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Following on from our article Remember Remember 21st December, and in recognition of the imminence of that solstice date, we can highlight more information provided by the Bernician concerning the links between the defendants to his legal action and the world vaccine industry, plus associated philanthropic organisations.

The Defendants & their Gates Connections - 1

The Defendants & their Gates Connections - 2

The Defendants & their Gates Connections - 3

The Defendants & their Gates Connections - 4

See also the earlier articles:

A Summary of The Elements of Genocidal Pandemic Fraud

and just to demonstrate that the Bernician is not the only researcher in this subject area 

COVID–19: The Big Pharma players behind UK Government lockdown

Whilst these do not directly concern the primary charge envisaged in the private criminal prosecution, they do expose a history of connections material to the Covid-19 "pandemic", and are of great interest when considering why the UK and other governments were at considerable pains to promote vaccines (the first ever for a coronavirus - of the same family of viruses as the common cold) and to deny any prophylactic treatments (eg: Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine etc) that would have not only rendered the vaccines unnecessary, but would have actually made their use under an EAU (Emergency Use Authorisation) illegal.

(There are of course other articles on related topics on the Bernician's web-site, which for those so minded make interesting reading. Personally I find his site a bit confusing to navigate, but that's just my own churlish viewpoint.)

Taken in conjunction with the Defender article Journalist Paul Thacker Wins Prestigious Award for Exposing ‘Veiled Interests’ of ‘Expert’ Advisors on U.S., UK COVID Policy we begin to understand the stranglehold that the global vaccine industry does seem to have cultivated over our UK government, in not quite open defiance of all the usual conventions concerning the declaration and avoidance of exactly such conflicts of interest by holder of public office.