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The Unelected

  • Be Ye Never So High, The Law is Above You


    Martin Geddes is now making so much use of AI that his productivity of articles is hard to keep up with!

    Whether or not this particular article was AI-enabled, it is admirably laid out and clearly explains the precise alleged infractions of the law that pertain to the way that the case against him has been handled.

    Now one might think that this is in point of fact a pretty trivial case, so pay up shut up and get on with life - but that isn't so. If the police themselves are not operating lawfully then that really is a very serious issue, and they need to be taken to task.

    Martin has documented the whole argument very thoroughly and provided copy of his responses - I don't doubt that anybody in similar

  • DOGE to Chase Exploding Gains


    Elon Musk's DOGE is showing how to deal with those on the take.

    As part of its investigations into Government Efficiency it will investigate those who have somehow appeared to acquire huge wealth despite being on salaries that could not have produced such wealth.

    Now it's quite possible these days to buy and sell crypto (Bitcoin for example) at precisely the right time, and make a fortune, but it's not exactly commonplace.

    So employees of agencies which misspent government funds, and who appear to have acquired wealth beyond scope of salary, would, bearing in mind the public interest, seem to have little potential for any automatic benefit of the doubt, and should be nicely asked to account for their good fortune. As always, they do not have to comply with a polite request if they do not so wish, but those who have good explanations could set the investigators minds at rest. The burden of proof still rests with any potential

  • If the People Disagree With the Rulers, Change the People


    Sacré Bleu! 

    Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, mais pas de Démocratie?

    How does that work?

    Is this the French Revolution Mk II?  Will the tumbrils roll again, will Madame la Guillotine resume her tidy work? Will Madame Defarge knit pour la France again?

    The French may be about to find out - Le Grand Remplacement is out in the open.

    "We are destined to be a Creole nation and so much the better!"

    "... the new immigrants need to heal France from the wounds of racism"

    I wonder how this healing process is intended to work?

    Ah yes, of course,no irony here, only white people (except lefty politicians such as Jean-Luc Mélenchon who

  • And We Thought America Was Bad


    Whilst America is having its Trump-Musk moment, with consequences that we await as they turn out, Americans are apparently now joined by hysteria against the "Far Right" in Germany, where the Left seems to be paranoid about the AfD and other dreadful right-wing (erstwhile centre-right) parties gaining enough ground to push the sainted Left to the sidelines.

    That of course is seen as a totally undemocratic outcome.

    "Over half of all Germans now find themselves on “the right” and urgently require democratic reeducation"

    By this account half the country is on the streets protesting against the popular mood...    how that works is neither obvious nor likely legal.

    "All of the absurdities of the past twenty years will begin to crumble as parliamentary majorities can no longer be found to support them"

  • David Starkey Analyses the State of Britain Today


    "Here is a man who has never read anything apart from a legal textbook, and an Arsenal Programme"

    This may start a bit slowly, but David Starkey makes an interesting and perceptive analysis of our current state/State, and clearly puts across the value of our (now neglected) historical heritage - we don't know what we have until it's been lost.

    "... we f****ed up partly because we became 'experts'... "

    Expertise in a narrow field is no substitute for breadth of knowledge and experience.

    He gives us much to think about, and in the process, helps us realise that what we as a society now lack is the influential wisdom of experienced and knowledgeable elders - we no longer value the depth of understanding that such aldermen (using the word in its historical sense) should bring to our new and upcoming

  • USAID (and more) Explained


    USAID is much in the news as the Trump Administration sets about righting the federal ship of state, and America and the world finds out what has been going on, seemingly for ever.

    So what is it all about?

    Well, it's a bit wider than merely USAID...

    Scott Ritter paints the picture. Listen up!

    (49 minutes)


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  • QAI - Q According to AI


    The "QANON Conspiracy" has been the subject of much mis/dis/mal-information over recent years, and Blighty's own Martin Geddes was in the forefront of checking out the Q phenomenon in the early days.

    Here he utilises the newfangled AI phenomenon to review the output of the Q "conspiracy theorists" and see what the "non-human intelligence" makes of it all in retrospect.

