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Lucky Dip

  • Control the Language, Control the Thought


    Do you think in English?

    If so, this may be for you, for English has been subjected to an upgrade, much as predicted by one Eric Blair, and although the upgrade didn't necessarily use the precise vocabulary envisaged by the writer (and upgrade might be a misnomer) the parallels are there.

    "Are you still using Oldspeak terms like 'freedom?' If so, it’s time to update your vocabulary, abandoning useless words that clutter your brain. Master Newspeak, and you’ll never have to think again"

    The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love and justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement

    "Hope not hate" (remember, in Newspeak everything works backwards) is a totemic little phrase.

    "To magnify those emotions, Newspeak bypasses reason" thus

  • "Unveiling the Fundamental Mystery of the Universe"


    This little treasure is from 2016 but will exercise your little grey cells like never before.

    You don't believe me?

    "Mother Nature is so simple that she has completely perplexed and confused all of humanity"

    I strongly suggest you read this article first cool .

    Oh, and this one too. (For examples, see here).

    I'm not going to molly-coddle you any more, so on with the show!


  • Climate Round-Up - March 2022


    Sometimes I think that Dr John Robson of Climate Discussion Nexus does himself no favours by appearing to treat a serious topic with some (deserved) flippancy - after all, if you believe the climate doom-mongers then this won't tempt you to take what he says seriously, and surely he wants to persuade the believers that climate change is not all it's cracked up to be?

    Still, if you are in the market for political idiocy and prepared to amuse yourself at the politicos' expense then today's newsletter is a cracker!

    Ultimately there may be no substitute for ridicule, and certainly today's world seems richly deserving.


  • We Can't Even Believe Our Own Eyes Any Longer


    The only thing I know is that I know nothing. I think that Socrates had it right - the pursuit of certainty is a fool's errand, not because it is undesirable but because it is unattainable.

    And here (if we believe it!) is the "proof" that we can't believe even our own eyes any more:

    (3 minutes)



  • The Corbett Sustainable Global Initiative Report


    This is an interesting take on the current direction in which national leaders are taking us, with plenty of supporting evidence.

    Starting with Justin Trudeau, it's a bit slow to start, but it moves on...

    Make of this what you will:

    (59 minutes)


    The only thing I know is that I know nothing. I think that Socrates had it right - the pursuit of certainty is a fool's errand, not because it is undesirable but because it is unattainable.

    Nevertheless, the old saying "

  • The Ancient Origins of the Ukraine "War" - Clif High


    This is a bit delayed, but still very pertinent.

    Clif is a very knowledgeable fellow, and he takes a while to relate a rather complex story (in his own inimitable style!), but if you stick with it you will find a story that could explain a great deal about our myths, our history, about the Russian Revolution, about WW2, and now about "WW3" in the Ukraine.


    (44 minutes)


  • Don't Let Your Bank Manager See This, Show It to Your Lawyer


    Masterly interrogation of an unfortunate bank employee . . .

    No doubt it's totally different in the UK (?)

    (17 minutes)



  • Review of Ukraine, NATO, the EU, Putin and the WEF-UN


    Catherine Austin Fitts and Karel van Wolferen Discuss NWO, Ukraine, NATO, EU and Putin’s Shock Chess Moves on Davos

    CAF and KW knit together the goings on in Ukraine, the EU, NATO, and the UN, which wants an international treaty to subject us all to UN control in the event of another "pandemic".

    "When Fitts and van Wolferen speak, their emotions are subjugated to their knowledge, not vice versa"

    You won't find this in the mainstream then.

  • Stop the World - We Need a Reboot!


    The Fulford on Friday video is a real challenge this week.

    I don't want to steal his thunder but I will say that he is certainly thinking outside the box!

    Watch if you dare!  (subscription required)


  • A Q-urious Great Awakening


    We have featured the work of Martin Geddes before. I first heard about him from the late(?) great Robert David Steele who liked his work on the Q phenomenon, which was possibly the first and maybe only serious attempt to analyse the topic and draw a conclusion about its usefulness.

    I would be lying if I didn't claim an affinity with Martin's approach to life - we both grew up in IT (but no I was never a "serious" highly-paid highly-regarded IT professional, just a dedicated IT practitioner in an unforgiving industry). We both look at the

  • UK Pressing Ahead with On-Line "Safety" Bill


    Big Brother Watch reminds us that the same Government that is denying reality by continuing to roll-out an experimental gene-editing therapy to our children (despite strong evidence suggestive of a link between the roll-out and increased deaths in that age group) is still obsessed by the need to make the internet safe from "legal but harmful" content.

    It will do this by passing an On-line Safety Bill putting the onus on social media companies to censor the internet.

    So the social media corporations who have already been deplatforming anybody who says things they don't like have now persuaded the government to force them to legally do much the same thing to all content they (or the

  • 5D or 5G? Scientific or Spiritual?


    I've tagged this as "lucky dip" rather than "conspiracy" because it doesn't really fit the category of "conspiracy" - some might think it "delusion" but I don't have a category for that as it's too broad a description - so "lucky dip" it is.

