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This is a song that has been updated over the years, by various artists, and might well have been updated by Gilbert and Sullivan ("arcadian shepherds do it"?) had they created their masterpieces a century or so later (incidentally, where are G&S when we need them?!).

Perhaps in the light of latest research we should now include "Staphylococci and Bacilli subtilis do it" - "let's fall in love"!

But how would we know? Might we see them canoodling down the pub of a Friday evening? Should we be searching social media for their soppy postings on Facebook or Instagram? Or could we eavesdrop on them whispering their sweet nothings to each other on Podbean?

Well, it turns out that as well as modulating the performance of your gut, they may also be interfering with your wifi - no ... wait a minute ...  perhaps it might even be the other way around?!

"more than 90% of all your cells are … bacteria. So for each human somatic cell there are 10 bacterial cells, making you 90% bacteria, and 10% classical human"

And if one family of bacteria are "doing it", the you can bet your life that they all are.

Maybe truth really is stranger than fiction, and we should pay more attention to our modern "safe" electronic environment.