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  • World on the Brink?


    Ben Fulford's Friday video is available.

    Will the United States Corporation survive the week-end?

    Will the Federal Reserve Bank (neither federal nor a reserve, in keeping with the normal rule that everything we have and are been told is untrue) be bankrupted?

    Will the Canadian Government in situ survive?

    What is money anyway?

    He requires your modest subscription to watch (although this requirement lapses for past weeks)

  • UK Column News - Have They Rediscovered Prof Chris Whitty?


    It seems that they may have (although not in person) and much more besides.

    It seems that the preoccupation of our medical elite is now transferred from Covid to HIV and TB.

    They also report on the resignation letter of a policeman from the Gloucestershire Constabulary who lays out exactly what he sees as the basic deficiencies of the GC police leadership team. Hard stuff. Alex Thomson's comment is particularly striking:

    "... his stand is eminently replicable by people in any other numbers of professions... simply asking your immediate superiors and going up the chain as far as you need to: 'have you considered the fundamental lawfulness of what we are implementing as policy in the name of health since Covid' and you will usually find the answer is 'well of course we don't think about that, we just do as we are told' - if you document that, then if you are prepared to resign given your personal circumstances and conscience in the matter then you

  • Corporate With Conscience


    Many of us have become accustomed to having to be careful what we say at work.

    No doubt some have lost jobs because of their inconvenient views.

    Also no doubt many have stuck to their views regardless and paid some sort of price, because they believe that life in the absence of truth becomes a party that they don't want to attend.

    This is the story of Jennifer Sey, once a competitive gymnast from the USA who rose to become Levi's Brand President (no I don't know either but it sounds pretty prestigious).

    This is a tale of our times. She tells how she admired Levi's for what they stood for, and was proud to work for them. How she was offered promotion - with strings attached that she didn't like.

    Her judgement and her principles have evidently cost her a great deal,

  • New Caribbean Order?


    Unherd takes us on a quick tour of the possibility for a post-Covid New Caribbean Order - and if we expect to remodel our institutions in the UK post Brexit then why shouldn't the Commonwealth?

    There's nothing complicated about the principle here - as always the devil will be in the detail - but happily the detail will be in the Caribbean and not so much in the UK!

    Peter Franklin takes us through the implications.

  • Austria, Land of Music, Lakes and Mountains ... and Suppression


    Think of Austria, think of the skiing, the music, the Sound of Music, the sunshine and fresh mountain air.

    Today Austria is implementing mandatory vaccination for a disease that kills almost nobody below the average life expectancy, backed by draconian fines.

    "Last weekend, the Government ... passed one of the most repressive laws in Western Europe since 1945"

    "... the Constitutional Minister, had said in November 2021 that 'the introduction of compulsory vaccination naturally interferes with fundamental rights' ... she added ... that the step wa

  • Nigel Farage gives the 4th Annual Jillian Becker Lecture


    Nigel is like Marmite - you either love him or hate him.

    He is perhaps the most successful politician of the 21st century. The establishment took us into the EU - Nigel took us out (with a little help from his friends) and he did it in some style.

    Watching him tonight, I am reminded that he knows how to work a crowd!

    Here he is giving the 4th Jillian Becker Lecture for the Freedom Association - and he hasn't lost his form.

    Introduced by David Campbell-Bannerman (you can skip the 9 minute introduction if you wish):

    "... there is a problem... over the course of now nearly 50 years, the state has just got bigger, and bigger, and bigger... and all that politicians do, and all that lobby groups do, is to constantly campaign for the state to get bigger still... and I sense that one of the reasons that people... don't value freedom, and don't value liberty, is

  • Cecil Rhodes Has a Lot to Answer For


    Don't get me wrong - I'm not into pushing anybody's product on this site, I don't ask for money and I don't accept any money. 

    I feature this article because it is topical.

    Dr Fuellmich's Grand Jury Trial - Day 2 features testimony from Alex Thompson which briefly covers this subject matter. I was never into history as a subject and was surprised (but not disappointed!) that the trial covered so much in its opening testimonies - also that Alex (of UK Column infamy) was first in the line-up.

    Trine Daily (no, I never heard of it either) featured an interview (June 2021) with Sean Stone about his book "New World Order - A Strategy of

  • Have You Seen the Light?


    Today we feature an interview with Darren Nesbit, editor of the Light truthpaper, "serial entrepreneur" and free-thinker. Many of you may have been introduced to freecitizen.uk though seeing our advertisement in his paper - it's my way of supporting his excellent venture.

    If there is anything that will save us from the predations of the technocrats and self-important elites that infest our political parties and structures of authority around the world, it will have to be we the common people ourselves who come to realise that we don't have to obey their every whim and fancy.

    The Good Lord (of whatever persuasion you support) gave each of us the most incredible facility between our ears, and it must be regarded as the height of ungratefulness on our part not to use it to its fullest extent.

    We all have our part to play, we can decide what that should be, and we can support each other to bring our joint efforts to

  • Riccardo Bosi Addresses Canberra - & the Governor General


    (19 minutes)

    Let's clean up Australia!


    ... and when he's sorted Australia, can we in the UK borrow him please?

