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  • Tucker Carlson Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jnr


    If you ever wondered whether the pharmaceutical companies have our best interests at heart, or why all the world's governments threw all previous pandemic planning and statistical good practice out of the window when Covid-19 was declared, then this is for you.

    "... a systematic demolition of our Bill of Rights"

    "... a coup d'état against democracy globally"

    (53 minutes)

    Read the book: The Real Anthony Fauci

  • A Crash Course in Non-Locality


    "When a certain number of people begin to do something it actually causes a shift in the thinking and awareness and potentiation of everyone on the planet... everyone in the cosmos"

    I get the feeling that we are approaching the point where we will all have to relearn a great deal of "science" that we thought we knew if we want to get to grips with the world that we are about to find ourselves living in.

    Dr Steven Greer has been working with investigating and explaining this theory for a number of years. Perhaps we ought to start paying his ideas more attention.


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • UN / WHO R.I.P. - Long Live the GPRC / GHWC !


    NB: Many of the links in this article no longer work.

    See Benjamin Fulford and Kimberly Goguen for an interview with the lady who is behind the gprc.global website.

    Some of the pages are available on the web archive.


    This could well be HUGE!

    The old world order is being bypassed and obsoleted.

    The New World Order (no, don't panic, not under Klaus Schwab) is being instituted.

    Will this be for good or for ill? That is for each of us to

  • The Monday Fulford Report


    On Mondays I usually feature a report from Benjamin Fulford (Canadian journalist resident in Japan) who hasn't yet failed to deliver a fascinating account of what he sees going on in our benighted world.

    The timing works well usually, since Japan time is well ahead of UK time and by the time I get to my PC he has already filed his report some hours ago.

    Tonight's report doesn't disappoint, but new readers should be aware that to read the full report, a modest subscription to his site is required.

    Those who already number themselves amongst his subscribers should be warned that this week, his report includes graphic content that they may (if they are like me) prefer not to view. Discretion is advised.


  • The World Has Spoken! "Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and Despair"


    The Brownstone Institute has done us all a service by listing all the protests against Covid measures that have just taken place around the world.

    "These videos indicate the arrival of a turning point. Governments can continue to press these lockdowns and mandates against all scientific evidence and good public health or they can listen to the pains and anger of their own people"

    Italy, Georgia, England, Canada, Australia, Northern Ireland, Switzerland, Austria, New Zealand, Hungary, New York, Croatia, The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Finland, France (inc. Guadaloupe), Greece, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Iran, Spain, USA, Colombia...

    Far from fading away, this movement continues to gather in

  • Vaccine Passports are a Fundamental Inversion of Our Freedom


    This is a short 17 minute video which explains exactly why this statement is dead accurate.

    "How is this fundamental change being ushered into being... ? Through sleight of hand, through misdirection, and through the introduction of the seemingly benign 'vaccine passport'

    We are facing "a completely new type of controlled and surveilled society, the likes of which we have never seen before".

    "... to our descendants, we must say, in unison, 'We will not let you down' "

    If in any doubt, watch:


    Like /Dislike this video here.


  • Austria Threatens the Great Unjabbed with Prison


    On the one hand, the first video here is from Jeff Taylor, who makes a coherent case for thinking that Austria is just the thin end of the European wedge.

    But have they thought through the practicalities?


    Like /Dislike this video here.

    On the other hand, Hugo Talks points out that the Austrians might have a spot of difficulty on their hands should the the great Austrian unjabbed decide to stay unjabbed:


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  • Higher Vax Coverage --> Higher Excess Mortality?


    More vax, more deaths? How so?

    Note - correlation does not always imply causation! But it does flag up a warning that perhaps we should be looking at this more seriously...

    "The Harvard study showed vaccination makes things worse as far as cases goes. This new study from Germany shows that the more you vaccinate the more people get killed"

    Definitely counter-intuitive, but what if it's true?

    "What this new German study shows is:  The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the excess mortality.

    "I can’t say I’m surprised. These are the deadliest vaccines in human history by a factor of over 800. But it is always nice to get confirmation from multiple sources who have no conflicts"


  • Brexit Britain Opens Up First UK Freeport in Teeside


    Facts4EU has the story!

    "In a major announcement overnight, the Government has declared the UK’s first post-Brexit Freeport officially open as of today.

    "Teesside Freeport has begun operations this morning (19 Nov 2021) putting the region at the forefront of manufacturing and innovation, green energy, and boosting jobs, trade and investment"

    More please!


  • This is How the World Will be Saved


    This is a post from Stop World Control - many have reportedly found it helpful.

    Equally, many will consider it unhelpful. Probably very few will agree with everything he says. 

    Nonetheless I consider it to be on the right side of current world events - at this time when our lords and masters are hell-bent on creating division where none previously existed, any thoughts that encourage us to hold together and act together in love and unity, come what may, are to be welcomed. That is the primary message that I accept, and the reason why I carry the post.

    See the original article.


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • Everything You Never Wanted to Know about This Global Psy-Op ...


    ... but you are going to have to find out sooner or later.

    Martin Geddes has helpfully summarised what Covid really means for humanity, and his opening gambit is arresting.

    However, as he equally helpfully points out, we have been here before, even if not on a global scale.

    "Governments routinely are captured by criminals and psychopaths, and turn on their population"

    Twas ever thus.

    The 2020s are however the first time in history that the necessary communications tools are available to permit the self-appointed elite to coordinate the job at global scale. Humanity's future is in the balance.

    Happily it is also the first time in history that the common peoples also have the communications tools to uncover and understand what is really going on, to spread the word, and to come together globally to reject these

  • FDA Still Cannot Confirm the Levels of Aluminium Adjuvant in Childhood Vaccines


    This update follows on from ICAN's original request for this information about the varying levels of aluminium adjuvant found in childhood vaccines.

    "Six months have passed since the FDA received two petitions demanding that the agency assure that vaccine manufacturers are disclosing accurate information regarding the amount of aluminum adjuvant in their childhood vaccines.  The FDA’s response after half a year is that they 'have not been able to complete [their] final responses at this time'"

  • Lawyers & Medical Experts Start Legal Proceedings for Crimes against Humanity


    The Daily Exposé reports on the coming trial of the century.

    Dr Reiner Fuellmich updates us with the conclusions of the Corona Investigative Committee.

    They have absolutely nailed it. 

    "Mr Global and his puppets will lose this war of good against evil. They will lose their insane war against life and creation itself.

    "There is no other way".

    A Tour de Force indeed - do not miss:

    (40 minutes)

  • "War" to End the Old World?


    The Monday Fulford Report today really must be read.

    "A formal declaration of war ... has now been made against the...  Fourth Reich"

    If that doesn't get your attention, nothing will.

    But don't worry - this is a war that has been fought for some years now - this just formalises it. I doubt that the tanks will be rolling any time soon (although there might be some governments around the world that might find them parked on their lawns outside parliament one morning?).

    Don't miss.


  • Jennifer Arcuri Talks to James Delingpole


    Jennifer's links to Boris are public knowledge. I don't feature this merely for gossip (although it inevitably comes with the territory), but his and her views on the Boris they thought they knew, and Boris as he now is, are of general interest.

    "... maybe this isn't the man that I knew at all..."

    So for those for whom such conversations are of interest,  here's the link.

    Personally, I'm glad I listened to them - but remember, it's all just gossip...