    5G has been a topic that many have associated with an alternative cause of Covid-like symptoms - not in all realism too difficult as the Covid symptoms are pretty generic, and some of the reports from New York in the early days were quite suggestive of radiation poisoning (pneumonitis rather than pneumonia). I'm comfortable discussing such matters because I'm working within a "scientific" or "engineering" paradigm based upon facts logic and measurement and (relatively) clear definitions. 

    5D (fifth dimension or 5th density) has often puzzled me (as an engineer) primarily because the engineering attributes of dimension (a

  • Vitamin D - Who Would Have Thought It?


    For those who may be worried about the alleged adverse effects of certain injections on our immune systems, GreenMedinfo publishes results from a "large nationwide study involving 12,786 men 50 years or older and 13,085 women 55 years or older. It was a randomized double blind, placebo-controlled trial"into the efficacy of a daily intake of 2000 IU (50 mcg)of vitamin D and Omega 3, over a period of five years.

    "The clinical importance of this trial is high because these are well tolerated, non-toxic supplements, and other effective treatments to reduce the incidence of autoimmune diseases are lacking"

    "Strengths of this study include its size and diversity; its design as a prospective, placebo controlled, randomized trial -- the "gold standard" for medical drug studies"

  • War!


    The Daily Sceptic hosts an article by Dr James Alexander (Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Bilkent University in Turkey)  which, whilst prompted by the outbreak of hostilities in the Ukraine, is nevertheless more of a reflective discourse on the nature of wars past and present.

    He makes a number of great points but I suggest that he doesn't fully engage with his topic. That is not to criticise at all - he has done a great job of setting the current imbroglio into some much needed context - but I would suggest some significant omissions which need to be covered.

    But first, read his article.

     "The war in Ukraine is a strange war, because it is old-fashioned. It is the classic European form of war, whereby one sovereign state clashes with another sovereign state over some disputed

  • Bu Do - Struggle for Enlightenment


    Clif High has done with the Woo - now he is into the skirmishing.

    He has some serious comments to make about the developments in the Ukraine, not to mention the state of the "deep state" and what may be likely to happen - "we are at war now".

    Oh, and this was made on 25th February so it's slightly out of date, but overall I think that's not too significant.

    Canada, Banking, Durham, Crypto, Vaxxlash, Cashlash, Linux(!), and the oncoming Ice Age... this is quite an upbeat presentation!


    (38 minutes)



  • Seen it Before? - Somewhere?


    I couldn't resist this little gem, nifty ideas abound - but were they feasible, and were they real?

    Is there nothing new under the sun?

    Null points for the muzak sadly.

    Over to you...

    (13 minutes)

    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • BBC Reverses the Science?


    Only the BBC could invent this?

    Climate change: Covid shutdown linked to record rainfall in China

    As I recall, super-cooled water vapour remains as a vapour - until it meets a catalyst such as aerosol particles, when it breaths a huge sigh of relief and condenses around them, forming snow particles or water droplets depending on conditions.

    It's a bit like a sugar concentrate in water - when the concentration reaches saturation, any disturbance will cause a sudden crystallisation of the sugar, separating it out. 

    The same thing happens in a cloud - as warm air rises the pressure drops, the volume expands and the temperature drops, reducing the capacity of the air to dissolve the water vapour. If it was warm enough

  • Have You Seen the Light?


    Today we feature an interview with Darren Nesbit, editor of the Light truthpaper, "serial entrepreneur" and free-thinker. Many of you may have been introduced to freecitizen.uk though seeing our advertisement in his paper - it's my way of supporting his excellent venture.

    If there is anything that will save us from the predations of the technocrats and self-important elites that infest our political parties and structures of authority around the world, it will have to be we the common people ourselves who come to realise that we don't have to obey their every whim and fancy.

    The Good Lord (of whatever persuasion you support) gave each of us the most incredible facility between our ears, and it must be regarded as the height of ungratefulness on our part not to use it to its fullest extent.

    We all have our part to play, we can decide what that should be, and we can support each other to bring our joint efforts to

  • And Now for Something Completely Different (from 1906?)


    Coming"soon" - a Tesla Tower near you?

    The technology still seems to be under development, but there's little doubt that they look a lot better than electricity pylons! 

    How will they work out? No idea, but New Zealand is reportedly blazing a trail.

    This video is from August 2020.

    Whether the downsides (zapped birds etc) will prove problematic remains to be seen, but probably a technology to watch.

    (4 minutes from enthusiastic youngsters)


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    The Shape of the World to Come


    Transition is coming...

    The New World Order is on its way...   just not the WEF way.

    We have featured the Global Peace and Restoration Consortium of Member States previously:

    UN / WHO R.I.P. - Long Live the GPRC / GHWC !

    Did Little Fiji Just Kick Off the Greater Reset?

    Then their web-site was under construction... it is still unfinished in many parts, but now it is beginning to reveal more, and worth another exploration!

    To whet your appetite...
