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Free Citizen

  • Julian Assange - The Ukraine, etc


    UK Column reports on the latest Julian Assange situation (and much else besides):

    (from 9 to 26 minutes on JA, 83 minutes in all)


    If you follow the remainder of this edition you will notice where some of our taxpayer monies go, under the radar via "charities" reportedly pursuing political objectives.


  • Emergency Powers and Civil Liberties


    Big Brother Watch has brought out its report for Jan-Mar 2022, and a considerable work it is.

    There is more detail here than any normal body would have either time or inclination to read, but in these times of endemic government overreach we must sometimes steel ourselves to inform ourselves of unpleasant truths and take heed lest worse is to come.

    "History shows we face challenges of such magnitude best when we hold onto the values that define us, not when we abandon them. This is a pivotal moment and a crucial time for parliamentarians to increase scrutiny and limitations on powers"

    Quite so, but past events demonstrate pretty conclusively that our parliamentarians are only nominally "our" parliamentarians - they are (with some honourable exceptions) really the political parties' parliamentarians, and the parties dance to the tune of their largely

  • The EU Tightens its Grip


    Brexit is a work-in-progress - except that this term implies progress, whereas it appears to be going into reverse.

    Of course it depends on whose viewpoint you are taking - from the EU's perspective it is advancing its agenda to break Northern Ireland away from the UK.

    From this report it would appear that the EU is unilaterally tightening up the red tape to make it stupidly expensive to import goods from the UK across that border in the Irish Sea.

    Will anybody in government get a grip on this situation, or will they simply string out the already interminable nonsense with more rounds of meaningless negotiations?

    The EU have made their intent abundantly clear.

    We should either pull the plug on the protocol and have done with it, or wrap up the province in a nice

  • Ukraine - Military Matters


    Who knows what is going on in the Ukraine?

    I don't know, but this is another viewpoint (a few days old now) from a "top Pentagon advisor" that probably deserves consideration:

    (2 hrs 15)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • We Can't Even Believe Our Own Eyes Any Longer


    The only thing I know is that I know nothing. I think that Socrates had it right - the pursuit of certainty is a fool's errand, not because it is undesirable but because it is unattainable.

    And here (if we believe it!) is the "proof" that we can't believe even our own eyes any more:

    (3 minutes)



  • The Corbett Sustainable Global Initiative Report


    This is an interesting take on the current direction in which national leaders are taking us, with plenty of supporting evidence.

    Starting with Justin Trudeau, it's a bit slow to start, but it moves on...

    Make of this what you will:

    (59 minutes)


    The only thing I know is that I know nothing. I think that Socrates had it right - the pursuit of certainty is a fool's errand, not because it is undesirable but because it is unattainable.

    Nevertheless, the old saying "

  • Swedish 5G Study Gives Serious Pause for Thought


    The Environmental Health Trust has been active in the EMF space for some years, and has now published a significant study, albeit of one couple, who had a 5G base station installed in the roof above their apartment.

    No it wasn't randomised and double-blinded but it does illustrate that some people are seriously affected by electromagnetic radiation below the official limits.

    So who sets those limits? The national authorities of each country - but they all tend to take their lead from the United States. That can make sense, since if the work to determine the safe limits has been done conscientiously there is no point in duplicating the effort, all other things being equal.

    "Measurements before and

  • A View from the Ukraine - Benjamin Fulford on Monday


    This will be astounding to anybody of normal temperament.

    (2 minutes)


    Today's Fulford Report is essential reading (although you will need a subscription to see the full works).

    He shows in a very natty coloured graphic exactly how "the West" has expanded its influence in Europe since WW2. Perhaps Mr Putin has a point.

    There are a number of additional short videos which illustrate different points.


  • The Ancient Origins of the Ukraine "War" - Clif High


    This is a bit delayed, but still very pertinent.

    Clif is a very knowledgeable fellow, and he takes a while to relate a rather complex story (in his own inimitable style!), but if you stick with it you will find a story that could explain a great deal about our myths, our history, about the Russian Revolution, about WW2, and now about "WW3" in the Ukraine.


    (44 minutes)


  • The Central Banks are Tottering - Long Live the Stable Currency!


    Clif High tells it like he sees it.

    If you value your wealth, take heed. He may not have everything right but I suspect he has a good grip on most of it.

    "we don't know in our lives what it is like to live with sound money"

     (31 minutes)


  • Update Following the UN Security Council Mtg of 11th March


    At the UN meeting of 11th March the Russian Federation protested that the US had been running bio-labs in the Ukraine.

