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Finally, it's on.

After months of preparation, the first legal steps toward bringing the alleged  miscreants to trial for their alleged Covid fraud on the British Isles and on the world are moving forward.

"In addition to the charges of fraud by false representation and non-disclosure, in material breaches of sections 2 and 3 of the Fraud Act 2006, we are informally applying for a declaration, under the inherent powers of the court, which states that autopsies are to be carried out for all alleged COVID deaths, which will be held as evidence in the forthcoming trial, on the ground that we have expert witness testimony of the falsification of death certificates, as per UK Government policy"

"We are also asking for a moratorium on the UK flu and COVID ‘vaccinations’ programmes to be declared for period of at least 90 days, in order to definitively establish whether it is COVID-19 or ‘vaccines’ that are killing people at a minimum mortality rate of 377 per 100,000 healthy adults, as per the leaked WHO approved ‘vaccine’ safety study which we are adducing into evidence"

Read all about it!

For more details, listen to the recent podcast.

19 April Update

PCP Set To Be Listed For Hearing At Bromley Magistrates Court