    (3 minutes) 



  • Sadiq and Priti Square Up


    (8 minutes)


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  • Durham - Lawyers Paid Tech Company to 'Infiltrate Trump White House'


    Durham Court filing:

    "... they had to have had help from inside the US government... "

    (3 minutes)



  • US Corporation to Implode?


    "If all goes well ...the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation will go bankrupt and implode this week"

    "The US Corporation missed an external payments deadline on January 31st. They were given until this week to come up with the money"

    Friday 18th.

    "The biggest signals are coming from the financial markets where insiders are rushing for the exits"

    So far that "rush for the exits" doesn't seem to have translated into much of a correction, but increased short selling is a measure of the expectations of "sophisticated" traders. 

    Various world and pharma leaders are reportedly being dealt with... and the Russians aren't complying with the "war" narrative - why would they? They want to discredit western leadership, not fight a war.


  • Five Eyes - or Nine Eyes? or Fourteen Eyes?! or ...


    This video is from 2015! Be aware that things will have moved on since then...

    Eric King (Privacy International) explained what he knew about the global intelligence network.

    Think "Edward Snowden".

    NB:  "SigInt" = Signals Intelligence. Some might call this electronic communications.

    If you have ever wondered how the spooks collect information from all citizens everywhere, watch this video.

    Prepare to become cynical.

    (32 minutes)


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  • The Money Pit - How Deep Does it Go?


    We all "know" that the money-printing has been cranked up in recent years, and inflation is now rather belatedly responding.

    Greg Hunter (USA Watchdog) has been checking out the problem with Rob Kirby of Toronto (kirbyanalytics.com).

    They start off by reviewing the truckers situation in Canada, but the discussion quickly expands to cover the world-wide situation. No, it's not pretty, but it is centred in the USA.

    "the Fed’s balance sheet is another huge fraud, and instead of nearly $9 trillion in debt, it’s probably more like “$100 trillion in unacknowledged money.”  Kirby says, If you add $100 trillion to the Fed’s $8.8 trillion balance sheet, you have a different picture than what is being presented to humanity"

    "... the Fed is not subject to any audit..."

    Ukraine - 3 Viewpoints


    Ukraine is much in the news recently, and for all the wrong reasons.

    Will Russia invade?

    Will the be a False Flag event (and if so, who will be the culprit?).

    These are imponderable questions and will only be answered after the event (if at all), being dependent not on cultural matters but on the motivation of those world leaders who are actually pulling the strings. These are motivations into which I have no insight other than the (possibly informed) speculation of others.

    Nevertheless there is value in understanding some of the history and attitudes of the situation on the ground, since these matters provide the context within which any incoming action must take place.

    TCW (The Conservative Woman) obliges us with three articles which explore this

  • WHO Demands More Dosh for More Jabs


    It seems that some of the world's elite just can't get enough of our money.

    No, this isn't a stale article from 2021 - I checked. It's almost bang up to date (9th Feb).

    Are they still playing at pandemics? It seems that they are.

    "The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) on Wednesday demanded “wealthy countries” pay them $16 billion in cash up front to drive coronavirus schemes in developing countries, including mass vaccination rollouts"

    Given that the "vaccines" are acknowledged to be of dubious efficacy (ask the UKHSA) it seems perverse in the extreme to continue pushing them on countries that can't afford them.

    No doubt the developing countries have not been enthusiastic

  • Climate Change is Upon Us!


    "A Bill to place a duty on the Government to declare a climate emergency; to amend the Climate Change Act 2008 to bring forward the date by which the United Kingdom is required to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions; to place a duty on the Government to create and implement a strategy to achieve objectives related to climate change, including for the creation of environmentally-friendly jobs; to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on proposals for increased taxation of large companies to generate revenue to be spent to further those objectives; and for connected purposes. "

    Seems to have passed its second reading in the Commons, and is now poised to progress to the Lords.

    Keep Calm and Carry On.

    Speaking of which - Bring back the Carry On team - Sid James would make an excellent PM, with Kenneth Williams in nbr 11 and Charles

  • Ottawa 2!


    (See our main Ottawa story here. It's updated daily until this ends!)

    I wasn't going to put this up, because there is so much "out there" and I have to be selective, but really, isn't this what it's all about?

    (9 minutes)


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  • Fulford on Friday - Military Option


    The days fly by and it's Friday again - so Mr Fulford's Friday video report is available.

    A modest subscription is required.

    This week he is advising the military (and us) how to stage a military coup in favour of the people.

    He also concludes with an interesting Q&A session.

    Maybe we should pay attention...

    Perhaps this guy has been listening.

    (7 minutes)


  • 9/11 - An Inside Story


    I remember 9/11.

    I was at work in Andover, Hampshire in the IT department when my attention was attracted to a group of colleagues clustered around a personal computer, apparently watching a film on the monitor, and I wondered why they were watching such a thing during working hours. So I went over to have a look.

    We watched as the World Trade Centre towers collapsed.

    It was half a world away but clearly of high import as a major disaster, but it wasn't until years later and after reading a book on the topic that I began to realise the likely true import - it was probably an inside job, and the "war on terror" that it kicked off was the deliberate objective.

    It was my introduction to the idea that false flag attacks were (probably) major tools of policy direction, used by somebody, somewhere, probably located in America.

    And that that somebody would stop at