    "Now that years have passed since the peak of the Q movement and the media’s aggressive campaign against it, we can reassess how these articles hold up against unfolding events, new revelations, and the general trajectory of public discourse"

    Over to you.


  • USAID - Where Did the Money Go?


    Elon Musk's investigation of the USAID payees has been extraordinarily revealing, showing just where the resources have been directed - and apparently not toward the well-being of the average US citizen.

    If reports are to be believed, funds have been channelled through UN agencies and NGOs (and elsewhere), making USAID more akin to a slush fund for illegal activities everywhere.

    And yet...

    "Most of the money subsidizing these human-trafficking NGOs does not come from USAID, it's from the United Nations"

    The UK spent £12.79 billion on the UN's Official Development Assistance scheme in 2022 (including

  • ChatGPT - Conspiracy Theorist?


    All you wanted to know about the Great Awakening - but never thought to see from the AI...

    Martin Geddes' latest foray into the heart of the beast - and he comes up Trumps (so to speak)!

    "I cannot over-emphasise the impact of AI on my own ability to analyse situations, clarify communications, identify options, select strategies, and write documents. It is absolutely transformative"

    Is it for real?



  • The WHO is Just Doing Its Job


    The WHO is an exceptionally remote body that is exceptionally well-funded, and through its constitution is more or less obliged to do the bidding of Big Pharma.

    How so?

    "The WHO is funded by countries and non-state entities"

    " ... most of the budget is derived from voluntary funding provided by countries and private or corporate donors"

    "Nearly all voluntary funding is ‘specified’... WHO must do the funders’ bidding"

    "In response to its funders, the WHO has shifted focus to areas where large Pharma profits can be accrued"

    So in effect, he who pays the piper calls the tune.


  • AI to Reshape the Journalistic Landscape?


    Martin Geddes on "The Theology of Q" - with a little help from ChatGPT...

    ...  and neatly illustrating the differences between spirituality / divinity and theology / religion.

    Confused yet?

    Good - now include - well, I don't have a name for this, but we might choose "Social construction" or simply "Governmentalism", which is a bit like religion but relies on government dogma rather than religious dogma. It's religion for atheists if you like. It gives us the Green agenda, the UN Agendas, and just like theological religions, there could be as many varieties as you might find irreligious and unspiritual governments, and of course governments can mix and match from any dogmas they choose at any election, which makes for a moveable feast.

    Maybe each political party should publish its dogmas as well as its manifesto at election time, then we might have a better idea of what to expect?


  • What is the Truth?


    Following on from the earlier Brick in the Wall communication (which of course we all watched mulled and eventually fully understood), this video starts by reviewing the Trump "inauguration".

    "... they had to break that because there is no corporate and there is no spirit within the corporate..."

    "... unfortunately the general public is not aware of the joke... "

    Is nothing is as it appears?

    I suspect so. The style of delivery is demanding of his viewers, but if we want the truth we need to work at it, as it has been forever obscured beneath multiple layers of fiction.

    We are facing the deepest Challenge of the Assumptions! 

    Still, one can begin to piece together certain

  • Headless Chickens Rampant


    Are we living in an asylum run by the insane?

    After all, in recent years all the usual social and societal norms have been upended, even the rather longstanding biological differences associated with reproduction of the species (and not merely our own species!) have been declared both obsolete and changeable at will, despite the obvious difficulties and dangers of so doing and the consequent damage to the next generation.

    Of course the insane are still able to deploy cunning to advance their misguided objectives, which somehow always seem to involve the need to control others who may not be of their persuasion.

    Government may therefore be thought the natural habitat of the insane, being the only outfit legally authorised to deploy compulsion on

  • Earthquake Incoming to British Politics?


    For good or ill, change is sorely needed.

    But what kind of change?

    Well, there would seem to be only one candidate, a former scourge of the EU Commission, in the frame - Nigel Farage.

    A consummate politician who (a bit like Trump) appeals to the man in the street rather than to the political hacks and media pundits.

    So can "the Nigel" do for British politics what "the Donald" just did for the mighty United States?

