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In our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series we have introduced a number of concepts that many would consider outrageous (being so far outside our day-to-day experience), yet which cannot perhaps be disproved by applying facts and logic.

Therefore we cannot reject them out of hand.

Indeed in some cases the application of a little elementary logic suggests that although some of these concepts do not in general manifest in our experience, the likelihood that they do exist seems high. 

We must also consider the not inconsiderable body of myth and legend with which the various traditions of humanity abound, such as angels, ghosts, star people, leprechauns, goblins, fairies, gods and demons and no doubt other entities that for the moment escape me. They will all have some basis in history even if that basis is long lost behind the mists of antiquity.

There is much that we do not as yet fully comprehend.

Dr Steven Greer of the Sirius Disclosure project explores the nature of the Cosmos from a scientific perspective, noting that any scientific theory of everything would be incomplete if it does not include everything, and everything includes mind, matters spiritual, mysterious subatomic behaviours and all phenomena as yet unexplained.

"On the one hand, we find indisputable physical manifestations, such as crashed spacecraft, radar returns, verified photos and videotapes, metal samples, and ‘flesh and blood’ biological extraterrestrial life forms. Yet on the other hand we find multiple accounts of non-linear manifestations of these same objects and beings: telepathic communication, lucid dreams, mind-matter interactions, remote viewing, bilocation, levitation and others. No objective student of the extraterrestrial phenomenon can ignore these numerous and widespread manifestations. Yet our acceptance of these manifestations really requires that we re-think our entire understanding of ‘reality’ "

Quite so.

Prepare to expand you mind.

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(60 minutes)


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(61 minutes)


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