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  • Dr. Simone Gold - The truth about Covid & the CV19 vaccine


    Dr Simone Gold, member of America's Front-Line Doctors, reviews the history of the Covid saga and addresses the very topical question of the new vaccines that are being rolled out worldwide with some might think indecent, even reckless, haste.

    As she notes, why would we need an experimental vaccine for a sickness that can be readily treated by known safe and inexpensive drugs, and for which the survival rate is well over 99.9% for most, and 95% or better even for the very elderly?

    This is a quite comprehensive round-up of all the medical aspects of the Covid conundrum.

    It is an unmissable presentation, especially if you are considering taking the proffered vaccine:


  • Government and PHE Spreading a Covid Casedemic?


    The material in this article is not new - but it has been determinedly ignored by health services and governments worldwide for many months.

    Can't be true then?

    Green Med Info has written a great article which explains the whole scenario. They also include two videos which cover the same ground, if you prefer to watch rather than read:

    Short video:


    Like / Dislike this video here.  Longer video:


  • All the Syndromic Data in one Place


    This can't be stated often enough - the statistics do not support the UK Government's pandemic narrative.

    Lockdown Sceptics in their article today assess the official PHE published statistics - and come to much the same conclusion as I did when I undertook a similar exercise in the autumn months of last year.

    So I'm grateful that they have done the update for me and I don't need to plough through it all again  :)

    Read all about it.

    Of course, this begs the obvious

  • Crucial Viral Update Jan 4th - Europe and USA - Covers it ALL


    Everything you want to check up re the real progress of the "pandemic" - Ivor lays out the true science:


    Like / Dislike this video here,

  • Catherine Austin Fitts Confirms Goals Of Technocracy, Transhumanism


    "In a spectacular interview that has gathered over 2.2 million views within its first 2 weeks of release, Catherine Austin Fitts lays out the global master plan for Technocracy, Transhumanism and total control over humanity. This is a must-watch video"

    This video from Technocracy News lays it all out - it's a real eye-opener. She describes how the world's elite seem to be trying to get us to buy into their reset plans for world domination by (a) not telling us where they are actually leading us and (b) using fear of the pandemic to scare us into adopting more and more aspects of their ultimate control agenda without understanding whither they take us.

    There is much more - fascinating and very well argued - highly recommended.


    (You can't Like / Dislike this video any more as YT has taken it

  • Pandemic Response Is Our Vietnam


    The AIER publishes a comparative piece reflecting on the similarities between the American governments' response to the Covid crisis, and their response to the crisis in Vietnam and the subsequent war.

    "The similarities between our misguided responses to Vietnam and the coronavirus are striking"

    "... President Johnson’s advisors refused to question a course of strategy and consider alternatives rigorously"

    One can see their point.

    But this doesn't merely apply to America - it certainly applies in the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada...  the list goes on.

    How realistic is it to suppose that the same group-think can simultaneously arise across much of the world? Would guidance from the WHO have anything to do with

  • Face Masks for Children - German Study


    For all the determination with which masks are being imposed across the world as part of the Covid response, there seems to be very little that has been published concerning the effects of wearing a face-mask on the wearer.

    In particular the effects on children do not seem to have been studied. One could reasonably argue that without any standard specification of a face covering such a study would be fairly meaningless, but taken in the round any study which at least attempts to make a sensible contribution to the debate has to be welcomed.

    The University of Witten/Herdecke in Germany should therefore be thanked for initiating just such a study, which took the form of a self-selecting survey which parents doctors and others from across the country were invited to complete - this is not a valid basis for a statistically rigorous survey but it is at least a start.

    "On 20.10.2020, 363 doctors were asked to make entries and to make parents and

  • A Video Interview for the New Year, for a New Age, for a New Life


    This is absolutely a message for our times - don't miss it, and if you saw it back in the summer, watch it again - remind yourself what life is all about (90 minutes).


    Thanks to Del Bigtree of the Highwire for this outstanding interview.

    Happy New Year!

  • Dr Popper Takes the Emergency by the Horns


    Dr Pamela Popper, an American Wellness "Guru", is filing legal actions in those American states that are oppressing their populations (not to mention a case against the Federal Government for good measure) by imposing medical tyranny. She explains how her cases differ from those that have been heard and failed to date, and outlines the tactics that work and the tactics that have not worked. Good to see someone taking the fight to the authorities, and she makes a lot of very pertinent points.

    Watch on Bitchute here

    Visit Dr Popper's campaign site.

  • Britain Soon in Tier 5 - Will They Close Our Schools?


    I'm fast running our of original comment to make on the Covid restrictions, so I'll just say that it's good to see Brian back on Youtube (long may it last?) and I'll let this one speak for itself:


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • The Corbett Report - The Future of Vaccines


    All you never wanted to know about Vaccines, and how the new Covid-19 vaccines (and the associated intrusive politics) differ from vaccines of the past:

    Watch this video here.

    View the transcript.

  • "Herd Immunity" Revised - Official!


    Now you and I and the rest of the normal world (not to mention almost all epidemiologists to date) have no doubt grown up with and accepted the concept of herd immunity - if enough people get exposure to a disease (either through catching it and recovering or through vaccination) then we become largely immune to it, and as more and more people achieve this happy immunity the pathogen has more and more trouble finding susceptible hosts to infect, so that the disease soon enough peters out.

    So the recent report from the AIER comes as something of a surprise . . .

    Does the WHO now somehow conclude that herd immunity can only be achieved through vaccination after all? This seems an extraordinary proposition that requires some explanation if we are to accept it.

    The AIER has the story.


  • The Undead Rise to the Covid Challenge Once More


    The latest Tier4 tightenings of the Lockdown screws it now transpires may have been influenced by one Prof Neil Ferguson of Imperial College - but wait, wasn't his original contribution to the Government's Covid project discredited and didn't he resign from his advisory positions?

    Maybe not - the Spectator has the story.

    Call me old-fashioned, but doesn't this tell us all we need to know about this government's choice of "scientific" advisors?


  • New Variant, or Old Spin on a New Virus?


    Lockdown Sceptics (yes - them again - those with implicit trust in our government should stop reading now) draw attention today to a previous occasion on which we were treated to unfounded scaremongering about a mutant virus, albeit on a smaller scale.

    Is the New Variant tactic just a retread of the old HIV-2 assertions reheated and rebranded for our new Covid lockdown insanity?

    "That was despite some experts, including top-ranking Nobel prize-winning scientists at the heart of the fight against AIDS, trying to let us know that HIV had never been established as the cause of the syndrome. They showed that both predictions of spread, and tests claiming to show infection with the virus, were invalid"

    Recommended reading.
