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Free Citizen

  • Do Not Forget What it Means to be Free


    Citizen X does us all a service with this timely soliloquy on the subject of freedom.

    In these times when the Covid threat appears to many to be wildly exaggerated in order to frighten us into obedience to instructions which, this time last year, would have been considered ridiculous, and when the Metropolitan Police have recently been filmed using batons against peaceful protesters, we would do well to mark what he says.


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  • Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock's plan for permanent crisis in the UK


    Politico blows the whistle on the government's crazy response to the Covid situation:


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    For what it's worth, I think Politico is spot on.

  • Tucker Tells it How It Is


    Tucker Carlson is one of the few US commentators who will give voice to those whom the rest of the mainstream media will not. Here is his independent view on the current state of the Presidential Election:

    "the only solution is honesty"

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  • Snowblind - Events and Consequences


    Andy Thomas is a long-time speaker, lecturer, researcher - and organiser of the Glastonbury Symposium (no topic off-limits?), which unhappily had to be brutally restructured this year from the usual full three day event down to a one day Zoom call.

    This video is taken from his presentation on that zoom call, back at the end of July, and it is interesting to consider where we were then against where we are now, in November.

    Whatever your take on this year's happenings, Andy is noted for his impartiality, objectivity, and meticulous search for and analysis of the evidence. I'm sure you will find much to contemplate here:


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  • LittleJohn Speaks


    Richard LittleJohn in the Daily Mail tells it as he sees it, no hold barred.

    "You can sleep with your wife but can't play tennis with her".

    The word "lies" features.

    "It’s a fact, not a ‘projection’, that 99.5 per cent of people who contract coronavirus recover from it. Many don’t even display symptoms." He doesn't mention where he gets that "fact" from but he's probably in the right ball-park.

    Good to see more and more articles in the mainstream that challenge the absurdities of lockdown.

    See more of his articles in the Mail on-line.

  • Trump on the Brink?


    Dr Charlie Ward may not be known to many but his approach to life and the US Election is to say the least unconventional.

    But is he on the right track? He certainly seems to be very well informed.

    We will very soon find out, but my money is on Dr Charlie for giving us the real news.

    "Turn the TV off and start to find peace".

    Are you listening BBC?

    I predict a lot of very red faces in the media (and in politics) on both sides of the Atlantic before very long.

  • 'We've closed all of Cornwall down for three people in hospital'


    The Daily Mail reveals what is really going on in "our" NHS. A whistle-blower has publicly resigned after revealing that "she 'had no work for three weeks' at the height of the pandemic.

    Somehow I don't believe that she will be the last whistle-blower to come forward. Will the whole house of cards come crashing down shortly? Probably not, but the cracks are beginning to show.

    Meanwhile the Daily Telegraph takes apart the Covid projections that purported to show that the NHS was on course to be overwhelmed unless Boris took drastic lock-down action. If the government can't ensure that it's basic evidence is reasonably bullet-proof than what hope for

  • Bonfire of Our Freedoms - Parliament Nods it Through - Plus Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota


    On this 5th day of November 2020 we mark the fact that Parliament for a second time simply nodded away our freedoms, with no real attempt to question the validity of the undoubtedly controversial "science" that our Government (Boris and Matt) is relying on, or to ensure that the collateral damage that will inevitably ensue has been properly assessed against the alleged risks to health and to the NHS.

    Parliament now cannot escape the charge that it is either complicit or asleep on the job.

    Viv Evans in Independence Daily sums up the thoughts of many.


    Also today Professor David Miles CBE is interviewed on

  • Stay scared, Control the individual, Save the bureaucracy!


    Brexit-Watch weigh in on Covid? What is going on?

    "What has gone terribly wrong is the Government and its associated apparatus of the state does not trust us. In effect they say we are not intelligent, or responsible enough to make our own choices based on widely available evidence. The man from the ministry knows best and you, little person, aren’t competent to make up your own mind. That is the road to serfdom."

    This has been coming a long time. The choice we are offered is between freedom and "safety". in 1949 we chose freedom, but who will lead us to freedom today?

    Apparently not the Danes, who are reportedly

    Brian Rose Interviews Dr Rashid Buttar


    Dr Buttar is one of the most outspoken doctors in America, and has not hesitated to call out the many mistakes that he alleges the governing classes have made in response to the Covid pandemic.

