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  • Prince Charles tests positive for COVID-19


    We wish His Royal Highness a speedy recovery, and note that this reportdoesn't necessarily imply that he is ill.

    It is likely merely a positive test result, as we have explained so often previously.

    The BBC reports that he met with Her Majesty two days earlier.

    Nevertheless we will probably see some unfounded and unnecessary speculation in the press about the succession shortly.


  • Reminder of the Benefits of Brexit - Boris Take Note


    Brexit Facts 4 EU 

    "It was refreshing on the second anniversary of our official departure from the EU to see the UK Government finally getting round to putting out some communications material going beyond the glib statements we are all used to"

    "To help readers see what more there is we thought today we would field our first eleven of additional entries to the list of Brexit benefits – and we’ll keep publishing more when we feel the achievements are in danger of being forgotten"

    The list of EU financials for which we would have been liable is not trivial, but also not normally to the forefront of everybody's mind. None the less they would have constituted a significant drain on our resources, already hugely over-stretched by the Covid response.

    Which reminds me - the UK was one of the first to access Covid vaccines (not everybody thinks that these were a good idea, but we got them done with

  • A Tour Around the Coronavirus Pandemic


    This is a bit of an odd-ball presentation - Drs Fuellmich Fischer and Wodarg of the Corona Investigative Committee in conversation with Shuaib Al-Muwaizri - and it explains why the "pandemic" was actually a case-demic, and most importantly, demonstrates the damage inflicted by the so-called vaccines.

    It's a bit long at a little over two hours but it's authoritative, lucid, thorough, and covers all the bases.

    If you want to know the real truth from the legal beagles, take the time to watch this.

    "... dangerous viruses are self-limiting... "

    "... a respiratory virus as a bio-weapon doesn't work... "

    "... PCR test takes some letters off a big big book with words... "

    "... the real bio-weapon is... the vaccines, because if you inject... directly into the body that's .. when it becomes really dangerous... where it

  • Killing Shale Gas for Good?


    "Net Zero Watch has called on ministers to overrule the fracking regulator which is trying to terminate any prospect of shale gas developments in the UK"

    "Ruling to press ahead with closure described as ‘utter madness’ by Tory MPs who support controversial drilling"

    "Net Zero Watch is warning that the government’s approach to the energy crisis remains dangerously incoherent. On the one hand, the Prime Minister is openly calling for increased domestic gas extraction and has brought forward approvals for North Sea developments, while at the same time regulators are preventing lower-cost onshore fields from ever being exploited"

    Incoherence from our government? Who would have thought it.

    JFK to 9/11 and Beyond: Who Really Rules the World?


    JFK's assassination was always suspicious to me - if only because such a mammoth crime obviously demands meticulous planning and considerable organisation - not a job for a 'lone gunman'. 

    Cui bono? Who benefitted?

    Likewise very credible books have been written about 9/11 and the collapse of the twin towers.

    This documentary film has a regrettably lurid opening screenplay but don't let that put you off. It's also been produced to an extremely high standard - background music which is never obtrusive, and so on.

    It is a history lesson like no other. 

    Oil barons. Robber barons. Press barons. Bankers.

  • Javid's New NHS Deal


    Unherd assesses Sajid Javid's latest NHS materplan... 

    "In his speech, Javid began by emphasising the need for more doctors and nurses while conveniently ignoring the impact of his recent proposal to force mandatory vaccination on NHS staff"

    "And it’s not just the lack of staff either. The NHS has a dismal record on employment rights, discrimination, and abuse of its staff... "

    "Let’s hope that Javid does not turn out to be yet another in a long line of a health secretaries with a fundamental lack of understanding of how the NHS functions"

    Maybe we should be thinking in terms of what is wrong with the system that produces such a long

  • What's the Catch?


    Kyoto protocol.

    Paris climate accord.

    Nothing to see here...

    (7 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Ottawa!


    (14 minutes)


     Like / Dislike this video here.

    (14 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    (35 minutes)


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  • Ed Dowd - Deaths Caused by Pfizer Jab implies Financial Scandal


    Ed Dowd, Equity research and portfolio manager, suggests that fraud lies behind the regulatory approval of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine...

    "... this is the most interesting... hallucination I've ever seen in the financial markets... "

    "... it's not just... fraud where people are going to lose money, people are losing their lives ... "

    "... an all-cause mortality end-point should have stopped this thing in its tracks ... "



  • Battleground Melbourne Documentary 'FRIENDS & FAMILY' Pre-Release


    "Battleground Melbourne tells the story of the Fall of the World's Most Liveable City, through the eyes of those who risked everything to save it.

    We've been called every name you can imagine, the media, politicians, and the 'I stand with Dan' crowd have used every baseless slur you can imagine, and probably many you can't, to try and shame us and shut us down.

    And Victoria Police went on an 18 month rampage of repression, unlawful arrests, and widespread intimidation in order to silence us. So who are we? And given all we were up against, how did we grow from just 70 people in April 2020, to hundreds of thousands in the biggest political events in Australian history in November 2021?

