It's a habit that is hard to break, but there is little doubt that the USA has made much use of false flag attacks both at home and abroad in order to sway public opinion behind their plans for war.
From the assassination of President John F Kennedy (not covered in this video), through Pearl Harbour, through the 2001 attack on the Twin Towers that heralded the "War on Terror", to the present day, there are almost too many to list, and certainly too many to cover in this short video, but there are enough to paint the picture of a number of successive presidencies that were all in on the game, from Pearl Harbour right through to the 2014 Maidan revolution in the Ukraine that heralded the slow-burn War on Russia.
To my mind this narrative brings to the fore the true nature of the much vaunted (but never defined) "Special Relationship" between the UK and the USA, since (with the exception of the Vietnam war in which Harold Wilson declined to participate) the UK has supported all the resulting wars, either as an individual nation, or as a part of NATO, to the extent that it has been and remains difficult to determine whether the UK or the US was actually in the driving seat.
To those of us of a certain age much of this is old news, but our younger generations may not be so well versed ...
(59 minutes)
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