    UN Security Council Debates Threats to International Peace and Security

    One week on and Russia has documented further details:

    "Over the past week, we have discovered new details indicating that components of biological weapons were being developed in Ukraine"

    "I suggest that you should study it carefully. It confirms that Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) directly funded and supervised military biological projects in Ukraine"

    "Representatives of the US Department of State still get confused when asked about it and assure that the United States allegedly takes

  • No Such Thing as Unbiased News


    Even on the BBC.

    That's a viewpoint I could accept even If I had a high opinion of the BBC - we are all human and our prejudices and biases are bound to inform our choices when deciding what to put in front of our readers and viewers. It's just a fact of life.

    Nevertheless there's difference between honest journalism, and pseudo-journalism that amounts to little more than propaganda.

    Stop World Control brings us a striking contribution which blows the lid off a primary area of contention, complete with a video that reminds us exactly who our real enemies are.

    A very simple message is presented with great clarity, and shows how reporting on the Ukraine is not immune from the wider situation.

    Ukraine - Betrayed by Elites?


    Dr Lee Jone, "Professor of Political Economy and International Relations at Queen Mary University of London", writing in Unherd has produced one of the most thoughtful and (hopefully) informed contributions to the Ukraine situation that I have seen. 

    Examining the situation from the different viewpoints is not very fashionable given that war has broken out and the first casualty is truth, but without such an analysis, peace is unlikely to be either concluded or successful.

    Worth reading.


  • Don't Let Your Bank Manager See This, Show It to Your Lawyer


    Masterly interrogation of an unfortunate bank employee . . .

    No doubt it's totally different in the UK (?)

    (17 minutes)



  • Review of Ukraine, NATO, the EU, Putin and the WEF-UN


    Catherine Austin Fitts and Karel van Wolferen Discuss NWO, Ukraine, NATO, EU and Putin’s Shock Chess Moves on Davos

    CAF and KW knit together the goings on in Ukraine, the EU, NATO, and the UN, which wants an international treaty to subject us all to UN control in the event of another "pandemic".

    "When Fitts and van Wolferen speak, their emotions are subjugated to their knowledge, not vice versa"

    You won't find this in the mainstream then.

  • Stop the World - We Need a Reboot!


    The Fulford on Friday video is a real challenge this week.

    I don't want to steal his thunder but I will say that he is certainly thinking outside the box!

    Watch if you dare!  (subscription required)


  • A Q-urious Great Awakening


    We have featured the work of Martin Geddes before. I first heard about him from the late(?) great Robert David Steele who liked his work on the Q phenomenon, which was possibly the first and maybe only serious attempt to analyse the topic and draw a conclusion about its usefulness.

    I would be lying if I didn't claim an affinity with Martin's approach to life - we both grew up in IT (but no I was never a "serious" highly-paid highly-regarded IT professional, just a dedicated IT practitioner in an unforgiving industry). We both look at the

  • UK Pressing Ahead with On-Line "Safety" Bill


    Big Brother Watch reminds us that the same Government that is denying reality by continuing to roll-out an experimental gene-editing therapy to our children (despite strong evidence suggestive of a link between the roll-out and increased deaths in that age group) is still obsessed by the need to make the internet safe from "legal but harmful" content.

    It will do this by passing an On-line Safety Bill putting the onus on social media companies to censor the internet.

    So the social media corporations who have already been deplatforming anybody who says things they don't like have now persuaded the government to force them to legally do much the same thing to all content they (or the

  • Update - Legal Challenge to Covid-19 Vax for Children


    The Covid-19 Assembly's legal challenge to the temporary (ie: emergency) authorisation of Covid-19 vaccines for children has been blessed with an update:

    "Delay in this update has been the desire to give a date for the next hearing (of the renewed application for permission to go to a full trial of the claim)"

    Well I never - a legal case being subject to delay?

    Nevertheless an important admission has been forthcoming in court:

    "The ONS accepted through their barrister that the increase in deaths in young males age 15 to 19 between May and December 2021, coinciding with the injectable being rolled out to the wider youth population, was statistically significant"

    So the government immediately stopped the vaccination roll-out for this age group as a prudent precaution to safeguard our youth (whose benefit from the injectable is

  • We Will Make This World How We Want It!


    Much has been written about the effect that consciousness may have on reality - indeed some think that reality only has any reality within the perception of those who are conscious!

    So if we follow that train of thought, it follows that the world that we know may be a manifestation created by those who live upon it.

    Thus if we permit others to drive our thought processes, through suggestion or intimidation or distraction (AKA brainwashing) we will live in a world created by those others...   but if we drive our own thought processes and our own intention, we will (acting in conjunction with our neighbours) create our own version of reality.

    OK - I've skipped over a whole sea of assumptions here but you perhaps catch my drift.

    The Pulse in its article 
