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I try not to get into the weeds on the merits of this or that squirm or turn, thinking that most of our readers prefer matters of more significance, but today we have a couple of contributions from Daily Sceptic that propose explanation/motivation behind the abysmal action.

First up Toby Young trying to tell us that there is nothing more behind it than buffoonery - but if that were so there must be a great many buffoons infesting the halls of government, possibly to the exclusion of all others.

"My conspiracy-minded friend thinks it’s all part of a worldwide plan. He believes that since March of last year the government has been doing the bidding of a small cabal of powerful billionaires who want to control the world’s population via vaccine passports and other bio-security measures"

"The problem with this theory is that the Government isn’t capable of planning something 48 hours in advance, let alone 21 months"

"... the chances of him [Boris] being enlisted in a global conspiracy by Bill Gates and his pals are vanishing to zero. That would be like planning a casino heist with Mr Bean"

It's not an impossible thesis, but it is wearing (in my jaundiced logical view) remarkably threadbare.

This is not by any stretch a problem limited to Boris' sphere of influence - almost all of Europe as well as the US and our offshoots "down under" are afflicted, even more than is the UK. The manner of execution may well be classic "Mr Bean" but the direction of travel is global.

Oh, and Boris is probably a puppet of the Dark Side anyway, as are all prime ministers and political leaders. Stand by for a switcheroo shortly. 

Why do we the public put up with all this nonsense?

Here the Daily Sceptic writer (Toby again) is on firmer ground, asking why the rules can be broken with relative impunity by the favoured elite (they might lose their jobs but only after making compensatory gains elsewhere if certain court cases are to be believed) whilst the rest of us are divided, muzzled, separated and generally downtrodden under the latest heap of fear-mongering spread around by the tabloids (my interpretations, not Toby's).

"people are not swayed by fact-based argument; they instead look for a prevailing moral norm"

Quite so.

We read the papers and we watch the box. We see Tony Blair (or whoever passes for leadership these days) emoting, and think that we should too.

Imitation is said to be the sincerest form of flattery.

Yet the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the bees are circling our fading cherry blossom (yes really - in December!) and people are STILL scared witless playing pandemics after two years?

So turn off the box, bin the newspapers, and see if our 'moral norm' has reconfigured itself in a week or two - we may be pleasantly surprised.