, the world is going through momentous changes, and humanity is entering a new era of rapid development and profound transformation. It sees the development of such processes and phenomena as multipolarity, economic globalization, the advent of information society, cultural diversity, transformation of the global governance architecture and world order"

    "...the international

  • Fulford on Friday 25 March - Video Update


    Benjamin's latest report summarises the world situation concerning who the Khazarian Mafia are, where they are and how they are faring.

    The war is on track.

    Watch his report here (25 minutes, subscription required).


  • A View from the Ukraine - Benjamin Fulford on Monday


    This will be astounding to anybody of normal temperament.

    (2 minutes)


    Today's Fulford Report is essential reading (although you will need a subscription to see the full works).

    He shows in a very natty coloured graphic exactly how "the West" has expanded its influence in Europe since WW2. Perhaps Mr Putin has a point.

    There are a number of additional short videos which illustrate different points.


  • The Ancient Origins of the Ukraine "War" - Clif High


    This is a bit delayed, but still very pertinent.

    Clif is a very knowledgeable fellow, and he takes a while to relate a rather complex story (in his own inimitable style!), but if you stick with it you will find a story that could explain a great deal about our myths, our history, about the Russian Revolution, about WW2, and now about "WW3" in the Ukraine.


    (44 minutes)


  • The Central Banks are Tottering - Long Live the Stable Currency!


    Clif High tells it like he sees it.

    If you value your wealth, take heed. He may not have everything right but I suspect he has a good grip on most of it.

    "we don't know in our lives what it is like to live with sound money"

     (31 minutes)


  • QFS Ends Corrupt Cabal Central Banking Systems


    This article is not for everyone, but if your mind is open to possibilities and recognises that "there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" then this may be for you.

    From my point of view there is nothing here that can be proven (unless you know differently?) and the QFS (and much else besides) has been touted by various sources for a long time with no obvious result, but that of itself does not yet invalidate it. 

    As St Paul said:

    "for now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then shall I know, even as I also am

  • Stop the World - We Need a Reboot!


    The Fulford on Friday video is a real challenge this week.

    I don't want to steal his thunder but I will say that he is certainly thinking outside the box!

    Watch if you dare!  (subscription required)


  • We Will Make This World How We Want It!


    Much has been written about the effect that consciousness may have on reality - indeed some think that reality only has any reality within the perception of those who are conscious!

    So if we follow that train of thought, it follows that the world that we know may be a manifestation created by those who live upon it.

    Thus if we permit others to drive our thought processes, through suggestion or intimidation or distraction (AKA brainwashing) we will live in a world created by those others...   but if we drive our own thought processes and our own intention, we will (acting in conjunction with our neighbours) create our own version of reality.

    OK - I've skipped over a whole sea of assumptions here but you perhaps catch my drift.

    The Pulse in its article 

  • Make of this What You Will


    (12 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Is WW3 About to Go Nuclear? Don't Panic!


    Restricted Republic brings us the glad tidings (which we mentioned in our newsletter on Wednesday) that "Russia has made claims on Alaska, backed by nuclear threats":

    (13 minutes)


    I note however that these demands did not come from Putin but from a member of the Russian parliament, the Duma - not exactly "official Kremlin demands" ...

    It may have been enough to trigger George Soros however. Here it is, straight from the horse's mouth.

    Maybe Soros overplayed his hand by flouting the Minsk agreement and shelling Donbass these last 8 yrs. Now Putin has called his bluff and Soros stands to lose the Ukraine and all

  • Who Rules the World? WW3 will Decide the Issue


    This is definitely an article to put up under the "Conspiracy" tag - nobody would have believed a word of it just a few short years ago, perhaps many will never believe it.

    Why? It's just so enormous a proposition that most well-balanced people would say "Where's the evidence?", and in truth the evidence has not previously been at all obvious.

    Although some real journalists of yesteryear did turn up some disquieting facts, and managed to get them published - if anybody wanted to read about them. Nobody in government, reportedly.

    Not surprising really - if you are trying to dominate a world whose population isn't keen on being dominated, then you take great care to hide your intentions behind multiple distractions. The Romans famously had their "bread and circuses", but they were probably not the first to use the

  • "We the People" Serve Notice of Termination on the Biden Pretendency


    Full marks for initiative!

    "abolishing of the government, citizens arrest, petitioning the military, NESARA/GESARA and more"

    (9 minutes)


  • Scott Ritter on Russian Activity in Ukraine, President Putin, and the West's Attitude to Russia


    "Putin is in the process of cleansing Russia from the taint of western interference"

    And we thought he was just cleaning up in the Ukraine.

    "Russia is doing this to set an example

    Scott sounds like a well balanced and experienced observer of many years standing.

    As always, use discretion, come to your own judgement.

    (15 minutes)