    Importantly, can he manage as well as politic? Can he mould public opinion as well as reflect it?

    Can he outmanoeuvre the Sir Humphreys of this world and set Parliament back on track as the true representatives of their constituents who really do determine policy?

    One thing is for sure - if the Civil Service under his premiership retains its "untouchable" status,

  • Another (Far Out) View of Our Incoming Future


    Clif High lays out his personal view of how the power to control the planet may evolve over the coming year(s).

    If we think that the old World Order is somehow going to continue, then we may need to reconsider.

    This isn't to suggest that his apocalyptic vision is necessarily incoming either very soon or at all, but it does represent another part of the spectrum of possibilities that we may need to contend with. I judge Clif to be a very experienced guy who has knowledge and abilities well beyond the common man (although he doesn't kindly take prisoners!) so his views are likely worth noting, even if we consider both them and his style of presentation to be politically incorrect.


  • Fulford Report 27 Jan 2025 - Russia Russia Russia


    Given that much of what appears in the press can no longer be taken at face value, and every politician worthy of note (or not) seems to be working to a concealed agenda (or not), it's become more or less impossible to come to conclusions about what any one of them may be up to, let alone forecast how the whole may resolve to bring us our future.

    Especially given the breakneck speed at which the new Trump administration is breaking ground and breaking politicians such as presidents and prime ministers alike. It was hard enough to keep up before 20th January. 

    Let's just say that this is a time when we all need a certain amount of faith that the Universe has our best interests at heart.

    "Trust and verify" as used to be the motto of UN disarmament inspectors...

    This for what it may be worth is Ben's viewpoint that he feels able to release in public this week. Whether we agree with everything is up to us... 

  • Alberta Government Report: Covid Vaccines Not Shown to be Safe


    Legal processes are infamous for lack of rapidity, and it's clear that time is required to make proper investigations and ensure that the arguments are properly presented and logically resolved. When the outcome will affect people's lives, that much can be agreed upon and should be uncontroversial.

    It's a great shame therefore that the same thoroughness of approach was evidently not considered applicable to the Covid "pandemic" situation, when the WHO and all national authorities down to your local authority fell over themselves to introduce novel pandemic countermeasures not based on any previously accepted pandemic policies, and then to rush novel technology "vaccines" into the arms of everybody worldwide who could be persuaded or cajoled into accepting them.

    That those whose traditional function was to "speak truth unto power" and to "hold authorities to account" should have inverted those functions to uncritically support the authorities "come what may" was indeed a surprise, a surprise that

  • When is an Inquiry Not an Inquiry?


    A everybody no doubt realises, Baroness Hallett's "Covid Inquiry Module 4" hearings grind on, succumbing to handy confusions over terminology which would be unacceptable in a school debating society.

    Are the differences between Process 1 and Process 2 the same as the differences between Processes A and B?

    I suppose it depends on how closely and confidently you were able to attend and decipher the long and rambling question.

    "The inquiry has thus enabled a situation where the primary failing of the MHRA has apparently been denied. The truth can now be dismissed as yet another ‘conspiracy theory’ "

    Happily for us mere mortals, the Perseus Group (who they?) has form in questioning the response of the UK medical regulators to the Covid alleged pandemic, and

  • The Infinite Expansion of the Aberrant State


    Javier Milei addresses Davos, 2025 style.

    And as if that wasn't enough, a free extra bonus appearance by the new Boss, Donald J. Trump at 27 minutes.

    (70 minutes)


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  • SitRep 2025


    Here is one view of our situation as 2025 commences.

    Whilst much of this summary is true, it obviously doesn't cover everything that is going on.

    The truth is that no human being has a monopoly on the truth - we have to accept that, and work together to do what must be done.

    "... they need us on our knees, they need us begging... hopeless... powerless... completely dependent on them, and they will do whatever it takes to make that happen "

    It does appear so. "They" also need us isolated from each other, to prevent communication. If you are reading this, how well is that working?

    "... you need to do what you can with what you have where you are, to not just become the best possible version of yourself but to create a life that you are in charge of... "

    When push comes to shove, after we have made