    Brian Rose is perhaps the most outspoken man in London, proprietor of London Real and the Digital Freedom Platform, dedicated to free speech and to providing the means by which those censored by other platforms can be heard.

    The result as might be expected is an interview which will certainly not find favour in many quarters. Do you dare to listen?

    90 minutes - but shorter clips are also available at the same URL cool

  • A Dissident's Guide to the (UK) Constitution


    These are UK Column podcasts which explore the UK Constitution, where it came from, where it may be going, with Alex Thompson and others.

    Episode 1

    "By popular request, and to meet the need of the times, Alex Thomson is joined by Mike Robinson and David Scott to brief dissidents on the Constitution. The podcast will be of interest to overseas listeners too but primarily explores the English and Scots Constitutions, the common law, and the British constitutional legacy"

    Episode 2 - Common Law

    The AIER Nails It - Where We are At Now


    The American Institute for Economic Research rightly strays across many topics political, because economics cannot be divorced from politics whilst governments the world over insist on trying to micro-manage all aspects of life.

    As the presidential election takes its course, the AIER publish two articles of essential reading for all, including us Europeans, for whom the politics of America will influence the direction of political development for much of the "western world" in the 2020s.

    We in the UK may not have the same Constitution as the USA, but we do have a number of legal cases challenging the legality of the Covid restrictions currently working their way through the UK courts (see our Legal menu). No doubt many European countries are facing a similar situation, albeit complicated in many cases by membership of the EU. So

  • Reform UK Party Launched to Challenge Lockdown!


    The Reform UK Party will favour a nuanced approach founded upon the principles of the Great Barrington Declaration, allowing the majority of the economy to remain open.

    Brexit Watch brings us an interview with Richard Tice to explain all:


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  • The Shape of Things to Come?


    Couldn't happen here? Watch and make up your own mind.

  • The Aussies Strike Back!


    "Australians are having a Globalist Agenda pushed upon them . . .  "

  • Covid as at Wk 43 - November Lockdown Announced!


    Now that Boris has made the fatal announcement (before consulting Parliament), there will be no going back. Indeed, already certain sources are puffing the idea that the lockdown will not end in December . . .

    So I have done my own research into the latest figures for Wk 43, to see if anything has changed since week 42.

    The Public Health England week 44 (up to week 43) (download here) “flu-like” report shows Covid positive tests ever-rising – so maybe we have it (or maybe we don’t - the test isn't definitive and is known to give false positive results anyway), but if we aren’t getting sick then who cares? As usual these meaningless numbers are analysed every which way, but can’t tell us who is sick

  • Covid, Covid, Wherefore Art Thou, Covid?


    Gemma O'Doherty is speaking from an Irish perspective, but we are all in the same boat, facing the same problem, and she quotes from a response to an FOI request made to the UK Department of Health and Social Care:



    Well, that seems to have died a death for whatever reason - but here is an alternate source of the same video:



  • A Contagion of Hatred and Hysteria


    Dr Sunetra Gupta is now a well-known scientist and epidemiologist at the University of Oxford. In this article published by the AIER she explores the aftermath of the Great Barrington Declaration (which she co-authored).

    "This refusal to cherish the value of the scientific method strikes at the heart of everything I, as a scientist, hold dear. To me, the reasoned exchange of ideas is the basis of civilised society"

    "But Covid-19 is not a political phenomenon. It is a public health issue — indeed, it is one so serious that the response to it has already led to a humanitarian crisis"

    I suspect that she may now realise that the first part of this quotation is as incorrect as it is possible to be.

    "For the simple truth is that

  • Common Law Explained . . .


    I think this video speaks for itself, but you can find more details by following the link below.


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  • Lockdown? Put the Government on Notice of "Conditional Acceptance" NOW


    Clive de Carle made his name in the field of "alternative" health - that just means non-pharma based health.

    He has published this document as a way of utilizing the Common Law to resist Boris' new and (as far as I can see) totally unwarranted Lock-down.

    I am happy to publicise his proposal as widely as possible - Clive certainly qualifies as a Free Citizen of the UK.

    Let us Know!

    If you decide to go ahead as Clive suggests, let us know and I will keep track of those businesses that do so. This list will be private, and details will be shared (by email) only with similar businesses who are also on the list. Hopefully this may enable you to share your views and experiences with each other.

    Be aware that this list can't be fully
