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It's like cycling in the hills - you crest one brow only to find another one looming right ahead. 

The UK has (we trust finally) won the formal battle to leave the EU. The almost terminal political indigestion this caused to our ruling elites of all stripes will not be forgotten.

Now we have a clear view of the medical technocracy mountain right ahead in the shape of the UN/WHO/IPCC seemingly bent on world domination, and we are to be vaccinated with ever decreasingly effective pharmaceutical inventions until either we, or the multitudinous Covid variants, die of old age or worse.

And we have multiple versions of passport control in preparation internationally to ensure our compliance.

The Campaign for an Independent Britain portrays this progression very nicely, noting a few of the guilty parties who were "economical with the actualité" (and who still are).

"... British politicians tried rather successfully to conceal the depth of the submission involved – and this was quite deliberate from the very early post war era"

"It just happened that I knew he was not telling the truth. Our family business had bought thousands of tons of milk powder from New Zealand for baby calf food over the years, and that would have to stop"

"So, in dealing with international organisations in future, we need to look behind the labels to see what their real objectives are ... The EU is not the only organisation which has a governing institution ... which is legally beyond democratic control"

"To achieve world government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family, tradition, national patriotism and religious dogmas"

The common factor of course is that both the EU and the UN are steps towards the elimination of meaningful democracy and the institution of de facto world "you will own nothing and be happy"  government, whether formally or informally instituted.

It is already apparent that the WHO is owned by big pharma, manufacturers of dubious "vaccines", purchased at vast cost by the world's crony governments and forced upon us by whatever means they can think of that won't actually have us up in arms.

Do these governments have a democratic mandate for this overbearing reaction? No, so they have manufactured those tried and tested bogeymen Fear Uncertainty and Doubt in industrial quantities, disseminating them far and wide through their controlled puppets in the mainstream media, to simply scare us all into submission.

The CIB has made a useful contribution to the debate. Long may it continue.