    This is our story, told through our eyes.

    Battleground Melbourne is our reply to the lies, half truths, slurs, and lazy attacks that we have endured for the last 2 years.

    What the Truckers in Canada Are Up Against


    John Rappaport, Matrix investigator and unreconstructed blogger for truth and freedom, brings us up to date with his assessments of the trucker situation in Canada.

    Things are moving very fast now and by the time you read this circumstances will probably have moved on, but no matter - his insight is something that I highly respect.

    So read on:

    The Truckers vs The Government; We need to get out ahead of all this

    The Truckers, GoFundMe, and the CIA; connecting dots


  • The Fulford Monday Report


    The world is changing fast - mostly behind the scenes.

    If you want to know something of what is going on then Benjamin Fulford has a story to tell.

    He may or may not have his finger on the geopolitical pulse, but he sure is entertaining.

    As always, a modest subscription is required if you want to read his full articles.


  • And Now for Something Completely Different (from 1906?)


    Coming"soon" - a Tesla Tower near you?

    The technology still seems to be under development, but there's little doubt that they look a lot better than electricity pylons! 

    How will they work out? No idea, but New Zealand is reportedly blazing a trail.

    This video is from August 2020.

    Whether the downsides (zapped birds etc) will prove problematic remains to be seen, but probably a technology to watch.

    (4 minutes from enthusiastic youngsters)


    Like / Dislike this video

    CNN to be Resurrected as a Real News Channel?


    "Billionaire Trump donor, who is the largest shareholder of the network's new owner Discovery, wants to restore it to impartiality - and INSISTED on Jeff Zucker's departure after his affair was exposed"

    Huge. Once the main news channels start reporting impartially, the WEF and the NWO will be toast.

    Has the media revolution started?


  • So Many Questions, So Few Answers?


    Brexit Watch has usefully summarised the state of UK (and world?!) governance today:

    A sense of proportion please – the real questions facing the country

    And they are not merely talking about Brexit, which after all was simply the prerequisite to repatriating our sovereignty and making our own way in the world, both internally and externally.

    "The tragedy is not the party. The tragedy is the direction of our country"

    "Let’s look at a few questions politicians and the media should really be focusing on. No doubt you will think of many others"


  • "Coronavirus Act 2020 is Null and Void" - Kicked Out


    This long-running (since 1st June 2020) saga has been kicked out by the Court of Appeal. To my understanding it has never had a formal oral hearing.

    "thanks to the government keeping us out of the courts, it is the end of the road for this particular action but the good news is that we are not giving up and we are already working on our next legal action against this corrupt tyrannical government" 

    and from their (rather long) email:

    "the government is able to get away with this regarding the Judicial Review process as the absurdity is you need the permission

  • Grand Jury - The Covid Court of Public Opinion


    This is the Grand Jury proceeding to decide on the need for indictments against the alleged perpetrators of the Covid-19 scam.

    "The allegation is that the world’s governments have come under the controlling influence of corrupt and criminal power structures. They colluded to stage a pandemic that they had been planning for years. To this end they deliberately created mass panic through false statements of fact and a socially engineered psychological operation whose messages they conveyed through the corporate media"

    "The purpose of this mass panic was to persuade the population to agree to the so-called “vaccinations" which have in the meantime be proven to be neither effective, nor safe, but extremely dangerous, even lethal"

    Coordinated by the Corona Investigative Committee, this is scheduled to begin today, 5th February 2022, and to hear evidence

  • The Shape of the World to Come


    Transition is coming...

    The New World Order is on its way...   just not the WEF way.

    We have featured the Global Peace and Restoration Consortium of Member States previously:

    UN / WHO R.I.P. - Long Live the GPRC / GHWC !

    Did Little Fiji Just Kick Off the Greater Reset?

    Then their web-site was under construction... it is still unfinished in many parts, but now it is beginning to reveal more, and worth another exploration!

    To whet your appetite...


  • How Does This Differ from Outright Theft?


    "GoFundMe says it won’t be giving the C$10 million ($8 million USD) raised to support the truckers protesting COVID-19 mandates to the organizers anymore, saying it will instead work with the organizers to send the funds to 'established charities verified by GoFundMe.' "

    "this fundraiser is now in violation of our Terms of Service (Term 8, which prohibits the promotion of violence and harassment) and has been removed from the platform"

    The Epoch Times has the story.

    The Daily Sceptic concurs quoting the

  • Manchurian Candidate Sitrep - 4 February 2022


    Today Friday's video report (20 minutes + 10 mins Q&A) from Benjamin Fulford is a bit of a marathon but that's the nature of the beast this week.

    There are number of snippets presented which dovetail into other items that I had been aware of but unable to evaluate - so my suggestion is that you take in this report if you can.

    Of course he does require a modest subscription, but the paywall comes off after a week, so you can content yourself with last week's report - but this February is undoubtedly a fast-moving month so I can't recommend that!

    (NB: some of these Friday reports seem to be picky about which browser the video will play in)