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This video is an edited concatenation of parts 9 and 10 of the Fall of the Cabal series by Janet Ossebaard. 

It's a useful summary of the state of world politics over recent years, and includes Janet's explanations of the Q phenomenon, Trump, and the global revolution that many believe to be currently under way - indeed, that may be about to reach a major milestone as the fiat financial and central banking system finally comes apart.

For a brief overview of how we got here, it's probably as good as it gets. It inevitably includes a great deal of speculation and deduction, some of which may be inaccurate ... and some of which is definitely outrageous ...  but could it be true?! Oh, and it suffers from some unfortunate (to my ears) 'background music' ... but heigh ho, it's the content that matters.

We can all pick and choose our truths, but it may be unwise to write the whole thing off altogether.