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These two videos ambushed me this morning.

On the face of it neither of them grabbed my attention, but I wasn't feeling my best (late night last night) so it was convenient to indulge YouTube with some leisurely viewing, apropos of nothing in particular.

Serendipity - the art of encountering fortuitous happenings!

These are long videos, and in a (rather extended) weak moment I watched them both to the end. They are not related except in as much as they deal with a broad sweep of history, but the presentation and subject matter is complementary.

The first is an interview of talking heads, and is probably the easier to follow, whilst the second is in lecture format (albeit quite informal) but it does have an annoying habit of showing the lecturer rather than the slides he is talking about.

And ignore the intro, it's nothing to do with pyramids. 

In fact it took me a while to get into it, but with a bit of snappy use of the pause button it is possible to read the messages. Stick with it, it gets better. It it isn't easy going, but it takes you places. Who would have known that the Isle of Man was a critical staging post for a dramatic escape to the New World? But that's just the foothills ...

And lastly whilst these videos both deal with matters of great significance, only you can decide how much trust to place in them.

Do they place current world events in some context? There's only one way to find out ...

(72 minutes)


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(1 hr 50 mins) 


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